
Mako mermaids sea life

What as Alex goes through life with a op ability

Kingston112 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


hey my name is Allen I am about to die, yap you heard me right I was minding my own business when some boy pushed me when I was crossing the road then the truck that was going to hit the random boy hit me like what the hell man.

I then woke up in a white void with a huge as wheel infront of me, when I looked closer it had TV show, anime, series etc and all of a sudden the wheel starter turning then it landed on a show I used to watch as a child.

Mako mermaids, then it went to gender, it started spinning again, I started praying it didn't land on female.

And to my luck in landed on male, it then went to race, human or merman, and it landed on merman, then it picked my age.

It landed on 14 years, Then a little surrounded me and I woke up on the shore of some beach, I got up and started checking myself.

I found a letter in one of my pockets, when I opened it, it read hello my name is ROB am not God but I decided to remove you from the reincarnation cycle and place you in the white void.

Don't worry I haven't just put you in a random world without any help, in your other pocket is a card with 1 million dollars in will refill monthly so ya goodbye the letter then disappeared.

I wasn't angry, I was just in surprised but first I have to find out which episode am on.

I then heard a familiar voice, Hey Zac you ready to go fishing at mako island, I looked to my left only to see Zac and Cam leave for mako so if I am right Zac and Cam are going to mako today and this is the first episode.

I then remembered something am a merman, that means I can follow the two of them and I fell like manipulating the story abit.

Luckily for me am at a beach shore and this place is filled with water.

So I first waited for those guys to leave and then I ran into the water and swam after them.

This felt so weird, when I first entered the water my body started bubbling up and then my legs turned into a tail.

And I could breath underwater, but I wasted no time and I followed them, I had to reduce my speed because the boat was slow AF ya I cursed got a problem.

That's what I thought wait who am I talking to, they finally stopped and when I put my head a little bit out of the water I so them getting ready to fish and not so far away I so three mermaids.

Wait I remember this part their Nixxie and Serina are gonna help Zac and Cam caught a fish thinking they will go back after.

I so them go back into the water, and few seconds letter Zac's fishing rod started moving, he got up and started pulling the hook up but to his displeasure their was nothing.

But then Cam's hook started moving and he told Zac to go get the net, Zac did as told and got the net and Cam pulled in the fish and Zac got it with his net.

The two mermaids then put up their head from the water but Lyla was at behind.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I swam to the island I was far enough for those not to see me but not too far.

Once I pulled up to the store, I remembered something from the show I raised my hand to the direction of my tail an started to imagine all the water droplets move away from my finn.

And my finn started to show the image of my finn frying, I wasn't sure it would work but so far it was working.

Then I transformed into a human again, I then decided to wait till night and in no time night came it was fairly easy to find Zac and Cam because of the fire they used for making the fish I also made sure not to look at the moon.

Because I don't want to be drawn to it, When I found them Zac was going to pee, as Zac was leaving I used my telekinesis to press Cam's bladder so he also went to pee with Zac.

As those two left I ate the food on Kam's plate, what I hadn't eaten all day.

After eating his fish I decided to check on the two, I followed the trail as good as I could remembered and I found the entrance to the chamber.

I followed in and I was just in time, Zac touched the Triton symbol and he fell through Cam got scared and he started touching the symbol making him fall throw as well.

What I liked Cam as a character and just imagine three merman.

I then ran out of the cave, but I accidentally tripped and when I got up I accidentally looked at the moon all of a sudden.

My eyes went blank and I found myself in the moon pool.

What the hell happened, I looked at my surroundings and I was in the moon pool but no one else was here it was still night time so I must have not been out for long.

And judging by what happened, the girls must have gone to take the boys to the shore.

I immediate left the moon pool, I don't want to be found out yet.


The next day

It was the next day and I woke up late, I slept in the water, it's surprisingly comfortable and why do I say I woke up late well Zac and Cam are leaving the island.

when I returned to the beach I went behind some rock and dryed myself, I was hungry so I decided to find the famous food restaurant

It was harder than I thought , I didn't know the name of the place but I finally found the place and I grabbed the menu and ordered a fish burger and orange juice.

They took the menu and in a few minutes they brought me my food.

As I was eating I so Cam and Evie, talking I don't think Cam has figured out he has powers yet.

All of sudden Zac, came I decided to listen in more closely, I have something to show you Zac said, Are you okay Cam told me that the both of you fainted on your camping trip Evie asked Zac.

Am fine Zac replied, so we still going for run Evie asked, Ya Ya but I really need to talk to Cam.

Zac said, oh okay I will leave you guys to it, Zac then took, Cam to the dock of the restaurant and tried to show Cam his powers but the mermaids intercepted him.

Cam ended up walking away and Zac used his power again and his time the hoes sprayed him and he fell into the water.

He then transformed for the first time.

I ate my burger and drank my juice then I paid up, I knew what was going to happen so I decided to do something.

I went to Zac's home don't ask how I know where it is I decided to try clocking, I raised my arm and turned it but nothing happened.

I tried it again and again and again but I kept on failing what am I doing wrong.

Okay let me calm down, I took in a deep breath and turned my hand again this time it worked, I waited like for about half and hour and finally Cam came.

When he so Zac his face was priceless, Zac started playing with his powers and throw a water ball at Cam, ate first Zac was laughing but then Cam fell into the water and low and behold another blue tail appeared.