
Mako mermaids sea life

What as Alex goes through life with a op ability

Kingston112 · Anime & Comics
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I was pleasantly happy that it worked Cam and Zac were both merman, I continued to observe them Cam tried to left the water using his powers.

But the bubble burst, I got bored watching them so I decided to reveal myself, I an clocking myself and walked towards the deck.

Those two were too immersed in their powers that they didn't recognize me.

All of sudden the water in the lake came out and flew at me, And when I opened my eyes both Zac and Cam were gone.

I didn't have much time left, I jumped into the water and I transformed, It must have been the mermaids they think I am a human.

Damn but did they have to shoot water at me, wait what if I got up from the water and started looking around.

I couldn't see them maybe they swam away after shooting the water at me, or maybe they are invisible, I pray they just left.

Well am already in the water, let me go out for a swim, man in the past two days I have been in the water more times than I can count.

Well let me just swim, I started I wanted to see how fast I can go.

2 hours later

I was in the water for 2 hours and damn does it work up an appetite.

I pulled up on the shore of the beach and dryed myself.

I was hungry so you guessed it, I went to the ocean cafe yes I learnt the name I know am amazing.

Well it was almost dark so I had to hurry up, I made my way to the cafe, and when I sat down like before i ordered a fish burger and some apple juice.

I ate my food and paid the bill, after that I went to the sea, ya it's become my new sleeping place.


The next day

I woke up early today because I wanted to buy clothes, i can't keep repeating the same things all the time.

And Lucky for me, I pasted by a clothing shop on my way to the ocean cafe, But when I went their the place was closed I was a little bit disappointed but I had other things to do.

If my memory serviced me right, today the girls are getting their legs, and Zac will save some kid from drowning.

So let me go to my favorite cafe and wait for the clothing store to open as I eat, I now understand why that was a go to spot for the main cast.

This time when I went to the cafe it wasn't also closed to my luck I sat down and David handed me the menu.

Is it the usual today David asked with a smile, you mean a fish burger i asked to confirm, yes he said, Okay also get me orange juice.

Right away mate David said then went to get my meal ready, very few people were here this early in the morning.

So I just started looking around, until I so two familiar people Cam and Zac, they were sitting on the table ahead of me.

I started to isdrop, on their conversation, Zac how are we going to do our jobs today Cam asked, I don't know but we have to find a way Zac replied.

I can't even shower let alone rescue people Cam said, Okay let's do this we work today and resign at the end of the day Zac proposed.

Well that can work let's just hope no one drowns when we are on watch duty, Cam said and Zac nodded.

At this moment they brought my food, talk about the right timing I ate my food, and left to go and get clothes but then I remembered where am I going to keep them.

This busted my plans on getting new clothes, but I can always get them tomorrow but as my first priority I have to find a place to live.

As I was walking away from the place I so a site that almost made me laugh out loud, the girls were trying to walk.

I decided to follow them, on their endvires Nixie tried crossing the road while the light was still on red, both Lyla and Serina pulled her back.

A little girl then appeared and pressed the miter and in a few minutes the cars stopped moving the girls successfully crossed the road man I almost died of laughter.

But none the less I followed them, the went to Zac's home, I decided to turn invisible so I can get closer to the girls.

We have to get into the house without spooking him Nixie said, both the girls nodded, then Nixie proceeded to shout " HELLO BOY YOU IN THERE"

What are you doing Lyla said with an indignant expression, see whether the boy is in their or not Nixiie replied.

But now you have ruined any chance of us sneaking up on him Lyla retorted.

They kept on going back and forth, until Serina told them that their is no point in arguing his not even here the both of they stopped arguing and they started advancing to the house.

How do we open this box Lyla said, I just used my telekinesis and opened the door the girls entered and they started going throw his things.

And all of a sudden Lyla pressed Zac's radio, and it started playing music both Lyla an Nixiie told her to turn it off she started pressing and hitting the radio but it refused to turn off.

Then all of a sudden Zac's parents showed up but the girls turned invisible luckily for me I was on my way out.

Before anyone could notice, I was already in the water thank god of the invisibility because it was fun watching the girls mess up.

But right now I want to go to mako, I wanted to get the water from the moon pool because of it's special properties.

Once it touches a human they get the powers of a mermaid or merman and I had someone in mind.

it took me about 3 minutes to reach mako don't worry I made sure to steal on of Zac's bottles to put in the water.

But in took me a little bit of soul searching but I found it the moon pool.

I opened the bottle and scooped in a decent amount of water.

After that I swam back, when i was able to dry up, I looked for one man in particular, but Allen why are you creating more mermen than necessary.

My dear readers I just felt that in the show mermen were under appreciated like their were only two mermen ever shown in the show.

And I want to change that, I went to the ocean cafe, and to my lack the person I was waiting for was their David.

Serian's love interest, I went into the store into the dressing room and I turned invisible, and I walked towards the counter.

I then poured the water on him, David looked confused but I felt successfully in my plain, I noticed that some part of his skin turned blue for a second.

Maybe just to show he has the power but I still felt filled in my mission I watched the girls break in to Zac's room, I made another merman and well am enjoying my time in this universe.

It's a shame I never so Zac save the girl, Ah you win some you lose some