
Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Leo was a Great Pretender or a con-artist for those who don't know what Pretender means. Anyways, he's been an official full time Pretender, tricking anyone especially tourists for their money. He pretended to be a beggar who lost his child due to a fire and in need of some money even though he's still 20 and hasn't even experienced having a girlfriend. He also Pretended to be a police officer who extorts naughty teenagers when he saw them vandalizing with spray paints, by letting them go only if they gave him their cash. He even pretended to be a rich but fearsome mafia who extorted money from an old couple. Though he soon gave their money back to them after realizing that the money he extorted was supposed to be used on their granddaughter who suffers from cancer. So he would like to call himself a Kind Con-Artist. Then why did he reincarnate in some kind of weird world dominated by animals who talk and act like humans? Did he also tell you that he gained a system that made him a true Great Pretender in the entire Multiverse? |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| [My fifth fanfic!] [Harem!!] [First pairing will be Elsa from Frozen] [Chosen Worlds: - Kung Fu Panda - Frozen - Hotel Transylvania - The Incredibles - Megamind - Rise of the Guardians - Wall-E - Moana - Wreck-it Ralph - Monster's Inc - Next Gen - Despicable Me / Minions (Bababa baba banana!) - Monster House - There will be more if it can fit on the fic The schedule will be Monday to Friday. [I don’t own anything except for my own character] - You can join my Patreon - Patreon.com/SlimeSage - You can also join my Discord to discuss about the fanfic and see the illustrations- https://discord.gg/ukcjkM8fNt

SlimeSage · ภาพยนตร์
126 Chs

Ch. 19 - The Great Pretender's training arc (3)

[Alt-Titles: The Great Pretender's visit to another world.]


As soon as Leo muttered the word 'Claim' three times, a slight increase in his strength was quickly felt by him before disappearing as if it was never there.

"Hooo~" Leo took a sharp breath before exhaling, squeezing every moment to enjoy the increase of his strength.

'I'll never get tired of this, it's like getting high from drugs.' Leo said before stretching his arms.

'Tomorrow, I'll practice my strength just to get used to it, controlling it won't be that hard anymore after all.' With that being said, Leo then proceeded to look at his inventory.

Ignoring the Mop in one of the columns, Leo stared at the white ticket with intricate golden lines as designed on the surface while having a large letter of 'D' on its front.

'Genesis. Do you think I can use it now?' Leo asked, wanting to hear the advice of his partner that will stay with him forever.

[Since your goal is to control your strength which would come easy tomorrow, you can use the ticket so you wouldn't have to practice tomorrow and directly show off your strength. Also, staying one week in another world would open up a brand new batch of quests and another function of the system.]

"You sure it isn't dangerous?" Leo asked for confirmation, showing concern towards his safety.

[Rest assured, Leo. Although only a few might threaten your safety but the possibility of encountering them would be low and not to mention if you did encounter them, getting yourself killed without any valid reason is lower. So just try to not be reckless in the other world and you'll be fine.]

"That doesn't assure me one but never mind. Might as well just comfort myself and be done with it." With that in mind, Leo took the ticket out of the inventory, watching as it appears in his palm.

"How do I use it, Genesis?" He asked while scanning the ticket with his eyes, even going as far as smelling it.

Unfortunately, there's no smell on it.

[Simply tear the ticket in half and you'll instantly find yourself in another world.]

Hearing Genesis, Leo did as instructed and tore the ticket in half.

Soon, Leo's entire body was surrounded by golden light before vanishing from the universe.

"What was that energ-." Master Oogway, who was meditating under the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom suddenly sensed an abundant feeling of unknown energy, however just as he reacted, the entire universe including the spirit realms came to a halt.


In an unknown forest location, a golden light soon came to existence, blinding the nearby animals and insects.

Soon after the golden light slowly dissipates, Leo's figure can be seen, being in the same position as he disappeared from the world of Kung Fu Panda.

Feeling the air crushing against his face and the sun heating his skin, Leo opened his eyes to see the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"Well at least it wasn't someone else's home this time. This is a good start." Leo remarked to himself as he pushed himself from the ground, patting the dirt from his ass in the process.

Leo then looked around the forest, trying to determine if he could at least see a nearby civilization.

Obviously, he's in an unfamiliar world, so he needed information, what else is better in getting information than asking the people in this world.

"Should I walk?" Leo pondered this to himself, he could just stay here and gather necessities to survive and train his body, strength control and other things before the end of the week.

After all, his main purpose in this world was to take advantage of the Kung Fu Panda world being frozen and secretly train here until his strength is deemed worthy.

However, Leo felt like the ticket would go into waste if he stays here and refuses to discover more about this unknown world.

Sure, he might get in danger but like what Genesis said, only a few can threaten him in this world and encountering them would be low, so he feels like he's safe enough.

"Fuck it. This is my second chance in life, I need to enjoy it as much as I can before I die." Leo cursed and finally came up with a decision.

To explore the world!

With that in mind, Leo quickly chose a direction, which is south.

How did he know if it is south? Simple.

You see, the sun rises from the east and looking at the position of the sun in front of him, he simply turned around and started walking.

Is he sure about this?


