
su yan and xia ning chan 2 (r18)

"S-Su chan... I don't know what it is but

I feel safe with you and my heart begin

beating wildly when I was around you..... I

think I love you and...I.. I want to".

Without giving her any chance he began

kissing her she bewildered by him but she

then begin responding with her tongue by

intervening him after few minutes they

separated by forming a bridge on their lips

they looked at each other lewdly.

He said "Don't resist ning'er"

She become curious but compiled anyway

He used harem god dual cultivation technique first form.

10 years of full moon night: (rare)

Cultivation technique concentrated solely

on female. Female partner will benefit the

most. Female partner will experience 10

years of full moon night pleasure and Yin

Qi. Higher the Yang Qi more she will


Side effect: During intercourse female

partner will become wild and would want

to dominate or being dominated.]

[ Ding! Mission completed , conquer su yan and xia ning chan's heart and make them your harem, rewards has been stored to redeem]

I Became extremely happy sometimes I

think the system made solely for me to

achieve my wish.after digesting the

information in his mind a evil smile appear

on his face.

Seeing the creepy smile on him she became

dumbfounded nonetheless just as she about to asked him he jumped on her, he then begin kissing which she responded equally his hand begin roaming on my body she began feeling heat flowing through his meridians

she began feeling hot in her nether region.

She began feeling hot her mind begin going

blank. She began craving for pleasure her

personality slowly slowly began

disappearing instead the sadist side began


This is due to Su chan who begin applying

his 10 years of full moon technique on her

because he wanted her to quickly make her

achieve higher cultivation and also because

he wanted to see her sadist side and the

expression in the morning.

She quickly begin dominating him and

starting kissing him wildly she has

completely forgotten who she was and

what she was doing all she wanted now to

dominate him and doing so she began

removing her clothes completely tearing it

off. she began licking his lips and began

kissing him wildly.

Su chan thought it was time to introduce

Xia Ning Chan to an almighty dragon. He

reached for her hand and guided it to his

nether region.

She felt a hard rod which was so hot that it

might burn her, and so she tried to take her

hand back, but firm hand didn't let her

retreat. So she placed her hand again, but

she didn't get burnt as she imagined it, but

the temperature was so high that she

couldn't deny it, and she knew it was

caused by her that made her proud of


Su chan knew she wouldn't know what to

do with his penis so he guided her hand up

and down to his dick.

She was inexperienced, and it even hurt a

bit with her rough handling of his dick, but

he was excited by the kisses and so was


Su chan suddenly separated her from him,

that she wasn't accepting kindly as her

eyes were asking questions and her grip on

hand got tighter. Su chan forced her apart

and stood, which revealed his dragon who

was threatening to pierce through heaven.

She was dazed by the sudden emergence of

the dragon, and unwittingly reached with

her hand.

She knew from her early training by Su chan what to do next. She gripped it gently

and pushed back the skin, which resulted

in the redhead coming out from it. She

looked at it with eager eyes.Su chan dragged her other hand, and she started working up and down.

It wasn't that better than before. She was

just too inexperienced. She could work like

that all day, but that could make Su chan

climax. Her technique was too trashy. Su chan couldn't hold it and allow such a bad

thing anymore, so he guided her to the

next step.

"Kiss it," ordered Su chan, to her, "At least

make it wet, believe me, or you will have a

hard time ahead."

Su chan was somewhat disappointed by

Xia Ning Chan, but he didn't lose patience.

He had decided to train her to his taste.

She was following Su chan's every order

without knowing why. She opened her

mouth and let out her tongue to touch his


"That is the way, think it is a lollipop and

sucks it good" ordered Su chan.

She first touched it and then started

kissing it little by little. She at least wet his

whole dick. Su chan thought it was

enough when she opened her mouth and

tried to take his dick inside. She succeeded

in taking a few inches inside, while her

hand was working on the rest of the shaft.

Su chan moaned with pleasure!

"She is natural! With the training she would

be even greater!" exclaimed Su chan, in his

mind.Su chan wanted to check how far she can learn by herself, so he let her do it on her


She sucked his cock and rubbed his shaft

for some time, but she could come up with

anything new. She became more proficient

in sucking, but couldn't take more dick


Su Chan stopped Xia Ning Chan, who

apparently enjoyed sucking out very much"Oh there is better thing ahead," reassured Su chan, and signaled her to take off her clothes of the lower body. .

Su Chan told her to lay on the bed, and

he soon made his way between her legs.

