
Chapter 6

Sitting on Jax's desk was his Villain Starter Pack, and his Deathstroke Holocron, each was a powerful boon that will change his life forever. Not sure which one to open first, Jax just took a plunge and opened the top to the Starter Pack, which shot out confetti and a little tune like it was a videogame.

As soon as the confetti was shot, the box disappeared, and left behind were a black, non-descript bank card, a suspicious looking blue and white pill, a black tablet, and a burner flip phone. On the ground in front of the desk was a neatly folded black outfit with an dark purple and black helmet on top and dark purple gloves and boots beside it.

Jax was so giddy, he didn't know what to try first, but wanted to make a smart decision, so he grabbed the pill he assumed would give him his genius level intellect, and swallowed it. After feeling nothing for a short bit, and wondering if God cheated him, a splitting pain assaulted Jax's mind, and he felt as though his brain was forcibly being expanded at a torturous rate, forcing him to his bed in pain.

After what felt like forever of bearing through the pain, the headache finally subsided, and Jax felt like he was now thinking in 4K, when he was barely thinking at 480p earlier. With his new intellect, Jax decided that it was the right decision to make himself smarter before he started messing with everything, and praised his previous self for not screwing up.

Looking at his new outfit, Jax quickly checked that the door to his room was locked before he donned his new outfit for the first time. Now wearing the full outfit, Jax looked in the mirror, and felt that he looked okay, but knew that he could look so much better.

The helmet heavily resembled Wolverine's half mask helmet, only Jax's helmet was dark purple and black, and covered his entire face. The suit looked more like an armored motorcycle suit, but it still looked durable and pretty cool with it's black color and dark purple accents. He wasn't sure it would stop a bullet, but with his Healing Factor, he wasn't too worried about it. The gloves and the steel toed boots were both dark purple and weren't anything to write home about design wise.

All in all, Jax's new outfit was decent, but was only a stepping stone to his future greatness.

Next, Jax left the house real quick and ran to the nearest ATM. Before stepping near the ATM, Jax placed a Shroud over his face, and then stepped forward. He knew that ATMs had cameras and didn't want to risk his image being taken if his card gets flagged.

Inserting the card, Jax strangely knew the pin already and put it in. After a few more clicks, Jax finally knew how much money came in the Basic Villains Starter Pack. $50,000,000. Jax quickly closed the screen and looked around to make sure nobody saw how much money he had. Rushing back home, Jax sat on his bed stunned, as at that moment, he was officially a millionaire.

Allowing himself time to process the full amount, and then continue on with the next step. Next, Jax turned on the tablet and found that it was only able to run one app called, Basic Lair Builder. With no place to use the builder, Jax put the tablet in his inventory and moved on to the next thing.

The last item was the burner phone Jax assumed will summon his 10 followers, but just like the lair builder, Jax had no current need for them, so he stored the phone in his inventory as well. Even with his genius level intellect he didn't know what he could do with 10 unexplainable minions or a lair at the moment, so it would only cause trouble.

At the very least, now Jax was super rich and was a genius, and the first thing he wanted to do, was study. Searching through the internet, Jax decided to focus on three things at the moment. The rest of his school curriculum in case he wants to graduate early one day, nano technology, and robotics.

Yes, it's somewhat of a cliche of some villains wheelhouse, but at the end of the day, this is a modern world of science. So if you want to stay ahead of the game in this world, it's with technology. Just look at the Sentinels for example.

After a few hours, Jax had his entire school curriculum mastered, though it was less of him being a genius and more of him passing highschool in his past life, making all of this just a refresher.

After that, he began his study into robotics, and this is where his new intellect comes in, as just by reading the initial material, Jax knew that he would've already tossed his computer across the room in frustration.

And what's more, there was so much more involved in robotics than he initially thought, helping him learn even more skills like coding, critical and creative thinking, and engineering. Jax even wondered if he should build his own A.I like Tony Stark did, but decided to shelf the idea for now.

