
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · ภาพยนตร์
206 Chs

Chapter 132: Sara's Interrogation.

Thanking Romanoff, who simply nodded, I headed downstairs, feeling dirty while doing so, but at least the copious amounts of perfume I sprayed on myself would serve in masking my stink, though I might've added a bit much since when I arrived downstairs, Mom instantly grabbed her nose.

"Moderation, Sara." Said Elaine with a frown as he covered her nose while looking at Sara, who wryly smiled.

"It's better than the alternative, Mom; anyways, I've got to go; bye, love you!" Remarked Sara as she gave Elaine a quick hug before leaving the house, followed closely by Romanoff, who closed the door after she exited.

Walking outside, I headed toward the car, where Coulson was standing beside him; when I arrived, he opened the door for me, and I promptly entered the back seat, only to realize someone was already inside the car sitting in the passenger seat.

"Nice to meet ya, Sara; I'm Agent Barton, though you can just call me Barton." Remarked Barton with a faint smile as he glanced at Sara through the rearview window, while she flashed a slight smile as well.

"I wish it was under better circumstances." Replied Sara softly, causing Barton to nod as the two went quiet just as Coulson and Romanoff entered the car.

"You weren't getting all lovey-dovey, were you, Clint? You know she's got a boyfriend." Remarked Romanoff with a faint smirk as she glanced at Barton, who rolled his eyes before shaking his head.

"You know I wouldn't, Natasha; besides, you've seen pictures of her boyfriend. I'm not trying to mess with someone that big; he'll fold me in half." Replied Barton with a smirk while it was Romanoff's turn to roll her eyes.

"Um, y-you two have seen Pharaoh?" Asked Sara softly as she glanced between Romanoff and Barton, who both nodded, though it was Coulson who responded.

"As you're a suspect in a possible alien invasion, we've done a background check on you and everyone you've interacted with in the last year, which included family and friends." Remarked Coulson as he drove the car, leaving the neighborhood and entering the street.

"Yet, besides basic information on your younger sister, Jean, we couldn't acquire anything for some reason." Said Barton as he eyed Sara through the mirror while she did her best to act as oblivious as possible, though it was useless when sitting beside a century-old assassin.

"You don't need to worry; the interrogation hasn't started yet." Said Romanoff lightly as she folded her arms and closed her eyes, resting while Barton turned the radio on, listening to country music.

"Now, this is the jam." Said Barton as he ignored the three other people in the car and used his bow on his lap as a makeshift microphone.

"What a child." Muttered Romanoff as she opened one eye and glanced at Barton before promptly closing it while the three were forced to listen as Barton sang country music for nearly thirty minutes.

Despite not liking country music, Barton's voice was pretty good, though it did remind me of the time when I first heard Tut sing, and while I knew he could control his vocal cords to make nearly any sound, it was so surprising when I heard him; it was like an angel was singing from how soft his voice was. Unfortunately, he's never sung again, but I would do a lot to hear his heavenly voice again, though he is hard to persuade; even after a year, I still haven't heard a whisper of that perfect voice.

"We've arrived." Said Coulson as he parked the SUV, quickly turning the car off as he, Romanoff, and Sara promptly got out while Barton grumbled to himself.

"So, how was my singing? I've been practicing." Asked Barton with a faint smirk as he glanced at Coulson and Romanoff.

"Good. 8/10." Replied Coulson and Romanoff, respectively, as the three followed him, approaching a quinjet beside the dock.

"It was wonderful, but Pharaoh can sing better." Remarked Sara lightly, though her words caused Romanoff to give her a skeptical look while Barton looked offended.

"Pharaoh? You mean the large, 6'5, 260-pound black kid whose veins look like they pump only testosterone through his body can sing better than me?" Questioned Barton with a frown as he eyed Sara, who rapidly nodded his head.

"Don't judge a book by its cover; you should know that, Clint." Remarked Romanoff lightly as she looked at Barton, who entered the quinjet after Coulson, followed by Sara and finally Romanoff, who closed it once everyone was properly inside.

"You're right; I take back what I said, but I'm still not convinced he can sing better than me. I was in choir up until college, so I've got some experience behind me." Replied Barton defensively as he raised his arms while passing Coulson and entering the cockpit of the quinjet, while Sara and Romanoff sat down, doing so right beside each other.

