
Marvel: Clone Master.

Disclaimer: I say, I am the author-sama, I concede that I do not own Marvel or any brand that is involved in this story, everything is completely fictional and any resemblance is merely coincidental, so I don't want lawsuits, thank you. Slow Development

Winter_Wolf_1646 · ภาพยนตร์
7 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening.

In a relatively old house in Queens, New York.

"Nnom nom nom.. Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!.. more, I need more!" Nikolai said looking around his kitchen and turning to the fridge, you can see it's completely empty, as if a horde of hungry orcs had arrived.

"Food... nutrients... I need... nutrients..."

Nikolai said as he searched for anything he could eat, luckily he's not a fan of pets, otherwise…

An hour later, when Nikolai finished with literally everything in the house, he even devoured the box of cereal that had been sitting in the pantry for months and the packets of instant soup he found in the back of the kitchen cabinet. , he felt a little more satisfied.

But the reality was that he was still hungry and had no energy to go out looking for something else, so he fell on his bed.

His haggard face showed the suffering he went through in the last month.

This is Nikolai Petrov Smith, a Russian-American born in New York, his parents died 6 years ago in a car accident, and since then, life has become a gamble, but that's not the truth, his name is really Nikolai, but he is a transmigrator, he transmigrated to this world two months ago.

At first, he was excited to find out that he was in the Marvel universe in 2003, but unfortunately, he was diagnosed with a disease that will consume him to death, he was discharged a week ago to spend his last days as he pleased, but that is impossible, the disease did not allow him at all, with despair on his face, he could only continue to hold on as best he could.

The strange illness made him feel infinite hunger, the intense itching tormented him to the point of not being able to sleep, and on top of that, he began to have hallucinations.

He slowly fell into a deep sleep, of course, he knows what this means, so he didn't forget to wish for himself better luck in the next life.

And so, Nikolai Petrov Smith, son of Martha Smith and Ivan Petrov, should have died...unfortunately, fate has more plans for him.

Nikolai's skin began to throb and sarcomas built up on his skin, slowly, the bulge growing larger and larger, to the point of tearing through his clothing and growing to the size of a grown man.

~Next day~

Nikolai woke up with a yawn.

Wiping his eyes with his hand, he slowly turned his face toward the edge of the bed, but what he saw terrified him to the core.

"Ahh!..W-Who the hell are you!?" Then, Nikolai looked at his body and realized that his clothes are completely torn, there is even blood on the white sheets, Nikolai turned pale.

Nikolai's face was filled with black lines, he could only give condolences to him and slowly covered the private part of him.

With tears in the corner of his eyes, Nikolai screamed. "Wake up bastard! I want to know who you are! You... you!" anger spilled from his face.

"Mm...Mother?.." a voice came from the guy next to him.

Nikolai was immediately enraged.

"Mother? Who is your mother, you bastard!" At that moment, Nikolai came to his senses and immediately jumped on the bastard who stole his precious chastity, raising his fist in the air, he suddenly realized something.

This guy.. if he's not mistaken, he's the same?!

"You... who are you, why do you have that face..." Nikolai asked in a daze but still didn't dare to let go of his neck, hmph, in the Marvel world, there is no lack of black technologies capable of changing your appearance completely, Not to mention those superpowered existences.

"I don't have a name... but it's me and you're the main mother." the guy said.

"Mother? What the hell are you talking about, I'm obviously a man, how the hell can I be your mother!?" Nikolai said, growing angry again as he remembered what happened.

This guy, after doing "it", still has the nerve to gamble and lie indiscriminately.

"Like I said, if the mother has doubts, just..." he said pointing his head.

"Mm... my brain? What are you..." Before he could finish his question, a wave of information washed over his mind.

This guy is his clone or doppelganger, he inherits all his abilities and can think for himself, but he is absolutely loyal to his mother, Nikolai.

According to his memories, he can still create 9 more clones, after which he must unlock his genetic code, which requires a huge amount of nutrients and energy.

But this is not the most crucial thing, what is truly important is... he has a hive mind, the split clone can obtain his memories and knowledge, just as he can, the best, now he has a great capacity to retain information, you can say that you only need to read a math book twice to fully learn its content, it is also capable of creating its own formulas from what it has learned, so is not just an human USB.

As he digested the information, he slowly released his grip on the clone and let go, the clone quickly left the room after grabbing some clothes and a black windbreaker along with a cap from the closet.

Nikolai completely ignored this as his mind completely digested the contents in his brain.

After half an hour, Nikolai came down from his room with a smile from ear to ear, not only did he survive an early death, but he also gained an ability or golden finger as some people call it.

When Nikolai came downstairs, a sweet scent filling his nostrils, Nikolai followed quickly like a bee to honey.

In the kitchen he found his clone stirring the pan like a pro, after finishing this portion he went on to the next and so on, all very fluid and rhythmic, from time to time, he stopped to look at the old screen on the side, where the recipe is displayed.

Nikolai didn't have to wait long, as the clone quickly came over with two plates and served them both.

Nikolai took the spoon hesitantly, after all, he was never a great chef, so he doesn't have high expectations.

He slowly brought the spoon to his mouth hoping it wasn't unbearable.


Suddenly, Nikolai's eyes widened, impossible, it is really good, even comparable to the food prepared by his mother, who was a chef in a small restaurant.

If he didn't know better, he'd think his mother really came back from the dead to do it.

After devouring everything completely, he turned to his clone, who finished eating silently.

Nikolai asked at that moment. "Tell me, how did you manage to do it so well?"

The clone just saw it and said lightly. "Videos online."

'Online videos?'

Of course, Nikolai saw it before, but that's one thing and that's another, it should be impossible right?

Immediately Nikolai remembered that he can check it.

Suddenly Nikolai's mind went into a hive mind state, it's like a big supernova like a network of neurons, but currently, there is only one connection, that should be his clone.

He quickly accessed his mind and downloaded it, after all the information was return to himself, he just sighed.

Amazing, they can actually learn in such a terrifying way and even put their own twists on what they learn.

But now he also has this ability, but this is not really important, now he only has one clone, what happens next, when he has 10 clones, or 100 and even thousands of clones under his command?

Nikolai just chuckled with excitement for the future and looked at his first clone who carried the dishes to be washed like a treasure.

The future will be bright!