
Marvel's Red Winter

The Red Room, birthplace of Natalia Romanoff and many others. It is also the place where others had gone to be produced as the greatest assassins that the world has ever seen. One such individual was part of a secret project made by Hydra to replicate the Super Soldier Serum. It was meant to enhance the human ability to adapt, no living test subject could survive. Only a newborn babe could survive the procedure, and survived he did. This is how the world's most deadliest human being was born, this is how the Red Winter lived...

HectorX · ภาพยนตร์
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Red was intriguing to Loki, he found the Midgardian to be enjoyable to watch. He was skilled, an opportunist, and thoughtful. The God of Mischief hoped that he could buy the man's loyalty, to gain a valuable ally. Though he failed to understand an important fact about Red Winter. The assassin was no one's puppets, he has already gone down that path both willingly and not. At the moment, Red was processing a few bits and pieces of information before something came to mind. This was obviously a trap meant to get the Avengers to lower their guards or turn against each other. To do that Loki would need a single member to make the others fall apart. Red was not a member, only a hired hand meant to get the job done. That means the only other person capable of the Domino Effect would be...Bruce Banner.

Just as Red came to that conclusion, he realized that at this moment that the Avengers were unreliable. They had played right into Loki's hands, and he would need help. He wasn't in it to get recognition or to hecone a hero. The life of heroes were never rewarding, never good, and always getting worse. He tried it once...and that one time would be enough for a lifetime's worth of anguish and pain. So he took out a device from behind his utility belt, then pressed the button on it. It began to turn flash red, and just as it did he put it away before anyone could see it. Whatever he had just did guaranteed that the the world would be saved, though the Avengers would most likely dislike who will turn up once they arrived. Red glanced over to find Natalia approaching, she held a serious look about her. It seemed as if something had happened, though the assassin figured that she most likely figured out what Loki's plan was. She was always good at getting people to divulge information to her, after all he was the one who taught her that. "Come on, Loki plans to use Banner against us." She stated then turned and walked off, not wanting to her anything from him.

Red raised a brow underneath his mask, then eventually began to walk after her. Though he gave her a wide berth since he wasn't all too sure that this was a trap to lure him in. As they arrived at Banner's lab, argument could be heard inside of the room. Red semi-entered, he leaned his shoulder against the doorframe and folded his arms over his chest. The words and accusations being thrown at each other was mildly hilarious. These were the people that Nick Fury wanted to work together, if truly wanted a team he showed have introduced them to each other quite early on. Unfortunately, he chose to wait and now he will weep what he sow. It wouldn't be long before Fury pointed two fingers at Red and Thor. "Because of them...", He accused, "The world is becoming far more dangerous, getting populated by people who are unmatched, who can't be beaten. Especially Winter, no offense but you've been public enemy number one for decades." Red said nothing, finding the excuse valid and understandable for the most part. That said, it didn't mean that he wasn't aware of a few Shield Projects. His little device on Tony's console was secretly stealing data so that he could use it later. That said, he wouldn't divulge that information out since it was both confidential and only for him to know.

Red watched as the Avengers went back into their arguments, he would say nothing because there was nothing to say. That was when he felt something trying to coerce him into joining the debate. He furrowed his brows, then locked onto the source of this. Now he was beginning to realize how Loki was going to try and unleash the beast within Banner. Red could sit and watch the chaos unfold, but he didn't want to since he was stuck on this vessel with them for the time being. So, the assassin moved off the doorframe and subtly walked over to Loki's Scepter. He paused once he drew near it, feeling the stone within it focus directly on him. This caused his body to tense up, he felt as if someone was trying to dominate his mind. This continued as he strained himself to reach forward, and grasp the scepter. Everyone's words seemed to just go into mumbles, he could tell that they were saying something to him. That said Red couldn't hear them, their words become mush until he could hear nothing at all. Now he stood before an alien on a desolate rock. They looked hideous, as well as manipulative to some degree. There was a grotesque grin upon their face as they opened their mouth to speak.

"To see a primitive ape able to halt the stone's power for a time is fascinating", the alien remarked, "However, your mental prowess is nothing compared to mine. I will use you to sow even more distrust with the rest of your allies. Before long, you and all whom you hold deal will know my master's generosity." As the alien spoke, Red felt the domination of his mind becoming less and less. The effects of the stone were being pushed out of his mind. The assassin smirked beneath his mask as he held up the scepter very slowly. The alien's eyes furrowed in confusion, he wasn't expecting the human to move. Then with but a slow gesture, he pointed the scepter at the alien. "Having the ability to speak, does not equal intelligence." Red said, feeling the affects of the stone lessen greatly now. The alien just now realized what had happened, while he was mocking Red. The assassin had already been conversing with something else, someone else. 'You. Are. Strong', A million voices whispered into Red's mind, 'You. Are. Worthy!' Just like that, the stone exploded out of the blue shell that it was in, signifying the connection between the alien and it broken. Red found the explosion blinding and closed his eyes, when he next opened them, he was back in Banner's lab hearing shouts behind him. "PUT THE SCEPTER DOWN NOW!" Natalia shouted, having her gun drawn on him.

