
Married To The Conqueror

Amelia seems to have it all - beauty, wealth, and a handsome boyfriend from an influential family. But her gilded life shatters when she learns her boyfriend Alexander has been cheating with her own stepsister. Devastated, things go from bad to worse when Amelia's parents announce they are marrying her off to Harrison, the son of a disgraced billionaire family, while giving control of the family company to her backstabbing stepsister. Amelia is distraught, feeling utterly betrayed by those closest to her. The only person she has left is Martha, the kind maid who is more of a mother to Amelia than her own ever was. But Martha falls gravely ill, leaving Amelia desperate to get the funds for her medical treatment. Forced to go through with the engagement for Martha's sake, Amelia steels herself to marry Harrison. Yet upon meeting Harrison, Amelia is surprised to find herself intrigued by this handsome, down-to-earth stranger. As they continue to connect, she realizes there may be more to him than just his family name and reputation. But Amelia remains wary, focused on securing her independence and caring for Martha. As the wedding looms closer, a whirlwind of shocking revelations and twists will turn Amelia's world upside down once more. Will she find an unexpected saving grace in her marriage to Harrison? Or will sinister secrets beneath the surface threaten to destroy her world yet again? Little did she know, she was going to get married to the conqueror, the one who had conquered everything.

Sinadin · Urban
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Chapter 3

The morning sun filtered through the curtains as Amelia slowly awoke.

Reaching for her phone, she was surprised to receive a call from an unknown number.

Still drowsy, she answered with a hesitant "Hello?"

"Good morning," came a crisp, deep masculine voice on the other end. The unexpected sound jolted Amelia alert.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" she asked.

"Harrison Caldwell," he replied. "We were meant to meet today."

Amelia sat bolt upright, suddenly very conscious of the fact that she was still in bed talking to her supposed fiancé.

"Oh, Mr. Caldwell, of course," she stammered. "I didn't realize it was you."

Harrison chuckled. "No need to be so formal. Please, call me Harrison. I know this whole arrangement has been...unconventional. But I'd still like to meet you properly, if you're willing."

Taken aback by his friendly yet assured tone, all Amelia could think to say was "You have a nice voice." As soon as the words left her mouth, she wanted to clap a hand over it in embarrassment.

However, Harrison laughed good naturedly. "Why thank you. I must say, your voice is rather lovely as well."

Amelia felt herself blushing furiously.

Get it together! she scolded herself. "Um yes, meeting today sounds fine," she managed. "Just text me the details."

"Excellent, I look forward to it," Harrison replied warmly before hanging up.

Amelia set down the phone, her heart inexplicably fluttering.

His compliment about her voice kept replaying in her mind, which was ridiculous given the circumstances.

Shaking her head, she got up to start getting ready.

In the shower, she wondered what Harrison would be like in person.

The Caldwell family had a reputation for arrogance, yet he had come across as charming and down to earth so far.

But perhaps it was all an act, she reminded herself. She would have to be cautious at their meeting.

After breakfast, she saw Harrison had texted an address for a cafe downtown.

Putting the location into her GPS, she was surprised to find it was not one of the elite, upscale cafes frequented by high society.

This appeared to be a small, unassuming neighborhood spot - an intriguing choice.

When Amelia arrived, there were just a handful of patrons inside the cozy space.

Wind chimes jingled pleasantly as she entered, scanning the room until her eyes landed on Harrison.

He had stood up from a table and was walking towards her with a smile. She froze momentarily as she took him in.

He was tall and broad shouldered, with wavy blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

Harrison wore a tailored suit impeccably, minus the jacket, with his shirt partly open to reveal a sliver of toned chest.

Amelia suddenly felt very conscious of her own simple sundress in comparison.

"Amelia, wonderful to finally meet you," he said warmly, holding out his hand.

She placed hers in it delicately and was struck by the strength yet gentleness of his grip.

"Hello Harrison," she managed, hoping she didn't sound as flustered as she felt.

He led her back to the table, pulling out a chair and waiting for her to sit before taking his own seat.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked. "They make an excellent latte here."

Amelia hesitated, expecting him to flag down one of the waitstaff. "Oh, just a coffee for me, thanks."

But instead Harrison stood again with a knowing look. "One coffee coming up."

He disappeared through a side door behind the counter as Amelia watched curiously.

Several minutes later he emerged carrying two steaming mugs.

Setting one down in front of her with a flourish, he took his own seat again.

"So you work here?" Amelia asked, impressed by the hands on gesture.

"I like to help out sometimes," Harrison said modestly.

"I bought this place for the owner years ago when he was struggling. We struck up a friendship."

As they sipped their drinks, Harrison told her more about his love for this neighborhood cafe, dating back to his childhood.

Amelia found herself captivated by his easy, unpretentious manner.

Everything she had assumed about the entitled Caldwell heir seemed to be wrong.

Sensing her thoughts, Harrison gave her a knowing look.

"I imagine you have certain impressions about me and my family. Unfortunately, much of what society believes is true."

"The Caldwells have not always acted honorably." He fidgeted slightly, looking ashamed. "But I aim to change that."

Amelia felt her wariness start to thaw in the face of his sincerity. "This is not the life I would have chosen," Harrison continued.

"Yet here we are. I understand if you wish to avoid this arrangement entirely. I can ensure you face no repercussions for it."

He held her gaze. "However, if there is any chance you would consider getting to know me as myself, without any pretense...I would be grateful for the opportunity."

Amelia was struck by how open and earnest Harrison was being.

She found her instincts telling her he was trustworthy, though her rational mind still held some doubts.

"This is highly irregular," she said slowly.

"But, I am willing to move forward as...friends, for now. See where things lead organically." It felt like a risk to make even this concession, yet something told her it was right.

Harrison's face lit up with that warm smile again. "Friends is a wonderful place to start."

They spent the next hour continuing to talk over coffee.

Amelia was charmed by his wit and thoughtful insights on life.

When at last they stood to leave, she felt genuinely disappointed for the meeting to end.

"Thank you for giving me a chance," Harrison said, gently clasping her hand in parting.

She hoped her own palm had not betrayed her by sweating.

Driving home, Amelia marveled at the morning's events.

She now found herself intrigued to know more about the complex, compassionate man hidden beneath Harrison's reserved exterior.

It was dangerous, given her situation, yet she could not resist the pull.

Their story was only just beginning.
