
Misunterstandung and dowloading native language

After the fight ended.

I and the female mage stand in front of each other.

The other mage is looking at us with an interest. He Is a middle-aged man. Wearing a combat outfit consisting of sturdy boots, trousers, belt with bags, knifes and foci/catalyst and a combat jacket.

The Female is a young lady/teenage girl. Silver hair and lovely face. Red eyes. Wearing knee-high boots, shorts, stockings, belt with two bags, a sheath for a rapier, a sleeves shirt and mesh shirt below.

In contrast I'm wearing sturdy light weight boots, cargo pants made of leather, belt with multiple bags, pistol and sword sheath on right and a shoulder strap from right over left shoulder for the iron whip, shirt, vest and a combat jacket with hood.

Anyway the female mage is pointing her rapier at me. Rude. I helped them by taking pressur from the horde and disrupting the movements.

"wHo aRE yOu"

I don't understand what she says and tilt my head.

Whoa. She looks angry.

"whO aRE yoU" With a commanding and angry voice.

I still don't understand.

I try to put my sword into the scapard. Bud I get threaded. Okay my stance is not the most relaxed and has potential for fast reaction and or attack. Left hand hanging holding the sword and the iron whip on my shoulder akin to wraith stance.

Then she thrust her sword. I parry and step back in a proper stance. She trys again. Parry followed by pointing whip at her throat. She retreats, I follow. She pushes whip away I step in and threaten her with my sword. She sidesteps and tries to get behind me.

I rotate and guard with the whip. She slashes. I block and counter, but I don't attack seriously.

" Assault Wolfs 1 trough 30 no support, non lethal capture mode. Stop any outside interference."

" wHaT dID yOU cOmMand tHEm tO dO:"

" I still cannot understand you. My lady."

" dOn'T mOcK mE"

I say it in a calm tone but she appears do be angered further. The Soldiers try to rush in to support her put are held back from the other mage.

I tilt my head like a puppy again.

After that we resume the play fight. At least for me it's a play fight with dangerous toys. That rapier is capable do cut trough my shirt and skin. Both are improved and enchanted by magic to be damage resistant. Same goes for my implements of slaughter.

Any way we keep dancing a deathly blade dance. Were she thrust I parry or sidestep threaten her with the whip or sword she retreads or pushes aside, where I sometimes step in or out to repeat the threat and she slashes or stabs with no luck. She even tries to retreat far back to cast magic. I keep chasing to stop it. Both of us do not cast small scale magic. Because there is high chance of interference from our cold weapons or blocking with the aforementioned tools of battle.

I take quick glance to the soldiers and they are in a trance. The other mage is looking with interest and is amused? Is he enjoying the battle between me and the female or is he amused of her struck-le against me.

The female take glances too. But she get more and more frustrated but does not lose her cool.

But now I understand why the soldiers are in trance. What started with her attacking me and me countering without indent to hurt into fast spaced elaborate battle of wits and manoeuvres to get a better shot at each other. With continues clash of iron.

I should put an end to it and there is a perfect target served to me to acquire the native language.

I bring our movement to a hold and have my iron whip threatening her throat agan.

Now instead of permitting her to taking any action against it I thrust it over her shoulder, then using the cross guard of the iron whip to draw her near me and bang her forehead against mine to shock her and do have a point of contact near her brain using my left hand that had let go of the sword.

I cast the magic for information extraction and transfer onto us and search al data on language taking the most used on and analysing, converting and adjusting to generate the necessary knowledge and innate understanding of it. At the same time doing my utmost do put as low of a strain as possible. Not the easiest of tasks.

After finishing it. She realises that I our faces are in close proximity and blushes. I push her away for as precaution and to get my bearings. She falls flat on her back. One of the assault wolfs uses the chance and but it's foreleg on her throat. The rest of the wolfs take a defensive formation around us.

I take my sword and sheath it finally.

" I presume you can finally understand us."

When did he get there just outside of the reaction zone of the wolfs defensive formation.

"Yes I can understand you now. But could you explain why she attack. Don't get me wrong with out attacking, I would have no chance to execute the previous tactic to get the language to understand you."

" She got some annoying persons to deal in her social life."

"Isn't perception changing magic hard. Same goes for optical illusion magic with varying light conditions and with a moving target."

"That's true. Still she needs learn to be more observant to read and understand the other persons intention. And my daughter needs to be punished. You learning our language reduces it but does not annul it."