Red glanced back at her then slowly turned around, all eyes were on him as he had the scepter in hand. They clearly hadn't realized what had happened, Red wasn't in any mood to explain, but he did so by actions alone. Red held the scepter up, then with some effort plucked the blue stone out of it's tip. He held the gem in his hand and found that it was cool, even through his gloved hand. "Red Winter-" Before Fury could finish, the blue shell around the yellow gem blue apart, revealing what was inside. The first to realize what it was, was the God of Thunder himself who had a look of amazement upon him. "An Infinity Stone!" He exclaimed, and before questions could be asked, an explosion went off. It sent the group off their feet, although Red made sure to keep a tight grip on the stone. He didn't know what it was, but he felt that it did not want to leave from his grasp. It told him so, in it's point of view, he was worthy to wield it. The Avengers immediately put their differences to the side and went to work on saving the Helicarrier. Red however halted his advance to do anything then realized something. Natalia and Banner were missing, if that explosion triggered- As soon as Red reached that conclusion he heard an inhuman roar.

Red narrowed his eyes and weighed his options, he could go after Loki and finish this before it gets out of hand. Or, he could save someone from his past who doesn't remember him. Red looked down at the device that he had turned on, and saw that there were 4 symbols lighting up read. Not long after, an "S" symbol became emerald green. Everything around Red seemed to pause for a moment. As if the world around him went black, though that was just in his mind. He wasn't expecting this to happen, he immediately pressed a finger to the side of his mask opening a private channel. He waited for a several long moments before he heard a voice he knew all too well. "You when you said that you wouldn't need us, I actually thought that you were telling the truth", a male voice stated with a hint of sarcasm", Even so, friends don't leave anyone behind. I'm on my way, where do you need me boss?" Red felt a smile begin to form under his mask as he started to head after Loki. "Just follow the sounds of roaring." He responded, then drew one of his Desert Eagles and one of his Ninjatōs. Gunshots could be heard across the Helicarrier as it was slowly descending to the sea.

The Hulk was going on a rampage through the Helicarrier, trying to catch Natalia. When he finally caught up to her and swatted her to the side, she felt the end had come. The green beast raised a hand to finish her, before the God of Thunder came rocketing forward and tackling Hulk through a wall. With this, the God of Thunder and the Raging Beast of Anger began their bout. Of course, Thor tried to reason with the Hulk, but found that speaking Banner's name only enraged him more. Just as the Hulk sent a wild haymaker at Thor, a hand caught the beasts fist. They held a firm grasp and kept the Hulk from inching forward. "Christ!" the man exclaimed, "You are strong, I actually thought that all those muscles were just for show!" Red's voice spoke to the man through his earpiece. "Can you take him?" The assassin questioned, causing the man's eyes to give off a brilliant yellow hue. "Of course I can!" He shouted, then with effort pushed the Hulk back and sent a devastating uppercut into the beast's chin. Thor watched with amazement, unsure as to who this man was. Whomever they were, they were strong and mighty. The man wore a sun yellow and dark blue suit, at his waist was a glowing "S" symbol, and a blue cape hanging from his shoulders down to his shins.


Sentry flew through the hole that he made by bashing the Hulk through, then got socked right in the face by the green giant. The Hulk sent a devastating punch of his own into the Sentry, sending the caped superhuman skidding across the Helicarrier's top platform. The wind rushed past the two individuals as Sentry got to his feet then felt something warm ooze from his nose. Sentry put a hand up to his nostrils and felt fresh blood having been drawn. Instead of getting angry, he started to slowly grin. "Ooohhhh...this is gonna be fun." He uttered and looked up to see the Hulk bolting towards him letting out a battle cry. Sentry rose to his feet and flew directly at the green giant, their fists were cocked back go give each other a devastating punch. Both of their fists collided, causing a shockwave that pushed the platform beneath their feet downwards. Then came the trading of blows, Hulk hit Sentry with a back fist, but Sentry responded with a roundhouse kick to the face. The two titans trading blow for blow, unaware that their battle was destabilizing the Helicarrier's balance.

With Red, the assassin had just arrived at the cage that Loki was suppose to be in. Once he arrived, he watched as the God of Mischief sent Thor down with a press of the button. Immediately afterwards, Red fired three rounds at Loki and found that it was an illusion. His senses went off, allowing him to narrowingly dodge a swipe from one of Loki's daggers. The God of Mischief materialized in front of Red with a scowl on his face. Loki could sense the Infinity Stone with Red, both frustrated and curious as to what he did. His eyes were emerald green instead of the piercing blue as everyone had seen before. "How did you do it?" He slowly asked, his posture still poised to strike. Red didn't answer, he rushed forward while firing two rounds directly at Loki's face blinding him for a time. Then he trusted his Ninjatō forward and found that this too was an illusion. The illusion Loki smirked then disappeared, letting Red know that the Asgardian was making his escape. Quickly, Red made his way towards the hanger bay as the Helicarrier rocked sideways. "Sentry, finish that fight and stabilize the Helicarrier." Red calmly ordered, hearing sounds of grunts and groans. "I thought that Shield were the bad guys!" Sentry shouted through the comms. "Yes, but I am still aboard the ship." Red responded and reminded, leaving Sentry to remember that and respond accordingly. "Right, give me a second." Sentry stated.

