
new plans!

That was stupid.

I can't even split again because those fancy portals cost so much energy...

Sometimes I hate myself, or versions 5 and 6 of me.

Well, what is in the past is, in the end, the mission was accomplished surprisingly well.

There are more magical ores in this dumpster than in a dwarf mine.

Maria 5 should have gotten ore, and I was supposed to get the morphing device, but the contrary also works, doesn't it?

(battery in 20%)

Yeah, now it is only waiting and praying maria One gets the fuel in time.

Do you know what it means?

It means I have all the time and materials to work on my newest pet project.

The talking Panda!

The original plan changed a bit, I won't lose a finger.

Do you remember the nebula cortex piece I found?

That piece had a little antenna that allowed Thanos to see everything nebula saw and even send commands to her. It is a two-gate antenna! I don't have to lose a pinky anymore!

That does mean I tricked Kasi's father by taking the best piece out of the equipment before I sold it.

But I don't have any protocol against unfair trades if they don't cause any emotional damage.


I feel like I have changed a lot since the animal shelter. This isolated survival quest is driving me crazy.

But soon I won't have anything to fear!

Just a little surgery and I will be able to have a talking company! By connecting the antenna to me and planting it on Panda, we will be able to exchange thoughts, feelings, senses like vision, hearing… You got it.

Now, where is that cat hiding?

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I promise next chapter will be a way longer to compensate, and I will release it tomorrow!

(that wa the bigest lie ever)^

abibia_berricreators' thoughts