
Marvel: False God

Synopsis: As the [Avatar] of an Egyptian Goddess, earning powers similar to "Black Adam", the shrewd Enrique Nova starts his journey in this fuckfest that was Marvel Universe. Tags: Transported to Another World | Anti-Hero | Power Hungry | R-18 | Smut | Harem (?) -—- My Discord: https://discord.gg/GKWjj3ywZd

Master4thWall · ภาพยนตร์
54 Chs

52: The Tiger & The Phoenix (3)

Chapter 52: The Tiger & The Phoenix (3)

With eyes fiery red, the Phoenix stared deep into Enrique's silver pupils.

Enrique never expected to confront the goddamned Phoenix Force in this manner, not today anyway, but it was happening.

It was happening, and he had far from the upper hand. He could die today.

The aura around the room was thick, and neither Enrique nor Anna could move an inch of their bodies. Thanks to a telekinetic force that weighed tons, pressing down upon them.

What was it trying to do?

Was it trying to read his mind?

Enrique knew his 'blank' state wasn't entirely unreadable. The Great Weaver could read his surface thoughts.

But then again, the Great Weaver could only read his surface thoughts. She was well atoned in reading even the fate of the multiverse, so that much should not be surprising.

Compared to that, was the Phoenix in its base form enough to read his mind?

'Should I just shoot Heat Vision into her eyes?'

No. That's a bad idea. It's the fucking Phoenix Force that was in front of him. The personification of fire. How would it be hurt by a heat-related attack?

Anna in the back was gritting her teeth and her rage was clear. She didn't at all like seeing his forearm burning. It hurt for him too, but not that he could even scream, so he just held it in.

'So this is the face of true power?'

The Phoenix Force. The peak of each universe in the marvel multiverse. Was this it?

It felt… shallow.

Perhaps it was due to it being inside Jean, a human vessel? Enrique didn't feel fear. Or did this have something to do with his Tiger powers?

Looking again, wasn't he already in his beast form?

Suddenly, the phoenix pushed further into him. Enrique was no telepath, but this one he felt on the surface of his mind.

And that's when it happened. A pure black aura swept out of Enrique's arm and twirled with the fire energy that was pushing down on him.

Then, a natural reaction happened. When two opposing forces came face to face together, something loud and flashy was natural.

– Boom!

Void and Light met and burst just like that. A great shockwave force was generated between the two of them, and they both were shot backward to hit the wall and the door.

Enrique was the one to hit the door, breaking it and flying outside to hit the wall in the hallway.


When he found himself groaning while lying on his back, he realized he could move again.

This was a chance to run, so he tried to push himself to his feet. However, he was caught by surprise by someone who was standing right in the hallway.


Enrique exclaimed in surprise, seeing the man in a long black coat stare down at him with one eye. His other eye was covered by an eye patch, but even so, the shock was visible. However, he quickly hid it when Enrique greeted him.


"...Hi, it's Nick Fury. The Director of SHIELD."

Why the fuck was he here?

* * *

Asgardian God of Mischief, Loki had come down to earth.

Wielding Specter, the weapon that held the Mind Infinity Stone within it, Loki took down a SHIELD facility.

Now, Loki was threatening humanity with the grandiose goal to conquer the entire planet Earth.


Naturally, the director of SHIELD was losing his mind due to all this.

Fury barely escaped Loki earlier, but that cost him a few competent and important agents. Some died, and some were mind controlled by Loki to aid him in his conquest.

At this turn of problematic events, the Avengers initiative was the sole solution that Fury could think of. So, he started to execute the recruitment process for the prior-planned Avengers.

'Colson went to Stark. Romanoff went to Banner… Maybe I should have sent Hill here instead of myself?'

Standing in the hallway, Fury held back a shocked expression as he saw the strong Superhero on the floor.

Who did this?

Just then, the mutant professor of Xavier's School, Jean Grey walked out the door. The end of her hair was lit up by a fire, while her eyes too were fiery. Her cheeks were red for some reason, but it probably had something to do with fire too.


Fury was a few meters far from them, so the girl didn't see him in her weird state. Or maybe she just didn't care.

Either way, it allowed Fury to slowly reach out for his gun. He didn't know what was happening to her, but having met Jean before once, he knew this wasn't her normal self. She was under something and that something was so dangerous that Supernova was on the floor.

"Oh my~"

Before Fury could grab his gun and shoot, the weird Jean Grey dropped to sit on Enrique's lap. With him lying on the ground, she leaned over too close to his face.

"How strong, you turned me on. I couldn't get into your little mortal head at all… Anyhow, that explosion really did make me horny. That power of yours that you can't yet control, is very strong."

While Fury stood with a gun in his hand, Enrique was stunned on the floor, the weird Jean Grey leaned over... to kiss him deeply?


The kiss lasted a minute, moving much deeper and rougher over time. Fury grew more surprised when he saw Enrique's hands wrap around her butt to feel her nice and well.

Fury's eyelids twitched.

…Did he come at the wrong time? When these two were participating in some weird sexual play?

Was there no fight from the get-go?

The kiss ended and the girl raised her head up to look at Enrique. Her lips were glossy due to the saliva, and that made her look too alluring due to the light from her hair and eyes.

"A few decades, and you might just be worth a shot~ Goodbye, little darkness. Work hard and grow for me."

Enrique stared at her silently. A few decades? If that's a cosmic entity's calculator, it should be close to accurate.

'Then according to my plans that she isn't aware of, I suppose a few years should suffice.'

Enrique thought while the being stared down at him while smiling. Then, the light vanished from her hair and eyes, as the actual Jean Grey came back.


Her butt was still being groped hard, which took her a second to realize, but even so she was too shocked to move. That, and someone was watching them.

…Fury put the gun away and decided to leave for now. He decided to go wait in a car outside the school and allow these weird supers some alone time. To begin with, he only coincidentally saw Enrique enter the school when he was traveling by the school.

* * *

After the Phoenix left, Jean Grey was a flustered mess. Although the Phoenix was in control, Jean still shared the five senses. So she was a little shaken by all this.

However, she called them back into the office and pretended that it was just the Phoenix. Jean decided it was better to blame everything on that oddly horny cosmic being.

"I am really sorry, that must have been uncomfortable. The Phoenix never did this before, to anyone, so I can't say why it did this to you. But please accept my apologies."

"It's alright,"

Enrique waved it off, while Anna was silently hugging him.

This encounter hit Anna the hardest. She had a better idea of just how weak she was in the grand scheme of things. She couldn't even protect herself; less so try to save him too. Even with the power to have anyone's power, she was still so weak because she hesitated on stealing people's power permanently.

Her hug was tight around Enrique and he could feel her emotions. So he didn't say the few flirty lines he had in mind for Jean. It's better to console Anna as of right now.


Jean sighed while rubbing her temple.

"I know it'd be a far fetch to ask this after what just happened, but I do think it's better to put Anna in this school. If you're worried about Bobby or Cyclops, fear not as they are assigned to another school. It's just me as the professor, and a few other students who shouldn't have any bad relationship with Anna."

Enrique stared at her silently before nodding his head.

"I am not outright rejecting the offer, since I like you more now. Anyhow, I'll think about it. After what just happened today, it's entirely up to Anna where she wants to study."

"Huh? Like me more now…?"

While the glasses-wearing, acting nerd Jean Grey asked herself in a mutter, Enrique waved his hand and started to fly towards the window.

"Anyhow. Someone important should be waiting for me outside. If what I fear is true, then I and Anna will be quite busy soon. We'll talk more about this later. Goodbye."

Saying so, Enrique leaped out of the window with Anna in his grasp.

Only after they left did Jean realize the room was a mess, and the door was broken. That… wasn't a good sign, as a new exchange professor.




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