Back with the battle between the Sentry and the Hulk, both combatants were hitting their upper limits. They were doing more damage to the Helicarrier than Loki's hypnotized forces were. Hulk used his iconic Thunderclap attack on the Sentry, which sent the man flying backwards and off the side of the Helicarrier. Sentry spun around then caught himself in the air, not long after he flew around the Helicarrier gaining moment. Before long he came barreling around like a speeding bullet and tackled Hulk off the side of the Helicarrier. Sentry released the Hulk and allowed the green beast to bellow with rage as he fell down to the Earth. With their bout ended in a stalemate, Sentry turned while floating in the air and bolted back towards the Helicarrier. He slowed down as he neared the Helicarrier and began to feel the strain behind the weight of the vessel. He let out a shout of pain and effort as his strength was put on display to it's current max. "Helicarrier....stabilized!" Sentry shouted through the comms. Red was hot on Loki's tail, shooting into his back each chance he got.

Loki ran into the hanger bay, using an illusion to make himself seem like a Shield Agent. "It's Red Winter!", he shouted to the other agents, "He's trying to kill me, he's with Loki!" The nearby Shield personnel locked their eyes on the assassin. Each aiming their weapons at him while others were putting out the fires. The disguised Loki however was backing away, grinning devilishly at Red as he entered a Quinnjet. Red without a word said, bolted after the God of Mischief. "Red Winter stand down or we will-" Just as that agent wad about to finish his warning, Red shot the man with pinpoint accuracy between his eyes. Not long afterwards, the rest of the agents opened fire onto Red. The assassin dove into cover, then ran away from it once he heard the distinctive clicking noise of empty magazines. He rushed forward, emptying his entire magazine with pinpoint shots into 5 agents. With his Ninjatō in hand, he cut his way into another man, then once more into a woman who were both nearly cut in half. Red turned and was blasted point blank by a shotgun. The force of the impact made him stumble backwards, but not fall over. The pellets from the shotgun fell onto the floor as Red narrowed his eyes on the Shield Agent. The man was young and had a shocked look on his face, he wasn't expecting Red to just tank to blast. Quickly he dropped his weapon and held his hands up in surrender. Though Red pistol whipped him with a backhand regardless, knocking the man out.

Red turned to find the Quinnjet that Loki was in beginning to take off. With little time, Red dashed forward, running as fast as he could to catch Loki. Just as the Quinnjet exited the hanger bay, Red jumped and used his grapple hook to latch onto the flying vessel. "Hey boss, they got the Helicarrier secure and ready to go." Sentry said through the comms, though Red didn't respond. Red climbed upwards to reach the Quinnjet, but noticed Loki sticking his head out. He had one of his daggers in his hand, and with a mischievous grin he cut the line that connected Red to the Quinnjet just as it sped off. Red felt weightless as he was falling downwards to the Earth. "Damn it.." He uttered to himself before forcing his body to spin around. The assassin continued to fall, until he heard a boom behind him. In came Sentry, grabbing him by the waist and catching him. "That's three you owe me." He mocked, thought Red didn't respond. With a sigh, the superhuman flew them downwards. After several minutes of flight, Sentry and Red landed on a building within downtown Manhattan after Red directed them there. "So, what's the sitch?" Sentry questioned, causing Red to glance over at him after their feet touched the ground. Sentry gave him a beaming smile before folding his arms over his chest.

"I am not responding to that." Red stated then felt a warm breeze behind him. Both he and Sentry turned to find a portal having opened up behind them, within it were a 6 armed woman with a chrome samurai like helmet. Beside her was a black armored man with a sledgehammer like weapon in his hand, which hued with power. Behind them was another woman, who wore golden like armor. The three individuals exited the portal and stood with Sentry and Red. "Robert!", the golden armored woman called, "It's been a while, how have you been?" Sentry smirked then shrugged before answering her question. "Eh, it's been boring Karla", he responded jovially, "Until bossman wanted to call us all together for our annual committee meetings." This time the man in black armor answered with a gesture towards all of them. "We have a commitee?" He asked, causing Sentry to chuckle before the 6 armed woman stepped up to Red. "Alright David, you called us together...so what's up?" As soon as she asked that, a boom was heard overhead. All eyes turned towards a hole in the sky as Red pointed his Ninjatō towards it. "That's what's up", he answered, "Alien invasion, supposedly a god wants to conquer us and make us slaves. I have 30 million dollars on the line, and each of us will get our fair share."

"30 million huh?" The black armored man asked, before nodding his head. "Well regardless if we're getting paid, we're here now and we aren't going anywhere." The 6 armed woman affirmed, causing the rest of the group to nod and agree. Red nodded his head, glad that his team were in on this. So together they turned, forming a V formation with Red at the center. The Avengers weren't the only super-powered group of remarkable individuals in the world...the history behind this group would be revealed, though not at this time.