
A supreme technique,space and time dao

Bright rays of light of sunrise begin

illuminating the room through out the window, in the room three person can be seen there

Su Chan woke up with a smile, thinking about the wonderful night he had with Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan. He looked beside him and saw the two beauties sleeping peacefully, their gentle breathing and soft features filling him with joy and gratitude.

"Yang Yan, show me the rewards," he said to the system girl, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

Yang Yan nodded, and a ding sound sounded. "Mission completed: Conquer Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan's heart and make them your harem. Here are the hidden rewards: Inner World Creation Technique, Dao of Space 9th rank, Dao of Time 9th rank, and 600,000 experience points."

Su Chan's eyes widened as he saw the rewards. He was particularly drawn to the Inner World Creation Technique, which sparkled with an otherworldly glow. He had never seen a technique like this before, and he couldn't wait to learn more about it.

*Technique Name:* Inner World Creation Technique

*Description:* This powerful technique allows the cultivator to create a personalized Inner World, a vibrant, living realm that can store living beings and evolve alongside the user. This sacred space serves as a sanctuary for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and energy cultivation.

*Key Features:*

- *Living Realm:* The Inner World is a dynamic, thriving environment that can sustain life, allowing the user to bring others into their world.

- *Free Entry:* The user can enter and exit their Inner World at will, granting unparalleled freedom and flexibility.

- *Cultivation Paradise:* The Inner World is an ideal setting for cultivation, offering a unique environment that adapts to the user's needs and growth.

- *Evolutionary Growth:* As the user progresses, their Inner World expands and transforms, reflecting their development and unlocking new possibilities.

- *Reincarnation:* If the host dies or is unable to think, they can reincarnate in their Inner World, remembering their memories and having full control over their world.

"Inner World Creation Technique," he read aloud, his voice filled with excitement and awe. "This technique allows me to create a personalized Inner World, a vibrant, living realm that can store living beings and evolve alongside me. It's a sanctuary for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and energy cultivation."

As he read the description, Su Chan felt a surge of energy and potential. He could imagine the possibilities: a world where he could cultivate without limits, a sanctuary for his loved ones, and a symbol of his growth and power.

He claimed the rewards, and suddenly felt a strong and irresistible feeling of breakthrough. He sat in a lotus position and started cultivating, his energy and spirit soaring. A series of ding sounds sounded, warning him of a large amount of knowledge entering his mind, forcing a breakthrough.

"Warning: large amount of knowledge entering the host mind... forcing breakthrough!"

"Warning: low energy detected... host level is too high for the current world... not enough spiritual energy left... system points will be converted into spiritual energy!"

Ding! Breakthrough successful , Ding ! Breakthrough successful,

Ding! Ding! Ding!

After some time, the ding sounds stopped, and Su Chan opened his eyes. He had reached Origin King 3rd order, and his combat power has now reached terrifying Emperor 3rd order. And can fight with a quasi great emperor easily ,He was thrilled and relieved, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Just then, he sensed something and disappeared, reappearing in a lush green environment. He looked around and saw a beautiful place, his Inner World created by the supreme technique. The air was fresh, the sky was blue, and the land was fertile. He saw mountains, rivers, and forests, all teeming with life and energy.

"Wow... this is amazing!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with wonder. "This is my Inner World!"

He explored his Inner World, marveling at its beauty and potential. He saw plants that shone with an otherworldly glow. He felt a sense of peace and tranquility, knowing that this world was his sanctuary, his refuge, and his creation.

After some time, he disappeared again, reappearing in his room. He was grinning from ear to ear, still feeling the excitement and wonder of his Inner World.

"Yang Yan, this Inner World Creation Technique is incredible!" he exclaimed. "I can't believe how powerful it is!"

Yang Yan smiled. "I told you it was a supreme technique. You're lucky to have gotten it as a reward."

Su Chan nodded, still grinning. "I know... I feel like I've unlocked a new level of potential. Thank you, Yang Yan!"

Yang Yan chuckled. "You're welcome, Su Chan. "

Sensing The Movement Beside Him. He

Turned His Gaze Only To Find Xia Ning

Chan and su yan Begin Waking Up.

After Opening their Eyes they Began Looking in The Surroundings Begin To Recalling what they Has Done Last Night.

Events Begin Resurfacing their Cheeks

Begin Becoming Beetroots Red.

