
Marrying a Handsome Husband

<Marrying a Handsome Husband> is an anthology comprising of 5 short stories— Volume 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide Then what happens when you find out you're pregnant but you can't tell it to the father of your child? Volume 2 by chavontheauthor Getting pregnant by her boss after a one-night stand and suddenly leaving her job as stripper was the last thing Serena had hoped for, and to make matters worse he is the heir to the mafia. Volume 3 by Gracia Bonifacio A virgin will be ravished by a sexy as hell Casanova who thinks the worst of her. She will fall hard for him and he will be completely obsessed with her. Volume 4 by B1795H Nathan Harrison, a 19 years old guy forced to marry a young heiress of a noble family, Isabella Dawson because of his parents last wish. Volume 5 by Rasi Lisa is a beautiful young girl who is working as a drawing instructor. Her parents are pressuring her to get married to their chosen bridegroom Carl Black, who is a professor.

499 Chs


Lisa was completely lost by his charming appearance. She wanted to trust him because he was the only one who was claiming as her friend and his behavior also proving that. She then nodded and said, "OK, I will go with you."

Dr. Valentine grinned widely and said "That's my good girl. Now shall we go?"

Lisa nodded and he pulled her up, holding her hand. Then they both walked out of the ward. On the way, he called the driver to bring the car. When they came out of the hospital, they saw his car standing in front of the entrance. The driver opened the back door for them and Dr. Valentine ushered her inside the car. He then sat down beside her and said, "You will enjoy yourself at my home, but right now I can't accompany you for a long time because I need to come back here. I will drop you at home and you must sleep well after taking medicine. At night we will have dinner together. What do you say?" He again smiled at her widely.