

Damon's POV

I searched everywhere for her but couldn't find her. I found only her phone at the entrance of the elevator with the screen cracked.

Just then, the elevator opened and I saw Charlotte staggering out. I felt really relieved. The moment she saw me, she embraced me crying.

'What's wrong?' I asked shocked

'That.....that....lady.... drug... rape' she said stuttering.

'I don't get what you're saying. Let's just go home' I said and led her to my car while she followed suit.

Vivian's POV

I watched in anger as they left. The plan wasn't supposed to be like this. Damon is supposed to hate and abandon her not take her home. What went wrong?

I dialed Rita's line but she was not picking up. I went to the top floor and entered the room. I met Rita's almost lifeless body on the floor and the thugs were thrusting into her womanhood aggressively.