
Maria Stark Jr. MCU fan-fic

The millionaire Tony Stark builds Maria jr Stark as a legacy to help people around the world. A robot that uses the jewel of the infinite of space to build portals, teleport and be in multiple places at the same time. But she cannot hurt any living being! Unfortunately, she is considered dangerous, and the government orders she to be deactivated.

abibia_berri · ภาพยนตร์
59 Chs

Die is not that easy at all

- But they will never let someone that's can't hit others with the space jewel. - He says in a serious tone.

Wait. Sorry? Do he will really try something?

-Oh, please. I already told you , I'm surrendering!

- Waiting for me to disable you? If you insist, but I have to tell you something before.

This guy really like to talk. Well, it isn't as it would change my fate.

- Did you knew that the jewel in your head is connected to our universe and this is what allows you to teleport wherever you want? And this strange pistol is a little thing that I got a while ago, she also makes portals, only a little different from yours.- A portal pistol? Never heard about. Probably just a trick. I am sure he has some thing else in his hands and just said it because I cann only see his back.

-And for that reason I will also teleport any things that I think are dangerous. Go to the point, what do you want from me?- I answer suspiciously.

-I want the number four please, sorry this was a bad one. - It is officially, this guy is crazy. What a way of spending my last moments.

- Can you just do the favor os taking care of my cat when I am gone? - I beg.

He turns to me while saying:

- I'm sorry I don't get along with animals, specially cats. you'll have to take care of him alone.-

He does have a gun. It doesn't look like earth's guns but it looks like a gun, which is pointed in my direction. In a split second he shoots. I obviously try to teleport anywhere. But it is not a bullet or any type of beam coming out of it. It was really a portal weapon. Before I could do anything panda, my own portal and I are teleported. And now I'm falling. I don't know where or where from. But if it continues like this, panda will become jelly.

Oh, no. The jewel is no longer on my forehead. Can't you understand what's happening? I just found out, too. That thing was a portal gun, in particular an inter-dimensional portal gun. As the head of the web has already said, jewels are connected with your universe and cannot be separated from it. But I can.

I was planning to die today, but not a panda. Better find a way out of this.

Wait a minute! It's her! I am feeling the jewel! ... All over? Anyway, the details are for later. Now what matters is channeling the energy and creating a portal that leads to the ground in a safe way before I reach it the other way.

The energy is weak. But it should be enough to involve my body.

And now!

In a second, I pass from a fallen star to safe stand on the ground. There! And that is the force of gravity making me pay for the speed at which I was moving. I think I moved some joints ...

Panda still sleeping? How does this cat do it?