
Mahanon Winters

MC Reincarnates in Harry Potter with a Dragon Age Inquisition character build. I do not own Harry Potter or Dragon Age. I found the picture on Google if the artist wants me to take it down message me. Let me get one thing straight right off the bat.. This is my first fanfic.. I am not getting paid to write this I do this for fun so cut me some slack. Alot of Canon things will be changed to my liking.

God_saiayn1 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
2 Chs

2 Waking Up

When I felt my consciousness returning I immediately became aware of my position riding something when a soft pair of hands holding on to me from behind. I opened my eyes and looked up at the person holding me and was shocked by the beauty of the elven woman holding onto me with a sad look on her face.

Suddenly a warm soothing rush came over my mind bringing 10 years worth of happy memories with my new family roaming all over the world.

Turns out elves are nomadic in nature since most magic communities shun them or want to enslave them. Elves are naturally more beautiful and more graceful than humans causing most to either wish to posses them or hate them out of envy, a complete opposite of their house elven cousins. Also their main talent with magic is nature magic which makes them very desirable for wizards who own magical gardens and herbalists that supply potion shops. After a war between wizards and goblins and their elven allies, enslaving elves became illegal but some of the more influential racist pure blood families still try to get away with it. Hence elves mainly keep to themselves and away from most magical communities only coming into civilization to sell goods and buy things they cannot get from the wildlands they frequent.

Back to the woman though, she just looked down at me and gave a smile trying to cover up her sadness. "It's good that you're awake Mahanon we're almost to the edge of the forest." She said in a graceful soothing most magical sounding voice that I have ever heard.

"Yes mother." I simply replied.

"Boy, when we arrive I will speak with them and see what can be worked out. If these wizards have a hint malice we will return to the wilds and I'll find a werewolf wizard to teach you! I won't have my son in a basilisk den." A more masculine voice sounded from my right. When I looked over I saw an elven man that looked as handsome as Legolas from lord of the rings but with dark black hair and a tattoo on his face that looks more from elves from the game I'm used to. I just nodded and returned my gaze to my beautiful red headed mother holding me, she did not have the tattooed face but she had crystalline grey blue eyes, the same as I have. I'm like a mix of them both. I have black hair like my father with a different style tattoo on my face but I have my mothers eyes and her nose.

Fun fact the tattoos on our faces materialize when our magic awakens in us. It's also not just on our faces. I have the same pattern running down my arms and legs, I have a large tree on my back as well. I was born with these designs all over me as my parents told me. My mom has magic but it's minor in comparison to others of our race but it's not unusual as not all elves have magic. She has these claw looking tattoos on the inside of her wrists and what looks like feathered wings on her back. She is more of what I would call a beast tamer, having an affinity for animals, hence the rather large moose that we are riding on, my father is riding what looks like an all black hippogriff. My mother is also a natural animagus being able to shift into an odd winged lioness.

I just keep my mouth shut. From my memories I have always been a quiet child but also care deeply for these people. I have all these memories, they're mine, so I will love them like child loves his parents even with my full adult mind.


A short time later we came to the edge of the forest and the magnificent castle comes into view. 'It's a lot bigger in person, seeing it in person is a completely different experience than seeing it on the tv screen or reading the description in the books.' Off to the side I see a smaller hut surrounded by a small garden. I tug on my mother's robe and point to it. I see my parents eye the garden in appreciation being people that immerse themselves in nature.

Suddenly the door on the shack opens and a large bearded man steps out and sees us right away. He slowly starts making his way over to us.

"Stay here, I will speak to the half giant." My father says in hushed voice that we still heard clearly as if he was speaking in a regular tone. We nod in reply and he dismounts his hippogriff and gracefully glides out to meet the man. Even at this 100 yards or so distance I can hear them clear as day.

"'Ello welcome to 'ogwarts. Name is 'agrid, what can I be doin' for ya?" Hagrid asked in a friendly tone.

"Greetings Hagrid, my name is Fenrel of the Leaf. My wife, Laylian of the Pride, and my son, Mahanon of the Winters have come to meet the one in charge of this castle of learning. Can you help me in this my friend?" My father greeted and introduced us in the ways of our people.

"I surely can! I'll be fetchin' Professor Albus Dumbledor fer ya. Give me moment or five and I'll return." The giant replied before rushing off in giant strides toward the castle, and my father returned to us placing his hand on my mother's and mine.

A few moments later Hagrid returned with an old white haired bearded man.

