
Married to the secret Australian Mafia Boss

In the outskirt part of Sydney , a place where the Mafia are the government. There was a boy called Calvin. He is a final student at Brimford university Sydney , Australia.At twenty-nine he has achieved what an eighty years man cannot.He is a handsome guy and has a lukewarm personality not that cold , not that warm. He looked quite harmless meanwhile he is the leader and owner of "Leo GROUP" the most popular and dangerous mafia group in Australia. A group its name send shivers in people. A mafia group known for it ruthless operations , you are inviting death if you mess with them. He is basically a solitary person and don't interact much with people. He is also the top student in the whole school. Dorothy is a fresher who was mistakenly given a course she didn't want to study. All her attempts to change it were all in vain. To make matter worst the lecturers were all on vacation , the course was not an ordinary course. Accepting her fate she started looking for someone that will teach her the course. There was no one of could help her expect the lukewarm and isolated Calvin. Gathering all the courage she could muster , she approached him and told him her intentions.He agreed to help her but with a condition , he asked her to marry him. Due to her circumstances she agreed. Meanwhile , back in Highschool , Dorothy had it tough. Alexa Samson , Stephanie Wales , Marion Steve , Harold Evans , Jason Johnson and Raymond Levi were the devils in human form that made her pass through hell.They did all sort of things to her , even ganged up boys and raped her and they even recorded it. All these was because she testified against them about a young girl they buried alive. After Highschool Dorothy went to therapy to overcome the traumas and after one year she was better. And then she enrolled in the university , on her second year in the university , her enemies were transferred to her school basically all of them. To make matter worst , they are now top agents in a mafia group called "COBRA GROUP". They discovered Dorothy and continued from where they stopped not knowing they were inviting terror. What happens when Calvin finds out about them and starts dealing with them for touching his wife? What will be their fate? Follow me in this story and see all those that wronged Dorothy were made to eat the dust.

Nkengafac_Esther · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Never knew she was this bad and wicked

"Why the hell did you slap me ?" Averly asked, holding her cheek. Marley gave her another slap and she fell on the floor, and she rushed at her on the floor and started beating her until the maids intervened and separated her.

Marley spat at Averly and rushed out of the living room. Calvin's parents did not react in any way, they just sat there eating their breakfast.

The maids helped the beaten Averly up and started applying first aid treatment to her bruises. Next thing, Marley went into the living room with her bags. She did not speak to anyone, just stormed out of the house.

There was a moment of silence of laughter when she left, which was broken by Kelly's unfiltered laughter. She continued laughing until Averly couldn't take it anymore and left the room.

Averly went to the kitchen and took some ice and put it on a cloth and used it to dab her face.

"What happened to your face ?" Calvin asked, entering the kitchen.

"Geez, you startled me, Calvin, Marley and I made a little misunderstanding" she replied.

"Are you sure it is little? Because the damage is not small, just look at your face," Calvin said.

"Don't worry, we will sort it out" she replied.

"Is the misunderstanding connected with you guys leading me to Marley's room last night ?" Calvin asked.

Averly looked at him in shock.

"You are surprised that I knew, right? You really underestimate me Averly. Who gave you the idea that a little sleeping pill would affect me ?" he asked.

"I am so sorry, Calvin" she apologized.

"Thank your stars that I didn't take care of you guys, because did your friend tell you how torturous her night was ?" he asked. When Averly didn't reply, he smirked and left the kitchen.

Averly Her body got cold, and she started experiencing goosebumps all over her body.

The last time that Calvin made the statement "take care of you" she knew what happened.

 It was during a summer holiday she spent at the Dennis family house when she was sixteen. There was one boy that she dated worked at a convenience store close to the house. The boy slept with her and dumped her. She was heartbroken and couldn't eat properly for days.

When she opened up about the matter to Calvin, he told her "I will take care of him".

The following week she went to the store, but another boy was working there. She asked the boy about her ex-boyfriend and the boy told her that he had been missing for three days now. All the investigations the police and FBI did were all in vain because the boy was never found, not even his dead body was seen. He just literally vanished into thin air and was never heard of till date.

Since then, Averly knew that Calvin was not ordinary even though he was two years older than her.

Meanwhile, Dorothy and Kelly were still in the living room doing homework. Calvin went into the living room and ordered" Doll go and prepare, we are living".

"OK" she replied.

"I need to go and prepare," Dorothy told Kelly.

"It is fine, I will do the other ones. Thanks for helping," Kelly replied.

"It is a pleasure," Dorothy said, and started walking towards the room. She reached the door and opened it. She quickly used her hand to cover her eyes.

Calvin was inside the room shirtless with a towel around his waist.

"What are you doing ?" she asked, still covering her eyes.

"Undress, let's shower" Calvin said.

"Together ?" she asked.

"Yes and hurry, I need to go somewhere" he said.

"But you said no intimacy….." 

"My parents will suspect if we don't shower together" he said.

"And remove your hands from your eyes," he added.

Dorothy removed her hands only to find out he was still half-dressed. He threw a towel at her and said "I will be waiting in the bathroom" and went inside the bathroom.

Dorothy held the towel, unsure of what to do. "How can two grown opposite-sex adults shower together and nothing happen? No, something must surely happen" she thought.

She undressed, leaving only her underwear, and wrapped the towel around her body and she nervously entered the bathroom.

Calvin was shaving in the mirror, Dorothy just stood there staring at his upper body, his towel was still around his waist. 

"Stop staring, go and start showering" Calvin said.

"Are you joining me ?" she asked nervously.

Calvin stopped what he was doing and took a step closer to her. She took a step backwards and Calvin kept coming closer to her till her back hit the wall.

He placed his left hand on the wall, trapping her, and used the other hand to hold her face up. He looked deep into her eyes and asked "Do you want me to join you ?".

Dorothy's heart was in her mouth because of how close he was to her, and she couldn't speak.

Her inside was turned into two. One wanted Calvin to join it, while one didn't want Calvin to join it.

"Your decision determines if I am joining you or not, so what is it going to be ?" he asked.

"I don't want you to join me" Dorothy managed to say.

"OK" Calvin said and went back to what he was doing.

Dorothy rushed into the shower and closed the door, she turned on the automatic black curtain which would not allow anyone to see her from outside. She turned on the cold water shower to cool her hot body, which was done by Calvin.

When she came out of the shower, Calvin had already left the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and went into the room. Calvin was sitting on the bed all dressed and reading a book.

"Are you not going to shower ?" Dorothy asked.

"Already did" he replied.

"When ?" she asked.

"When you were in the living room with Kelly" he replied.

"But why did you tell me we were showering together ? And why were you half-dressed when I came to the room ?" she asked.

"Which one should I answer first ?" he asked.

"Anyone !" she exclaimed.

"I just wanted to see your reaction and if you weren't so shy when you came into the room, you should have noticed the drops of water on my body" he replied.