
Married To The Conqueror

Amelia seems to have it all - beauty, wealth, and a handsome boyfriend from an influential family. But her gilded life shatters when she learns her boyfriend Alexander has been cheating with her own stepsister. Devastated, things go from bad to worse when Amelia's parents announce they are marrying her off to Harrison, the son of a disgraced billionaire family, while giving control of the family company to her backstabbing stepsister. Amelia is distraught, feeling utterly betrayed by those closest to her. The only person she has left is Martha, the kind maid who is more of a mother to Amelia than her own ever was. But Martha falls gravely ill, leaving Amelia desperate to get the funds for her medical treatment. Forced to go through with the engagement for Martha's sake, Amelia steels herself to marry Harrison. Yet upon meeting Harrison, Amelia is surprised to find herself intrigued by this handsome, down-to-earth stranger. As they continue to connect, she realizes there may be more to him than just his family name and reputation. But Amelia remains wary, focused on securing her independence and caring for Martha. As the wedding looms closer, a whirlwind of shocking revelations and twists will turn Amelia's world upside down once more. Will she find an unexpected saving grace in her marriage to Harrison? Or will sinister secrets beneath the surface threaten to destroy her world yet again? Little did she know, she was going to get married to the conqueror, the one who had conquered everything.

Sinadin · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Chapter 4

The drive back to her family's imposing estate gave Amelia time to reflect on the surprising meeting with Harrison.

She certainly had not expected him to be so down to earth and thoughtful.

The way he spoke about changing perceptions of his family suggested hidden depths beneath his handsome exterior.

Arriving home, she went straight to her room, wanting privacy to process it all.

Sinking onto the plush duvet covering her bed, Amelia's mind kept returning to Harrison's warm smile, his intuitive blue eyes.

She scolded herself - she barely knew him! Yet something about his calm, earnest demeanor had affected her more than she cared to admit.

Certainly she had met no shortage of entitled, arrogant men vying for her affections.

Handsome faces worshipping her, but never bothering to truly know her.

Harrison seemed different - his interest felt genuine, without cloying sycophancy or ulterior motive.

But she reminded herself it was only a first meeting; wise to be cautious until she knew more.

Musing on it all made Amelia realize how much she wished to talk it over with Martha.

The wise woman always knew just what to say.

An idea sparking, Amelia grabbed her purse and headed back out the door.

She had not made time to visit Martha lately, given the tumult with her family. Now was the perfect opportunity.

The sterile smell of the hospital greeted her as she stepped off the elevator onto Martha's floor.

Approaching the private room, Amelia felt her mood lift already at the prospect of seeing her dear friend.

Martha's face creased into a delighted smile as Amelia entered.

Though still recovering, the older woman nearly glowed at the sight of the girl she considered a daughter.

"Amelia, come give me a hug!" Martha said, her voice slightly weak but cheerful.

After embracing gently, Amelia pulled up a chair to sit beside the bed.

"It's so good to see you, Martha," she said, taking the frail hand in hers.

"I'm sorry I haven't been by lately, everything has been..." she trailed off, unsure how to summarize the turmoil with her family.

Martha gave her hand a understanding pat. "I know things have been difficult, dear. But you'll always get through."

Her steadfast faith lifted Amelia's spirits.

She took a deep breath. "So much has happened, I don't know where to start!" She described it all again, learning about Alexander's betrayal, her family's schemes to marry her off and install Isabella at the company.

Saying it all aloud reignited her anger and pain.

Martha shook her head sadly. "I cannot believe they would treat you so callously. You deserve so much more."

After she finished the woeful tale, Martha looked thoughtful.

"But it seems not everything that came from this is bad. Tell me about this Harrison you met."

Amelia felt suddenly self conscious thinking back on it.

"Honestly, he wasn't what I expected at all. He was so down to earth and genuine, not entitled like his relatives. It was...nice."

She hoped she wasn't blushing.

Martha gave her a knowing smile. "It sounds like he made quite an impression! And clearly there are good seeds among the Caldwells, despite their reputation."

Nodding slowly, Amelia hesitated to say more, but Martha gently coaxed it out of her.

"He has this warmth about him, despite being reserved at first. This confidence but also humility. I don't know..." she trailed off, laughing softly at herself.

"Anyway, it's much too soon to say more."

"Trust yourself, dear. If your heart is opening to him, there's a reason," Martha wisely advised.

After some quiet reflection, she continued gently. "I know you feel forced into this. But you have strength in you no one can take."

"Perhaps see where this path leads, without shutting down possibilities."

As much as Amelia hated the idea of an arranged marriage, she realized Martha had a point.

Her life was shifting in ways she could never have predicted. It didn't mean she had no agency in what came next.

Leaning down to gently hug Martha goodbye, Amelia felt calmed by the visit.

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without your wisdom."

Driving back home as dusk fell, she felt tentatively hopeful instead of resigned.

She would move slowly and protectively, but perhaps allow Harrison a chance to show who he truly was beneath the Caldwell name.