She didn't open her leg as she might be

scared, so he cares and massages it. She

relaxed a bit and wide opens her leg.

She didn't have hair between her legs,

which Su chan doesn't found surprising

from her. She revealed a pink slit when she

opened her legs apart. There was moisture

around in the form of little drops which

originated from the inside of her pink slit.

Su Chan placed his mouth on the pink lips

of this woman and felt her squeezing his

head tightly. He kissed up and down slowly.

He flicked his tongue between the labia

quickly. He licked again a little deeper. The

taste was something he could never have

Predicted. A mixture of sour and sweet that

was incredibly intense. Xia Ning Chan's

grip grew stronger as his tongue moved.

She was letting out 'oh' and 'ah', which were

quite sexy to listen to.

He moved his mouth completely against

the opening.with his mouth pressed against Xia Ning Chan, his tongue moved up and down in some very wet and soft area. He moved down towards where he remembered the pink color and could feel Xia Ning Chan's.

wetness entering his mouth, mingling with

his own saliva. As he pushed his tongue

inward, it felt like Xia Ning Chan was about

to squeeze his head off.

She soon started shouting his name. Su Chan's technique was good.

He keeps moving his tongue. Xia Ning Chan

was moaning now above him and just

shouting his name loudly. He never

stonned moving his tongue. Once he felt shouting his name loudly. He never

stopped moving his tongue. Once he felt

his tongue met with some barrier, denying

further entry, and Su Chan didn't mind

either. He played whatever space he got to


She quickly leaped into the air, squeezing

Su Chan hard between her legs.

Xia Ning Chan had the very first orgasm of

her entire life!

She went out of control. She gasped and

jumped; screaming Su chan's name loudly,

her breathing was fast. She was in the

highest heaven of pleasure! Her pussy

released drops of dew, and some of them

fell on the mouth of Su Chan, which he

reckoned were sweet. Su Chan put his

hand on an opening of her pussy, so it can

stay wet and it would be easier to enter

inside later on.

Su Chan found a completely messed up Xia

Ning Chan when he looked up from Su chan found a completely messed up Xia

Ning Chan when he looked up from

between her legs. Her previous curvy hair

became curvier, which was because she

might have pulled while her pussy was

being eaten. She had white eyes and mouth

agape, while saliva came out from one side

of her cheek.

Su chan moved to her chest and started

gripping her beautiful breast, and he took a

gem like a lovely nipple in his mouth. Even

though she was in a half-conscience state,

she started to moan with Su Chan's great

tongue skill.

She came out of a dream-like state and let

out sexy moans once again after Su Chan

had played with both of her breasts for

more than fifteen minutes.

Su chan wanted to go longer, but his hard

hefty dragon has its own mind. He orders.

her again, and she follows it and gets on all


Doggy style! It became Su chan's favorite

position. It allows him to set the rhythm,

and he can control all the movement, and

in this position, it is easy to penetrate, so it

is a good position especially for virgins and


Su chan walked up behind her. He touched

and admired her beautiful butt from

behind. It was quite soft and elastic, which

Su chan couldn't help but slap it.

"Ahhh...!" She let out a scream of surprise

from the sudden slap.

Su chan gripped her waist with one hand

and used another hand to guide his dick at

her pussy.

Su chan pressed his cock up against her

mound. He moved his hips a bit lower until

it felt like the tip was between her labia. He

pressed forward, and she wiggled under

him, moving. He found the entrance by

tracing his dick around. He placed a tip of

the head of his dick and used the Yin-Yang

technique ;

thickness remained the same but the size

increased by 2 inches.

Su chan placed the head of his dick inside,

which resulted in her small climax. He

could feel the tightness of the virgin pussy.

He didn't let her adjust or rest. He knew it

was better to break her hymen in one go

otherwise it would be much more painful

for her.

He pushed his hips forward at

moderate speed. It felt like resistance was

up ahead but with his mighty strength, he

passed the hurdle with little difficulty.

Her eyes shot open. Tears were coming

down from her cheeks. She screamed in

pain and tried to move away from him, but

all her efforts were fruitless, as she was

tied down by a steel-like hand of Su chan.

Her hand loses all the strength from the

pain felt by a broken hymen, and her head

falls on the bed. Her muscles gripping his

cock inside her squeezed with unbelievable

strength and deny further advancement-

It only enchanted taste for his prick. Her

screams and grip were the last barriers

between his sanities.