After a few hours of delving into his study, a voice appeared in his head that made him break out in a cold sweat. "Oho, so you actually have the balls to sit there and make me wait for you. I have to say, I admire your bravery, but it is still a foolish decision nonetheless." said Deathstroke as the Holocron shined even brighter.

Scrambling from his seat, Jax rushed to the fist-sized Holocron, and held it in his hands, trying to find a way to quickly open it before the angered Deathstroke even more. Jax wasn't quite sure what Deathstroke could necessarily do to him from inside the Holocron, but Jax wasn't interested in testing the man who could piece up both Superman and Batman, and still act like it's a regular Tuesday.

As he was fiddling with the Holocron, Jax got the idea to pump his darkness inside, and surprisingly, it worked! Quickly setting the Holocron on the desk and stepping back, even with his genius level intellect, Jax was still stunned as he watched Deathstroke emerge as an ethereal projection, but still somehow seemed alive, like he was flesh and blood. The Holocron was always powerful and mysterious in the universe of Star Wars, and now he had one containing Deathstroke right in front of him.

'What would happen if I study the Holocron? Would I be able to replicate it without using the force? What galactic technology could I learn to make me stronger in this world?' Jax asked himself as he eyed the Holocron greedily before looking back at Deathstroke in awe.

Knowing that he had already displeased Deathstroke slightly, Jax threw any kind of delusions of an ego away, and fell to one knee before Deathstroke as he bowed his head. "I apologize for my foolishness in not summoning you earlier, Master Deathstroke. I have no excuse for my blunder, but I humbly ask for your forgiveness." Jax plead quickly and clearly. Deathstroke's knowledge is too invaluable to risk not obtaining it just to flaunt some misguided ego.

Deathstroke stood silently for a while, observing Jax until he nodded his head, apparently satisfied.

"Good, it seems that I won't need to beat some respect into you. Let's make this simple. I have found you to be a worthy successor to pass my knowledge to. I will train you, impart my wisdom onto you, making you capable to stand against any foe, even if it's that insufferable Superman. But, this space will not do." Deathstroke said, looking around the small room displeased.

"I have been watching you. Our training will draw too much negative attention if performed here. No, before we can begin, you will need to find a suitable area where we will not be disturbed. Preferably in an abandoned, desolate area without too many eyes. I will be watching until then." Deathstroke said, his form retracting back into the Holocron.

'Damn, so it looks like I need to go house hunting. Manhattan is rather developed, so there aren't really any abandoned places here. Hmm, Brooklyn is too far to be convenient, as is the Bronx. Hmm, then if I can't find anything here, Queens it is!' Jax thought to himself as he quickly hopped on the computer to begin his search.

Luckily, a few hours after searching and being indecisive, Jax finally found a place! The only thing is, it's a warehouse in East Harlem that looks to be in a somewhat sketchy neighborhood. With no other choice, Jax contacted the seller and agreed to meet in person to discuss payment that night.

Now, you might think meeting them in East Harlem in person in the middle of the night to pay upwards of a few million dollars sounds like a horrible idea, and you'd be right, if we were talking about a normal person.

Jax is nearly impossible to kill at this point, and has his inventory to keep his money if anything bad happens. Plus, he already placed a Mark on his room, so if he can find a dark place, which he will in the nighttime, he can just safely teleport back home. Plus, this will give him a chance to wear his new uniform and live out a childhood fantasy of his.

Quickly wearing the armor set and looking in the mirror one last time, before he used his super hearing to listen for his mother snoring, and then teleported from the room.

Running, jumping, and teleporting across the rooftops was surreal. It was like every superhero fans dream to move like this, especially after watching Spiderman, who Jax calculated should be going through his change about now. Jax had been trying to learn how to fly, since that was one of his mother's abilities, but he has had no luck so far, and has nearly resolved that he just didn't get all of her powers. If anything, he'll just make a flight system into his suit like Ironman did.

A while later, Jax stood on the rooftop across from the building he was hoping to buy today, and nothing seemed off so far. There was one red sedan at the front of the warehouse and only two people, a middle aged man and a teenage girl, inside of the warehouse, which was outside of the original plan but still manageable.

