
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · ภาพยนตร์
79 Chs

Ten Years

Time: Ten years later.

Location: A Hydra secret base on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg, Russia.

In a dimly lit room, a muscular young man leaned over a sink, splashing cold water on his face and staring blankly at his reflection in the mirror.

The spartan room held only a bed, sink, mirror, and a small window with iron bars. Through it, Aiden could see the clear sky and birds gliding freely, a cruel reminder of what true freedom looked like.

Aiden turned the faucet, letting the icy water run over his hands and onto his face repeatedly before finally looking up at the mirror. Ten years had passed, and he hardly recognized the person staring back at him.

The face was handsome, seemingly ill-suited for a killer. What should have been a sunny expression was marred by the shadows lurking in his dark eyes, shattering any illusion of warmth.

At 16, Aiden had returned to the age he was before traversing time, yet it felt like an entire century had passed.

Thanks to the Super Soldier Serum, Aiden had grown to an imposing six feet three inches, with a broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted physique. His muscles were not bulky like a bodybuilder's but streamlined, adding to his imposing appearance.

Aiden had avoided the fate of being frozen, unlike the original Winter Soldier, James Barnes, who was only defrosted for missions. The four reserve Winter Soldiers, the former elite Hydra squad transformed by the serum, were unstable and thus remained in cryostasis.

Having grown up within Hydra and indoctrinated from a young age, Aiden's unwavering loyalty had earned him a high degree of trust within the organization.

Aiden's youth, once a source of self-loathing, had ironically become his saving grace. His tender age upon entering Hydra led them to believe he could be molded to their desires, sparing him from a frozen fate and allowing him to witness every second of his torturous existence. Yet Aiden was no ordinary child.

Undeniably, Hydra had taught Aiden a vast array of skills, turning him into a sharp and lethal weapon at their disposal.

Today marked Aiden's graduation day. After the final assessment, he would be unsheathed and put to use. During his decade with Hydra, Aiden had already participated in missions, albeit as part of his training, absorbing knowledge voraciously. After this graduation, he could well imagine his destined path.

When that time came, Aiden's deepest-held beliefs, already teetering and shattered, would face an unprecedented onslaught.

"Soldier," a gruff voice called from outside the door.

"Yes, sir," Aiden responded in Russian, his proficiency evident in just two words. Over the years, he had mastered much more than just the Russian language.

Aiden quickly dressed in his military uniform and followed an unnamed officer out of the base. They boarded a military vehicle heading towards an unknown destination. Aiden never asked where they were going; his ten years of careful concealment had ingrained this style of conduct.

Once more, it was late autumn, the sky clear, leaves turning yellow—a melancholic beauty. Aiden's gaze wandered, and he repeatedly questioned how long such days would last.

It was the question Aiden had asked himself the most, and for the longest time, it remained unanswered, troubling him for a decade.

An hour and forty-five minutes later, the military vehicle came to a halt. Aiden had observed the surroundings; it seemed to be a desolate area aside from the palatial building before them.

"Get out," the officer commanded, and Aiden stepped out of the vehicle. Behind him, the massive convoy disgorged dozens of soldiers. Aiden had considered taking action during the journey, wondering if it could lead to his escape from Hydra.

But the Aiden who had endured ten years of suppression did not dare to act rashly now. His once impulsive nature had mellowed; he had learned patience and to consider all angles. He knew he had only one chance; failure meant no return. Controlled by a few Russian words, if Aiden attempted to "break out," he would face the same fate as the Winter Soldier—doomed forever. Aiden didn't believe he had the same protagonist's halo as James Barnes, with a powerful Captain America deeply in love with him.

However, as he grew, Aiden had also developed a cautiousness, a hesitance to act. If he were placed back in time, ten years ago, facing Jelena's humiliation, perhaps he wouldn't have killed her instantly. Instead, he would have bided his time, crafting a perfect plan to silently eliminate her. After all, acting on the spot carried too much risk.

Entering the palace with the officers, Aiden was greeted by a familiar figure as the door opened.

Winter Soldier, James Barnes.

Barnes, expressionless, tossed a black package at Aiden's feet.

Frowning slightly, Aiden glanced back to find the soldiers had dispersed, leaving only the officers who nodded at him, "You have 28 targets, 24 hours. Your performance will be reported to our superiors. This is not just an assessment for you; take it seriously. Good luck."

Barnes gave Aiden a brief look before turning to leave, closing the palace door with a heavy thud.

Aiden arrived dressed in standard military attire, still puzzled by the situation. He picked up the black backpack, surveying the area covertly. The silence suggested no one else was present.

Rather than a school, the palace was ornate and lavish, disorienting Aiden. The vast hall and numerous doors and staircases were a disadvantage for someone unfamiliar with the layout.

The officer's words had provided Aiden with ample information. If he had 28 targets, the implication was clear.

Aiden cautiously moved behind a pillar, scrutinizing his surroundings before slipping through a side door into a spiral staircase. He pressed himself against the wall, not daring to look up, and unzipped the backpack.

Inside was a P226 semi-automatic pistol and a Gerber Mark II combat knife with a serrated edge. The pistol had only one magazine, with no additional ammunition.

Aiden sighed lightly, anticipating the difficulty of the journey ahead.

Yet, within the next hour, Aiden encountered a shocking revelation: there were reserves for the Winter Soldier, and aside from himself, there were four others—all members of the elite Hydra squad.

The Black Widow was not just Natasha Romanoff. It referred to a team. The 28 beautiful young women here were all members of the Black Widows, undergoing their final graduation assessment, just like Aiden.

And their instructor was none other than the original Winter Soldier, James Barnes.

I update 1 chapter a day in Webnovel, in addition, I also upload 20 chapters ahead of my time on Patreon. To read the rest of this story early, head over to my patreon.


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