Seeing The Cuteness Overload His Mind

Gone Blank For Few Seconds After

Recovering He Said "Ning'er You're

Quite Wild Last Night".

Adding More Embarrassment To Her She

Became Red Like Tomato Red Steam Can

Be Seen Coming From Her Head She Just

Now Wanted To Dig Hole And Hide Due To


" You Are Cute" Yang Kai Said patting their Head. They Wanted To Refute But She Just Like this Feeling. They Purred Like A Cat.

"Ahnn Junior Brother I Don't Know Why I

Do That... But... I Am Not Like That... I" xia ning chan replied, She Couldn't Say Anything She Thought Will He

Will See Me Has A Loose Woman And

Couldn't But Look At His Eyes But There

Isn't Any Disgust But His Eyes Was Filled

With Love And Playfulness.... Wait

Playfulness She Began Realizing Something Isn't Right Thought Of A Possibility And looked At Him Questioning.

"Senior Sister That's Not Your Fault I Just

Apply A Dual Cultivation Technique Whose

Side Effect Was That" Seeing The

Questioning Gaze From Her He Answered

After Listening She Just Puff Her Cheeks

And Doesn't Say Anything She Didn't Ask

Why He Use That, She Knew He Will Tell

Him If He Wanted And She Knew He Will

Not Harm Her, after that,

Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan, feeling refreshed and happy. They looked at each other and smiled, then turned to Su Chan.

"Good morning, Su Chan," Su Yan said, her voice sweet and gentle.

"Good morning, my loves," Su Chan replied, his eyes shining with warmth.

The three of them hugged each other tightly, feeling grateful for their love and connection.

"I'm so happy to be with you both," Su Chan said, his voice filled with emotion.

"We're happy to be with you too, Su Chan," Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan replied in unison.

They leaned in closer, their heads on his shoulders, and hugged him tightly.

"Let's cultivate together," Su Chan said, his voice filled with excitement.

They nodded, and Su Chan guided them to circulate their energy. After a while, they checked their cultivation levels and were surprised to see that Su Yan had reached Transcendent 1st order and Xia Ning Chan had reached Transcendent 2nd order.

"Wow, you're both doing great!" Su Chan exclaimed. "You've surpassed the limit of this world!"

Su Chan said don't resist ,they were shocked but chose to believe him ,they disappeared and appeared in a lush green environment, this was a very beautiful place with very rich amount of spiritual energy to cultivate.

They looked at him curiously, and Su Chan explained that they were now in his Inner World.

"This is my Inner World," Su Chan said, his eyes shining with pride. "From now on, you'll cultivate here and wait for me."

They nodded, and Su Chan disappeared and reappeared in his room. He tore the void and appeared in front of his second uncle, Su Wei Tian.

"Su Wei Tian, come with me," Su Chan said, his voice filled with excitement.

Su Wei Tian looked at him questioningly but followed him anyway. They disappeared and appeared in Su Chan's Inner World.

Su Wei Tian looked around, his eyes wide with shock. "What is this place? The spiritual energy is much higher than even Tongxuan Realm!"the two women was also curious about it and looked at him questioningly.

Su Chan smiled. "This is my Inner World, Second Uncle. I got it from the inheritance of Madara Uchiha,"affcourse its a lie in mind"."

Su Wei Tian's eyes widened in shock. "Madara Uchiha? Isn't it that powerfull cultivator that inheritance is that eyes of yours the eternal mangekyu sharingan?"

Su Chan nodded. "Yes, that's him. And I've reached Origin King Realm 3rd order."

Su wei tian was shocked and dumfounded origin king realm?what is this realm?i never heard about it , su chan told them about it and star field and said he get this knowledge from the madara uchiha from his inheritance.!

Su Wei Tian's eyes almost popped out of his head. "Origin King Realm? That's three realms higher than Saint Realm!"

Su Chan smiled, proud of his achievement. "Yes, Uncle. I've surpassed the limit of Tongxuan Realm."

Su Wei Tian looked at him with a mixture of shock, awe, and curiosity. "I see. Well, I think I need to sit down and process this information."

Su Chan laughed. "Sure thing, Uncle. Let's sit down and talk about it."

And so, they sat down, surrounded by the beauty of Su Chan's Inner World, and talked about the wonders of the Star Field and the secrets of Su Chan's inheritance.after some time su wei tian noticed the two women.