Leaping to the other building, and quickly traversing down, Jax heard the two people conversation and suddenly grew an understanding of the situation.

"So, tell me why we're risking our lives to sell an old warehouse at the middle of the night in East Harlem?" asked the girl in a condescending tone.

"Because this is our last chance, Kim. It's impossible to do any business in this city with those thugs in suits making it hard for us little guys to get our start. James Family Realty is through, Kimmy. This is the only offer for any of my properties in months. If we can close this deal, we can make enough for us to start over someplace new." the man sad solemnly.

Seemingly frustrated at the situation, the girl just let's out a heavy breath and crosses her arms as they wait for Jax to arrive.

Not wanting to take any chances, Jax reads their surface thoughts, and find that this father and daughter duo truly are in a bad way with a failed realty company. But to Jax, one man's misfortune could become a fortuitous opportunity for him. And after listening to these two, Jax thought up a new idea which can help him make even more money.

With no other reason to stall, Jax jumped down quietly in a dark corner, walked slightly into the light, and called out to them. But, a saving grace that Jax didn't realize until he was almost there, was the voice changer that came equipped with his helmet.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I always choose to air on the side of caution with these deals. But, let's get down to business. On the website you're asking for 3 million for this location, correct?" Jax asked, startling the two sellers, as they spin around and barely spot Jax in the dark.

'How did he get past us?! We're facing the only entrance!' the man thought to himself in a slight panic.

"Yeah, and we're not going any lower than that, you hear me?!" the girl yelled in an unruly voice before her father pulled her away to chastise her.

"Cute." Jax said casually, but you could hear the displeasure in his tone. Jax hate loud, and unruly people, and this girl was pushing her limits.

"I'm sorry..." the man said, clearly fishing for a way to address Jax.

"Shade. You can call me Shade." Jax said offhandedly after he quickly thought up a name.

"... right. Well, Mr. Shade, I apologize on my daughter's behalf, she gets like this when she gets hungry, sleepy, confused, huh, well anyway, I apologize. And yes, this warehouse is listed for 3 million, and unfortunately, I'm not able to lower the price any more, or I won't make any profit." the man apologized sincerely.

"I think you have a misunderstanding. The price isn't an issue, but the paperwork is. I'll cut to the chase, due to extenuating circumstances, I am unable to show my face. So, I would like this warehouse to be purchased under my apprentice's name, the only thing is, He's currently 16. Are you following here?"

Hearing this, the man grew a complicated face. Right when he is able to make a sale, the buyer asks him to do something highly illegal and frowned upon. "I'm sorry to disappoint you sir, but it's not legally possible for a minor to own commercial property like this, especially second hand. I'm afraid I won't be of any help." the man said regretfully. He actually knew of me a way, but it was highly fried upon and could end up with him in trouble.

"Hmm, I wonder about that. I am not new to the world, and I know that for the right amount, anything is possible. Hmm, how about 5 million cash, right now, plus, I'll buy your company and allow you to run it as CEO. You won't have any more money problems or extra worries. How does that sound?" Jax said, using Telepathy to plant the suggestion to follow and obey him in the father's mind.

Jax has yet to test this ability before this, but judging from the man nodding profusely with tears in his eyes, Jax figured he was successful. Was it shitty to use Telepathy to force a business deal, perhaps. But this isn't some happy go lucky world where everyone or everything was perfect. Jax was prepared to do whatever he had to in order to secure a good life for himself and those he loved and cared about.

Shortly after that, Jax was short a few million dollars and was the official owner of the dilapidated, broken down warehouse. Yes, it needed a lot of work, but that's what Jax suspected how the Lair Builder will come in handy.

But before he started any experimenting with the Lair Builder, he looked at the time and realized he needed to rush home before he got caught. So, with his new keys, and after placing a Mark in the warehouse, Jax did his first long distance teleportation and appeared back in his bedroom. Quickly listening for his mom, Jax let out a sigh of relief to find that she was still soundly sleeping, just like he was about to.

Little did Jax know, was that in the next few days would be the start of a chaotic period in his life.