There is little need for this stimulant to

induce Su chan into an exercise of his

tremendous powers of copulation. He

pushed frantically forward; he plunged his

hot penis still further and further at each

effort, and then with one huge stroke

buried himself to the balls deep into Xia

Ning Chan's light little person.

It was then that the furious plunge of the

brutal Su Chan became more than his

sweet victim, sustained as she had been by

her own advanced desires, could endure.

With a faint shriek of physical anguish, Xia

Ning Chan felt that her ravisher had burst

through all the resistance which her youth

had opposed to the entry of his member,

and the torture of the forcible insertion of

such a mass bore down the prurient

sensations with which she had commenced

to support the attack.

Su Chan cried aloud in ecstasy as he

looked down upon the fair thing his dragon

had a dig in. He gloated over the victim

now impaled by the full rigor of his huge

rammer. He felt the maddening contact

with inexpressible delight.

Su chan saw her quivering with the

anguish of his forcible entry. His brutal

nature was fully aroused, which even he

was unaware of. Come what might he

would enjoy to his utmost, so he prepares

his waist behind the beautiful girl and

starts his thrust into her to the full

measure of his burly member.

Su Chan raised himself for a moment and

noted the immense shaft around which the

pretty slit of Xia Ning Chan was now

intensely stretched.

His member was sheathed by her tight

warm folds of youthful flesh, which now

encased him to full length. Between his

thrusts, he noted, the pain produced by the

forceful entry earlier, now turned to the

pleasure she was enjoying as much as Su chan was. The initial worry of his was vain

now, he pressed himself inward to his

utmost to enjoy a full extension of his

heart. Her curvy-blonde hair was pulled by

his heavy hand forcefully upward, and now,

her face was facing his face. His hot lips

sucked delicious kisses from the open and

quivering lips of the beautiful Xia Ning


For a few minutes nothing was now heard

but the jerking blows with which the

lascivious Su chan continued his

enjoyment with Xia Ning Chan and the

cluck, cluck of his huge penis as it

alternately entered and retreated into the

belly of the beautiful Xia Ning Chan.

It was not to be supposed that such a man

as Su chan was ignorant of the

tremendous powers of enjoyment his

member could rouse within one of the

opposite sex and that with its size and

Special Skill enlist the most powerful

emotions in the woman in whom he was


The agony of the stretching was fast being

swallowed up by the intense sensations of

pleasure produced by the vigorous weapon

of Su Chan, and it was not long before the

low moans and sobs of the pretty Xia Ning

Chan mingled with expressions, half

choked in the depth of her feelings,

expressive of delight.

"Oh, my! Oh, my dear, generous Chan'er Now, now push. Oh! Push. I can

bear-I wish for it. I am in heaven! The

blessed instrument is so hot in its head.

Oh! My heart. Oh! My-oh! What is this I

feel? This pleasure! It is heaven!"

Su Chan saw the effect he was producing.

His own pleasure advanced apace. He

drove steadily in and out, treating Xia Ning

Chan to the long hard shaft of his members

up to his big balls, at each forward thrust.

At length, Xia Ning Chan broke down and

treated the electrified and ravished man

with a warm emission which ran all over

his stiff affair.

It is impossible to describe the lustful

frenzy which now took possession of the

young and charming Xia Ning Chan. She

clung to the desperate tenacity of the burly

figure of Su Chan, who bestowed upon the

heaving and voluptuous body, the full force

and vigor of his manly thrust. She held him

in her tight and slippery sheath to his balls.

When, therefore, Su Chan, her love, throwing his arms close around

her waist, drove up his stallion penis to the

very end in her's slit, and sobbing,

whispered that the time was coming at last,

the excited girl kissed as pre-rewarded to

him, when she felt she was about to spend

with him and welcomed it with positive

shrieks of pleasure and shouts of 'I do',

when Su Chan sends his fluid in like-

fountain into her very vitals.

Thus, he lay for a full two minutes, while at

each hot and forcible injection of the

slippery semen, Xia Chan gave

plentiful evidence by her writings and cries

of ecstasy the powerful discharge was


The first step was over, but the night was

still young and so was the ceremony and

the pleasure she was promised.

But never once, shouts of excited Xia Ning

Chan stopped, from her ecstasy, all night.

Tell me if you like it and there will be a unexpected and interesting arc will starting soon trust me this arc you have never have experienced in other mp (martial peak)fan fiction novel

HeavenlyDemonGodzcreators' thoughts