Su Wei Tian asked, "Who are they?" referring to Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan.

Su Chan replied, "Uncle, they are my wives."

Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan blushed rapidly, while Su Wei Tian was shocked and teased, "Oh, I forget you are grown up now!"

Su Chan blushed, and they all laughed happily, enjoying each other's company.

Su Chan then said, "I'll make houses for all of us, and give you a separate place to cultivate."

He waved his hand, and three beautiful houses appeared, surrounded by a lush garden and a peaceful atmosphere.

Su Chan asked his wives, "My loves, do you need anything? I can give you anything you want."

Su Yan asked for an ice bed, and Su Chan gave it to her. Xia Ning Chan asked for herbs and resources for alchemy, and Su Chan gave her all the resources she needed, including a high-grade alchemy furnace.

As they settled into their new homes, a three-year timelapse began. The trio cultivated together, loving and supporting each other. They also dual cultivated, their love and energy merging to enhance their cultivation.

After three years, their cultivation soared. Su Yan and Xia Ning Chan reached Origin Returning 1st order, while Su Wei Tian, Su Chan's second uncle, reached Origin Returning 3rd order.

As for Su Chan, he reached Dao Source Realm, his combat power terrifyingly high at Great Emperor 2nd order. He could now fight a normal Great Emperor 3rd order.

The four of them sat together, happy and content, their love and cultivation binding them stronger than ever.after that ,

Su Chan sent his clone to find the Wordless Book, the Demon Mystic Tome. After some time, the clone returned to him, holding the ancient book. Su Chan dropped a drop of blood on the book, and it glowed with a golden color. He opened it, and the Unyielding Golden Skeleton appeared before him.

The skeleton of the Great Demon God tried to suppress him, but can't supress him Su Chan's thought and The Unyielding Golden Skeleton merged with him, and he felt an immense power surge through his body.

He then opened the remaining pages of the book and obtained:

- Proud Golden Body: Tempered Body Record

- Antique Incense Burner

- True Yang Secret Art

- Demon Eye of Annihilation

- Golden Text of "Medicinal King Valley, Myriad Drug Pond's Array"

- The first six pages merged to create an independent storage space

With the Wordless Book the Demon Mystic Tome, Su Chan sent his clone to Medicine King Valley to retrieve the medicine liquid inside ig. As his clone departed, Su Chan checked his status:

*system status:

*Name: Su Chan

*Mission: Make yang Kai your disciple.

Rewards : ????(hidden)

*Realm: Dao source 2nd order (level 116)

*Experience needed: 52300(level up)

*Combat Power: Great emperor 2rd Order


- Supreme All-Bloodline 0.5%unlocked(Rulers Bloodline of Multiverse)

- Divine Dragon Bloodline

-Shinju Ketsueki (Divine Tree Bloodline)


-space dao 9th rank

-time dao 9th rank

*Special Physique:

- Divine Succubus Dragon Body

- Chaos Body

-Unyielding Golden Skeleton


- Divine Dragon Source

-supreme source (gained from supreme all bloodline.)

*Cultivation Techniques:

- Chaos Cultivation (100% mastery)

- Dragon Transformation Technique (100% mastery)

-wood release technique (100%mastery)

-Proud Golden Body: Tempered Body Record

- True Yang Secret Art

-inner world creation technique (supreme rank)


- Teleportation (Unlocked)

- Elemental Control (All elements)

- Dragon Transformation

- Dragon Breath

- Dragon Roar

- Dragon Claw

- Clone Technique


- Divine Tree Awakening:

*world :

-inner world


- Divine Chaos Golden Eyes ( gained from Chaos Cultivation Technique, and merged with divine golden eyes)

-Eternal mangekyu sharingan (kamui,amatirasu &Kotoamatsukami)

-Demon Eye of Annihilation

*System Spirit Girl: Yang Yan

*Multiverse Travel Function: 100,000 points need

*Universal World Map: Available

*Lottery: 10,000 points (draw)

*Store: Available (open)

*Current Experience Points: 558,700 points

*Inventory: Antique Incense Burner

Note! he can level up with experience points but he was saving it for critical moments.

tell me if you like it the new ark will start soon stay tuned

HeavenlyDemonGodzcreators' thoughts