Sitting down, I noticed neither Romanoff nor Coulson bothered to buckle up, and while I was about to do the same, I suddenly remembered who I was sitting with.

'These people are special agents for Shield; I'm a journalist for the Daily Bugle. The craziest thing about myself is the fact I'm dating Pharaoh, and that's not even actually me.' Mused Sara as she shook her head and promptly fastened herself to the seat lest she fell out, further embarrassing herself.

Once the plane took to the skies, only now remembering that I hadn't even bothered questioning why the hell a plane was parked on the dock; either way, once the plane was in the air, I suddenly felt a lot of force, which prompted me to thank myself for wearing the seat belt as I'm positive I would've fell out of my seat. However, quickly after, everything returned to normal, and if it weren't for the slight turbulence, I wouldn't even notice I was on a plane.

'It may be slower, but it's much more comfortable than being in Tut's arms.' Mused Sara lightly as she and Romanoff quietly sat together while Coulson looked through files.



Feeling the plane touch the ground, I waited until Romanoff stood up before unbuckling and standing up as well, while Coulson pressed a button beside the plane's ramp, which began to promptly lower and reveal a man wearing an eyepatch and a woman standing beside him.

"There were no problems, Sir; she cooperated nicely, and everything went smoothly." Said Coulson as he approached Fury, who nodded before glancing at Sara, who flashed a nervous smile.

"Good, take her to the interrogation room." Stated Fury as he glanced at Romanoff before looking at Barton, who nodded, only to turn around and walk away.

With the words of the man, who seemed to be the one in charge, Coulson and the new woman glanced at me before speaking to each other while Barton and Romanoff followed behind the man with the eyepatch.

"Follow me." Stated Maria as she finished speaking with Coulson before glancing at Sara and walking in a different direction alongside Coulson.

Doing as I was told, since I didn't really have an option as I was now at their base, I followed behind the woman and Coulson as we eventually entered the large building; once inside, we walked down a few halls and entered an elevator, which went down after the woman scanned her ID. After lowering for nearly a minute, the doors opened, and same as before, I followed behind them until we eventually arrived at a vault door which should.

"Sit in there; the interrogation will begin shortly." Stated Maria as she opened the vault door and looked at Sara, who entered and approached the metal desk before sitting down.

Sitting down, I watched them close the door, and when they did, their voices went silent; other than my breathing, I could hear absolutely nothing. Looking around, I noticed the room was all white, except for the wall on the left, partially made of glass, which I presumed was a one-way mirror.

'Well, this has been rather uneventful.' Mused Sara as she looked around before patiently waiting, though as there was a time limit, it wasn't too long before someone entered the room.

After about ten or so minutes, the door was opened once more, and this time, the one who entered was Romanoff again. She wasn't who I was expecting, but what did I know? I wasn't part of the Shield; I didn't know what she specialized in.

"Is the interrogation starting now?" Asked Sara as she glanced at Romanoff before looking at the one-way mirror, though all she saw was her reflection.

"Yes, now let's start off with the most concerning question: Who is Zara-Al?" Replied Romanoff as she sat down opposite Sara and intently looked at her, using her decades' worth of experience to detect even the slightest movement in her facial expression.

"I don't know who this Zara-Al is."

"Hmm, okay then, what about the wound on your stomach? How did you get that?" Asked Romanoff with a nod as she opened her notebook and started writing, though she was really just drawing scribbles, not that Sara knew.

"I was stabbed." Replied Sara with furrowed brows, causing Romanoff to raise an eyebrow before nodding once more.

"Better, but you're not telling the whole truth." Said Romanoff, her words causing Sara to click her tongue, but she didn't further elaborate.

"Wish to stay quiet regarding that topic, huh? How about this, these pictures, how and where did you get them." Remarked Romanoff as she pulled out several pictures of the alien spaceship, including a slightly blurry image of the floating robot.



Ay, Although Tut can sing better, it's not really fair since he can make his voice sound like anything; hell, if he wanted, he could sing a song while sounding like a chainsaw, it ain't fair him and Barton are in two different league. Speaking of that, do kryptonians even have testosterone? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves.