
Marvel: Exilir Rise of the Mutant empire

Who decides what is right and wrong. Is it the government who citizens who hunt by people for the crime of existing. Or the government who seek control and turn us into weapons. Or maybe it is the cosmic beings who find out suffering amusing. No, what decides this is power. I am Joshua Foley and I will becomes the monster which even the mighty celestials fear. ok, this is a rewrite of the first one. and one thing I want to make clear is that this book is dark I mean really dark. it is a book which I would like to present to sir Lucifer morningstar if I ever met him. so you can think about how much this book is dark. let me tell you burning people alive, killing the children in front of parents is a regular occurrence. mc has a very shity past. now he is mentally screwed and wants the mutant race to be above everyone even the celestials. he is not afraid to become the demon for achieving his goals. someone is in his way may the gods Nd stan have mercy. Because hell will feel like a heaven for them after mc will be done with them. you will know when you will read first chapter. disclaimer: I don't own marvel also guys I am also posting this book on royalroad.com

Edgelord666 · ภาพยนตร์
103 Chs

chapter 37

This week was exactly how I imagined it. Germany was in my palm. Full of paperwork. I become the benefactor of Germany and sooner my company will start the recruitment and all. 

On the 8th day, Sebastian returned from whatever he was doing.

Wait, what you are asking me why am I not using my pseudo telepathy on him to know what he was up to. Well, it's a pretty sentimental and foolish reason because I care about him and trusted him. He is the most important member of my family. He has the right to his privacy. And above all, I trust myself and my powers to get out of any situation. After all, if I didn't even trust and believe myself then how am I going to carve a path for the Elysians. 

" How were your endeavors, Sebastian. " Joshua asked the newly arrived Sebastian.

" They were great and If I say believe me this is something that you are gonna love and appreciate what is to come, Young master. You can say that this will be my best birthday present for you Young Master. " Sebastian said with a smile.

" Oh, Now I am excited. Tell me about them. " (J)

" Patience is a virtue." ( S )

" You will know when the time comes. For now, get ready for the circus. " 

" Btw are you sure that this Elysian will join us If he has such happy childhood as you say? Wouldn't he more likely Join that traitor Charles group as he doesn't share our hatred? " Sebastian asked as I fill him about the most important reason to come here. 

Kurt Wagner A.K.A. Nightcrawler 

An Elysian who has access to hell's dimension and is the son of one of the most powerful dark warlords in Hell Azazel and Mystique. 

Kurt Wagner is born with certain unusual physical characteristics, but his power of self-teleportation will not be emerging until he hits puberty. 

His physical mutations include indigo-colored velvety fur which allows him to become nearly invisible in shadows, two-toed feet, and three-fingered hands, yellow eyes, pointed ears, and a prehensile tail.

When Kurt was born a mob got to know about his existence and Mystique threw him in a well to save herself as she was weak due to the delivery. Azazel said the boy's father saved him and gave him to his lover and crony, Margali Szardos, to raise him. Margali took the baby to the small Bavarian circus where she worked as a fortune teller, as a cover for her activities as a sorceress. Wagner was never legally adopted by anyone, but he was raised by all the members of the circus, who had no prejudices against mutants. Margali acted as Kurt's unofficial foster mother.

Kurt grew up happily in the circus, and his two closest friends were Margali's son Stefan and daughter Jimaine.

Wagner has tremendous natural agility at his disposal, and by his adolescence, he has become the circus' star acrobat and aerial artist. Circus audiences assume that he is a normal-looking human wearing a devil-like costume.

" We are not here so that we can recruit him now. Do you know Sebastian that humans rarely learn from their mistakes? Their nature is always the same. I don't want to spoil anything for you but you will understand in the future what I mean. Time will come when he will know the true face of humanity. "

In the future some years later a Texas millionaire Arnos Jardine, who ran a large circus based in Florida, heard of the circus for which Wagner worked and bought it. Jardine intended to move its best acts into his American circus; however, he demanded that Wagner be placed in the circus' freak show. Jardine drugged him to prevent escape, but a young mutant child with the ability to sense other mutants helped Kurt escape. Appalled, Wagner left and made his way toward Winzeldorf, Germany, where his foster brother Stefan was. He discovered that Stefan had gone mad and brutally slain several children. (It has since been stated that Stefan did not actually go mad, but slew the children because he had recognized them as disguised demons.)[ When they were younger, Stefan made Kurt promise to kill him if he ever took an innocent life. Two nights after leaving the circus, Wagner would find Stefan and would fight with him, hoping to stop his rampage. In the course of the struggle, Stefan will die.

The villagers of Winzeldorf, who will assume from Kurt's appearance that he was the one who killed the children, will attack him. They were about to kill him when they were all psychically paralyzed by Professor Charles Xavier, who came to recruit Wagner into the X-Men. 

Now Joshua can't let Charles have him, can he? 

Joshua can change a brain in a way that it resists telepathy. He is here to do the same to Kurt so that when he will be at his lowest, he will be there to save him from the darkness.

" Sir, The car is ready." Random security guy. 

" I'll be outside in a moment. " 

" let's go, Sebastian. I have heard the circus has a new acrobat who dressed like a devil." 

A/n: your dear author here with Mil Tan. She needs a boyfriend and I said I will arrange it for her. So anyone who doesn't donate the powerstone will be her boyfriend and she will visit the said person in dreams. 

Inner maniacal laugh.

p.s. my fingers are numb right now. I also might release another chapter today.

Wanted to curse me click on the link
