
Clearing misunderstanding and geting a guardian/backer


Assault wolfs 1 trough 30 standby. Relies her. Complete UN-summon assault wolfs.

Sap 1 trough 5 area is clear. come her:"

I go to were the rapier dropped pick it up and walk to the girl. And extend my hand to help her up. She stares at me with a hostile look.

" Cut it out and get up. besides he can kill you near instantaneous."

She accepts my help to get up. I present her her rapier and she takes it but it in it's scabbard.

" Don't hate him he has fought in more battles than. Even against humans if you little paly fight is do go by."

" That's true I was one of the first mages to fight against monsters and I was task with clandestine elimination of rouge mages and terrorism of magical nature. In the end, I am the killing blade and war beast in one."

" I can presume you were continuously active at the very front. To be the very first one to be in close contact."

"That's true. So who are you two. Mages yes that i can detect. But still who are you."

"Lance Saskia Seasnán and she is Ashly Saskia Seasnán. And who are you. a mage yes. Your name."

" Aristeo Siegward."

"Who did send you to interfere." Says Ashly in accusing and despising tone of voice.

"Nobody Ashly. But I can not resist a good fight."

" Do not accuse him Ashly. His magic is not the style of any noble family of the kingdom or of any neighbouring country o far I know."

"Lance You are right she needs punishment. If she can't register oddity of my previous statement. Not looking at magic in depth during fighting can be chalk up to adrenalin."

"Can you take responsibility for playing with her mind and punish her at a later date."


" It is for the best if you have backing of an earl. And With my recommendation you get work easier."

"Father what are you thinking." Said Ashly bewildered.

"Calm down" Says Lance in a commanding tone.

"Why should I."Starting to calm down. But not fully.

" You are not your self."

After realising that her behaviour was not normal she rapidly calmed down and started thinking why she behaved in the way she did. Not understanding why she looked puzzled.

" Shouldn't we move if you don't process or take the corpses. The smell is attracting other monsters. And I accept that I am at fault for her behaviour. But only then when the compensation not to extreme is."

"Soldiers. back up and prepare for marsh. Get us our horses."

"Yes my Lord." Answered the soldiers and started to execute the command.

At the same time somebody brought 1 black and one horse two the group. And carriages for transport purposes to the field fortification out pavese's. Others did go forward and collected as many of the spear tips as possible during the limited time the had.

Aristeo did no help. Because if he did he would only delay and bring chaos to the trilled and organised soldiers. He stands guard and scans the surroundings for any danger.

" To you need a mount or to you have a familiar for that purpose." Asks Lance Aristeo with slight ulterior motive.

" I should have enough stamina for long distant marsh so long there no rushing. And I do not see a spare mount."

"Natural or magical boost."

" Part trained part magic enchantment. My body is enchanted in multiple aspect like durability and strength."

"Is it similar to monster's body enchantment?" Ask Ashly.

"It is inspired from the monsters physique. My lady." Says Aristeo. "Aren't you both with similar body enchantments." As he says it he does a quick scan to make sure that he was right.

" It's rude to stare at lady."

Taken aback " I only did make a quick scan to confirm my statement. Besides knowing the make up and structure of durability enchantment make it easier to kill you if need arises."

" To eliminate you now or not." As he says it he things of reasons why he did it.

" Isn't it norm to strengthen stamina and durability to rival stage one monsters."

" No, most don't bother with it. And only those who fight predominately in cqc to it." Lance answers as he things about his statment.

"It's standard military practise in my world. To increase survival rate of a mage. And needs do be stage 3 for hunters and stage 4 for kill squads. Official cqc mages need do be stage 7 to permit their regular deployment."

"Fahter we should move."

"Right were moving out." in a loud and commanding voice. "And you Aristeo sit behind Ashly on her horse and I don't take no as answer."

" I take it, you at least temporary host me as a quest or something similar." After he said it he got onto the horse behind Ashly and the started to move.