

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

V3 Chapter 33 - Duel of Harlem 2 - S.H.I.E.L.D. at work



On a rooftop near Apollo theatre, Natasha Romanoff, still amazed by the scene she saw the boy pull off, hurriedly explained the situation to Fury whose furious shouts rang in her ear.


As she explained the situation to Fury she saw Hulk being sent flying into the building she was standing on, so she quickly made her escape to secure another vantage point.


Switching from one rooftop to another she watched the Duel between the two monsters that wreaked havoc all around until the Hulk took down the 'Abomination' that Emil Blonsky turned into.


And the whole mayhem that went on for the past half an hour finally settled down as 'The Hulk' took off from the scene leaving behind the unconscious perpetrator and General Ross.





JUNE 4th, 2010

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

New York

09:00 PM


Romanoff gave Fury her last briefing regarding the events in New York City.


"So you're saying all this chaos was caused because 'Emil Blonsky went rogue and turned himself into a monster to fight Hulk in a one-on-one fight?"

Fury asked for confirmation


"Yes sir, that is the conclusion I have come to from my investigation."

Natasha replied.


"And Samuel Sterns is dead?"

Questioned Fury.


"Yes, after Blonsky made his escape I tried to capture and bring him in but he resisted furiously and started turning green..."

Natasha said as she explained the death of Samuel Sterns.


"He started turning green and?"

Fury said as he prompted her to continue


"So I shot him in the head, Thrice."

Natasha said after a slight pause


"Why Thrice?"

Fury raised an eyebrow as he asked Natasha for a reason.


"To make sure he's dead and stays dead, I also set his body on fire just in case."

Natasha said as she explained her Modus Operandi.


"You made a good call, we don't want another incident of people turning green and rampaging around."

Fury said as he nodded his head and applauded her decision in his head.


"Thank you, sir."

Natasha replied happily to the positive response.


"So what happened to the fight?"

Asked Fury as he asked for further details of the event


"Bruce Banner was able to escape, but General Ross managed to capture Emil Blonsky, who now appears to be permanently mutated and looks like a 'deformed dinosaur', I have prepared the recorded footage for you to watch."

Said Natasha as she handed him a storage drive.


"Why did you not take any actions during this whole turn of events?"

Questioned Fury as he heard how the events turned out.


"With all due respect, Sir. I think the situation is too much for S.H.I.E.L.D. to handle currently. The situation has escalated since the incident with Obadiah Stane, Ivan Vanko and then the fight in Mexico. We and not messing with men, but with gods, monsters and machines of war....

..... And as much confidence I have in my skills, I think we are very underprepared for those kinds of new threats."

Natasha said as she explained her thoughts.


"Do you really believe so?"

Fury asked not appearing much surprised at her answer.


"Yes sir, We need to accept that we were outmatched, and we need to either fix that or stop pretending we can handle such situations."

continued Natasha.


"I agree, I will see what I can do. And what was the boy saving the little girl incident that you informed me about on the comms that had you so surprised?"

Fury agreeing with Natasha's opinion questioned about their prior communication.


"There was a little girl that was targeted by the 'Monster Emil Blonsky' and he threw a car at her I have the footage here..

As Natasha explained the cause she was interrupted by... 


"You won't happen to be talking about the video of the boy that pulled a damn crazy acrobatic manoeuvre to save a little girl from the monster raging on the streets of Manhattan would you?"

....the jubilant voice of Tony Stark as he entered the room.


"And how would you know about that?"

Asked Fury as he turned to look at the guest.


"How else? It's on TV."

Said Stark as he projected a screen on the empty wall showing the CCTV footage which recorded the scene of a car being thrown at a little girl and a boy jumping at the car in midair being propelled away and taking the girl with him saving her from being crushed.


Fury watched the video and then he asked Natasha to play the video she recorded.

After watching both videos he spoke to Natasha and said

"Send that video to the lab and ask them to analyse the boy's physical capacity and the damage he took. Also, send someone to ID that boy, I want all the information about him."


"Meanwhile, Stark I want you to keep this video from spreading as much as you can."

Fury said as he turned back to Stark.


"Why? The guy's a hero, he deserves some fame!"

Said Tony questioning Fury's decisions


"Yes, he does. But we do not want people to come after his life and his survival takes precedence over his 10 minutes of fame."

Fury explained to Stark


"Got it."

Said Stark as he turned serious.


"So, why didn't you go to the scene of the fight?"

Fury asked Stark.


"After what happened on the 31st, my suits were out of commission and by the time I could prepare an alternative the battle was already over."

Tony explained the reasons for his absence.


"I guess it can't be helped then."

Fury agreed accepting his predicament.


"Yes, I've decided to expand my wardrobe and build some backups now."

Said Tony muttering to himself.


"Good luck with that, now close the door as you leave, I have a meeting to attend to."

The spy chief said as he pointed to Tony to be on his way.


After seeing off Tony Stark, Nick Fury called the World Security Council to discuss a petition about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new budgetary allocations, that would increase the funding for the agency, expand the jurisdiction of its agents and augment Fury's strategic authority.


Asking if the reason for this was any significant progress with the Tesseract, Fury answered that he hadn't accomplished anything regarding it, as he was busy with other matters.


He explained how they helped Tony Stark, S.H.I.E.L.D. saved his life and provided guidance in finishing Howard Stark's work, creating a new element that could be extremely useful in reigniting the Tesseract.


Regarding the alien object discovered in New Mexico, S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to create an alliance with Thor, an extraterrestrial coming from the same planet as the Tesseract, they took custody of a weaponized armour known as the Destroyer, and they enlisted an astrophysicist Erik Selvig to study the Tesseract.


Pertaining to Bruce Banner, during the Manhattan clash S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to run interference and prevent General Thaddeus Ross' actions to lead into the destruction of New York City, an incident provoked by Ross' access to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s classified information.


And regarding the search for Captain America, Fury said they found some clues.


Fury finished his exposition by acknowledging that the world was getting more dangerous, but he and his people were better suited to protect it, and they only needed the means to do it.


The World Security Council agreed with the budgetary allocations and ended the call.


Fury thanked Romanoff in his head, as she acted as his lucky charm because he made half a dozen calls similar to the last one, but this was the only one where the Council actually listened to him.


Fury hoped his demands were enough to fulfil his purpose, as he didn't want to be caught off-guard like the last few days ever again.