He just read it somewhere on social media, he's not sure if what he's doing is correct or not.

And even if he's wrong. What's the harm? He's just blindly walking in an unknown direction.

As long as he finds civilization, then everything will turn out fine.

'New world, here I go!' Cheering in his mind, Leo looked forward to his single week journey in another world.


"Fuck! I was wrong!" Hours have passed and Leo was fine for the first few hours.

However, on the 5th of the hour, he started sweating heavily and taking occasional rests under large trees.

On the 6th hour of the day, Leo started to feel thirsty and in need of water.

On the 7th hour of the day, he was now regretting his decision of travelling blindly.

"Genesis. There has to be some kind of way to use the Reputation Points, right? Some kind of store where I can buy water?" Leo said, almost with a begging tone.

[I'm sorry to inform you but you need to raise your reputation points to 100,000 in order to unlock the shop function.]

"100,000!? What's with that!?" Leo exasperatedly complained.

[I suggest using the Gacha tickets, you did say a few days ago that you'll be saving up Gacha tickets for tricky or risky situations. Isn't this the situation you're referring to?]

Being reminded by Genesis, Leo smacked his forehead.

Why didn't he think of that!

Why does it feel like some unknown force deliberately made him forget about it just so his system could remind him about it.

Quickly opening the Gacha function, Leo didn't hesitate to spend 1 Gacha Ticket.

'Please give me anything that I could drink!' Leo silently prayed inside his mind.

As if hearing his prayers, the virtual screen of the Gacha burst out with purple light.

'A Unique draw!' A glint full of excitement flashed in Leo's eyes as the purple light dimmed, revealing the reward.

[Congratulations! You have received an Anti-Dehydratiom Spray 50 ml!]

"...." Leo's mouth quivered slightly, sure he was expecting some grand item or skill even though he was praying for anything to drink.

After all, he would prefer to get stronger than satisfy a temporary need.

Nonetheless, at least he got something useful.

'What's this, Genesis?' Leo asked.

[Anti-Dehydration Spray is as the name says, a spray that contains a liquid that can quickly cure your thirst and become hydrated for 24 hours with nothing but a single spray in your mouth!]

"....Well...That is indeed a unique item." Leo said with seriousness in his voice.

Adhering to the instructions of Genesis, Leo took the spray bottle out of the inventory.

The spray bottle itself doesn't look anything special as it is transparent and the spray cap is white in color.

So the appearance is pretty much average which is contrary to its ability to quench thirst for a whole day.


Spraying one time in his mouth, Leo's previously hoarse voice and dried lips from dehydration were quickly gone, as if it was never there to begin with.

"That was....bland but surprisingly satisfying." Leo commented. The liquid itself doesn't taste anything special, it's just plain water. However, the feeling of spraying one in his mouth is what satisfied him the most.

It's like being lost in the desert without any water for 3 days before suddenly dipping your entire head in a Well filled to the brim with water.

That's what Leo felt when he sprayed his mouth.

'Definitely useful!' Leo remarked, now he's more eager in his adventure, knowing that he has such a valuable and useful item.

Now he won't worry about being dehydrated thanks to this Anti-Dehydration Spray bottle.

*Stomach Gurgle!*



Thankfully, Leo doesn't have to draw another Gacha ticket as he found an apple tree full of apples.

Plucking several of them and even storing some in his pockets as he doesn't carry any bags, Leo resumed his journey.

"A path! A stone path!" Leo quickly brightened up and said in a very cheerful voice.

Without hesitation anymore, Leo started running, following the stone path which he guessed that is used during medieval ages considering how ancient they look like.

A few minutes of constant running without exhaustion, a huge structure was slowly fading in on Leo's vision.

"A huge wall! Probably taller than the Great Wall of China." Leo exclaimed, even though he truly can't measure which was larger as he has barely seen the wall of china.

Finding the gate where several carriages and civilians in peasant looking outfits, Leo quickly lined up behind a woman carrying a basket and was thankful that he's wearing a long robe, so he doesn't look out of place.

"Next!" Upon his turn, Leo looked at the guard in knight armor with a smile.

"Identifications and an apple." The guard said in a monotone voice, as if tired in his job.

"Uhm....I don't have any identifications. I've been living in the mountains with my grandfather before he recently died. Though I'm confused about the apple. Why do you need an apple?" Although Leo was expecting to be asked with identifications, hence his inner con-man side quickly stepped and made up a good enough lie.

What confuses his however. Why do they need an Apple to entry?

"I see. You're new here huh, well the Kingdom of Zaria has a custom of needing to offer an apple when visiting our kingdom but since you came from the mountains. I'll let you off for now. As for the identifications, just write your name here and you're in."

'Kingdom of Zaria? Is this some kind of random world that isn't fictional?'


[Before complaining, this is indeed a fictional world and it is included in the chosen worlds, so you just need to dig deeper to know which world it is.]

[Anyways, I'm surprised and thankful that we managed to reach top 50 in the rankings. Now, how about we reach top 10 in power stone rankings and I'll give you an extra chapter in Monday next week?]





[Next Chapter: Ch. 20 - The Great Pretender's training arc (4)]

You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.