


Coralline's POV

I woke up very early, probably because I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about what Damon told me. I can't believe I was a tool to get more wealth.

I felt movement beside me, it was Damon and yes we are now sleeping together.

He looks so cute while sleeping, with his full lashes, well sculptured face and red kissable lips I feel like kissing. God really did a great job while making him.

If he was a lady, I would feel really inferior. I stared at his kissable lips for a while and felt like kissing him. I mustered up courage and gave him a peck in his lips.

When I was about to pull back he held me close and said 'after turning me on, you want to leave me unattended?'

I was surprised and embarrassed, I didn't know he was awake. He pulled me closer and gave me a sloppy kiss on my lips.

'Good morning wifey' he said smilling

'Good morning to you to. How long were you awake?' I asked feigning annoyance