If nothing else, she could gain a friend out of the turmoil.


The sunset was coloring the sky in hues of orange and pink as Amelia drove back from her visit with Martha.

Despite the older woman's frail condition, seeing her dear friend and confidant had lifted Amelia's spirits.

Martha's wisdom and assurances were a balm after so much turmoil.

Glancing at the clock, Amelia realized it was nearly dinner time.

She quickened her pace, though she was in no hurry to sit through another stilted meal with her family.

Ever since the blow up about the arranged marriage and her sister taking over the company, conversations were terse and strained.

Pulling up to the imposing Davidson estate, Amelia steeled herself as she entered the front door.

The house staff informed her that the family was already seated for dinner.

She put on an impassive face and went to join them.

Her mother and father sat at opposite ends of the grand formal dining table, while her sister Isabella picked at her food in moody silence.

Amelia took her seat, the clinking of silverware and glasses echoing in the cavernous room.

"How did your little meet up go with the Caldwell boy today?" her father asked without looking up from his plate.

His tone made it clear he expected an affirmation that things were going smoothly.

Amelia kept her voice cool and even.

"It was fine. Harrison seems perfectly amiable. We'll be getting to know each other more over the coming weeks."

She offered only the bare minimum of detail, which appeared to satisfy her father.

The rest of the meal passed quietly, and Amelia excused herself as soon as possible.

Back in the sanctuary of her bedroom, she sighed with relief. Maintaining the facade of obedience before her family was exhausting.

After changing into a silk nightgown, she sank onto her plush bedding, mind still turning over the day's events.

Despite her simmering anger at her parents, thoughts of Harrison brought a small, involuntarily smile to her face.

Perhaps Martha was right that he deserved a chance, independent of his family's history.

Amelia was startled from her reflections by her phone lighting up with a notification.

Picking it up, she saw it was a text - from Harrison.

Just a simple "Hi" that sent an inexplicable flutter through her.

That he had taken the initiative to reach out this way surprised her. For a few moments she stared at the little word on the screen, unsure how to respond.

Before she could overthink it, Amelia typed back a "Hello" and hit send.

She chewed her lip waiting for a reply.

The ellipsis popped up indicating he was typing.

Then a message appeared - "I hope you don't mind me texting out of the blue. I enjoyed our conversation earlier and wanted to continue it."

Amelia's nerves were suddenly alive, thumbs hovering over the keyboard.

She was wary of becoming entangled in something that had started out of her control, and with a virtual stranger no less.

But she couldn't deny her interest was piqued...

Amelia hesitated only a moment before typing back "It's nice to hear from you too. I enjoyed our conversation earlier as well."

She chewed her lip after hitting send, wondering if she was being too forward.

However, Harrison responded right away.

"I'm glad. It's rare for me to feel such an instant rapport with someone."

Amelia's nerves fluttered pleasantly at the admission.

She wrote back, "Likewise. You're not what I expected, in the best way."

"I'll take that as a high compliment," he returned. "I know you have no reason to think highly of my family. Hopefully I can change your mind."

Amelia found herself already swayed by Harrison's thoughtfulness, so different from the arrogant wealthy men she often met.

She replied, "I try to judge people as individuals. So far, you're leaving a good impression."

"That's very kind of you to say. And quite wise."

Over the next half hour, their conversation flowed naturally, soon veering from the superficial into deeper discussions of values, interests, and hopes.

The more they opened up, the more Amelia felt her guard coming down.

Near the end, Harrison wrote, "Forgive me if this is too forward, but would you be open to meeting again tomorrow? There is so much more I'd love to learn about you in person."

Amelia's instinct was to agree right away, but she restrained herself. "I may have plans already..." she hedged.

"Of course, my apologies for the assumption," came the quick reply.

"I certainly understand if you are busy, and another time works just as well."

His immediate graciousness at her hesitance made Amelia feel a bit guilty.

Before she could overthink it further, she wrote "I was only teasing. My schedule is quite open tomorrow, so I would enjoy meeting up again."

"Wonderful!" Harrison responded. "And well played on the teasing - it seems I will have to be quick witted around you."

Amelia laughed softly at having been caught trying to act less eager than she felt.

It seemed silly games were not necessary with Harrison.

They soon said goodnight, Amelia feeling light and happy as she settled into bed.

She marveled at the open, easy dynamic between them so quickly.

The arranged marriage still felt forced upon her, but connecting with Harrison authentically gave her hope.

As she drifted off, Amelia's mind swirled with anticipation of what the next day would bring.

There was an energy between them she had never quite experienced before, and she was intrigued to explore it.

The future remained uncertain, but it no longer felt so ominous.

Whatever came next, she knew she could stay true to herself.

And if Harrison proved as genuine as h appeared, perhaps they could build something meaningful beyond their families' machinations.

With that cautiously optimistic thought, Amelia surrendered to sleep, the phone still cradled gently in her hand.