My mother and I dismounted our big moose and walked with father out to meet them.

"Greetings are in order. Not every day ones such as yourselves come to meet one such as I." The old man said in a friendly tone. "My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledor, our dear Hagrid already told me your names. What can I do for you?" He introduced himself.

"You seem a pure man, what we come here for is a bit odd for our kind, admittedly." My mother says with a smile.

"Too true, it's our son. He's different from us and the rest of our kind." My father says running his hand down my long black hair.

"Oh how so?" Dumbledor asks.

"Elf children like human children have accidental bouts of magic, but for us, we typically make a plant grow were there was previously none or in some cases shift into various animals as our heritage is more inclined with nature. My son however, has made things float, frozen many things with a touch, hence the name Winter as his surname. These are more inclined with human magics. There in lies our dilemma Professor." My father explained.

"I see, does he ever do the things normal elven children do?" Dumbledor asked interestedly.

My father looks to me and gives me a single nod. I know what he wants but I didn't exactly want to show it off just yet. I wanted it to be secret trump card so to speak. But it seems that will not be happening so I just sigh and move my magic like my memories showed that I've always done while playing.

Where once stood a dark hairs child now stands a large snow white dire wolf.

I was about chest high to my mother, I'm still growing give me a break. I then stalk over to the half giant my head down.

"Would you look at that? He's beau'iful he is!" Hagrid said excitedly rubbing behind one of my ears with no fear in the world. Now I'm not proud to say this but I do love a good scratching so I'm in absolute bliss right now, causing my tail to wag like crazy.

"That he his." My mother strode over and rubbed my other ear.

"Indeed, remarkable by our human standards. I see where your troubles lie Mr. Fenrel, you're worried you won't be able to teach him control." Dumbledor says to my father while watching our display.

"Not completely Professor. See he has magnificent control, I'm more worried about holding him back and limiting him to only what we know. He has the potential to be more, as a father I want him to realize that potential and become what he's meant to become whatever that may be." My father clarified.

"I see, very admirable Mr Fenrel. How old is the boy?" Dumbledor asked.

"Just turned 10 by your human years." My mother replied.

"What do you mean by our human years madam?" Dumbledor asked.

"We are a long lived race so we count our years differently. By your years I am 221 years old, but in our years I'm still very young equivalently 21 years old by our standards, mind you that's not a set in stone conversation just our own opinion really, hehe. My son is still but a baby in our eyes." My mother replies and I could see the shock on Dumbledor's face. I shifted back at being called a baby.

"Mother.." I said exasperatedly. She just giggled in return straightening my long hair that was tussled in my shift.

"That is very intriguing! Nevertheless our school starts at age 11 so he wouldn't be able to attend school till next year, be that as it may, I could find a family to take him in until then if you wish to continue your travel." Dumbledor said.

"Ah no thank you Professor Dumbledor." My father replied hastily. "We are nomadic in nature but I believe we could settle for a time so we can spend time with our son." My father said bringing me under his arm. "If we could have permission to set up accommodations in the forest on the castles lands that would be appreciated."

"I don't see a problem with that, however I must warn you of the dangers in the forest.." Dumbledor began.

"There's no need Professor. We are accustomed to much harsher environments than these, even with the large spiders and dark creatures roaming your forests" my father interrupted.

"Oh, very good then! Then by all means make yourselves at home. If you are in need of anything please let myself or Hagrid know!" Dumbledor said cheerfully.

"Yes, we'll about that. We do have a vault at Gringotts with out enchanted bag connected but we could use some amenities and was wondering if we could be escorted to collect some supplies." My father said.

From my memories I know we are quite wealthy since my family struck a deal with the goblins many years ago, they get first pick of our goods and handle the sales of the rest and we get top prices on all transactions. The king of the goblins and my grandfather fought in the war together against the wizards and were fast friends it seems, so we were given preferential treatment.

"That can be arranged. Just return and inform Hagrid when you're ready and he would be happy to accompany you as he's more of nature and beast lover like yourselves, I think you'll get along swimmingly." Dumbledor says with a knowing smile. The giant man looks at us hopefully.

"If that is true then you should feel free to visit us anytime Hagrid! And always expect a visit from us as well, I can tell my chosen one is itching to get his hands in the garden around your home, hehe." My mother says with a happy giggle.

Hagrid looks over to my father happily. "And I'd be 'appy to be havin' ya, and I'd love to meet your beasts as well!" Hagrid says excitedly.

After a few more pleasantries we departed back towards the woods to set up our home.