Johnathon Silverwood was reborn into the Harry Potter timeline. After learning about the magical world, he found that he couldn't really disagree with Grindelwald's movement. He may need to become a dark lord to finish what Grindelwald started. Updates weekly ************* This is my second Fan-fic so constructive criticism is appreciated. I don't own Harry Potter or any of its associated works. I don't own any of its characters or any characters used from any other media.
***Collected from the damaged records of the fallen Order Of Merlin. Assumed time period of events: Mid 1200's ***
Year Date: Unknown
February 5
Another village empty. Blood stains found. Cause: Unknown. Knights continue searching costal villages for answers.
February 19
Seventh village empty. Blood stains fresh. Cause: Unknown. We must be closing in.
Note: Blood stains frequently found in circular patterns and used to make strange symbols.
February 28
Unidentified cultists and a few civilians found. Their bodies torn by claws and partially eaten. Magic confirmed the dead cultists to be the killers of the past several villages. No magic detected in the cultists, they are muggles. Mission has been altered by the commander: locate and destroy the dangerous creature(s).
February 29
Cultist notes have been found. They detail a human sacrifice ritual to summon forth creatures known as demons. Ritual uses no known runic alphabet. Summoned creatures come from an unknown location. Information on the creatures is unconfirmed and unreliable. Help may be required.
March 6
Our order confronted the demons, heavy losses on both sides. They had wings, sharp teeth, pointed tails, red skin and breathed fire. Some were humanoid, most were not. After each demon was killed, black shadows left the dead disintegrating demon and flew into a nearby, cloaked, dark wizard. New priority mission: kill the dark wizard. Officially requesting reinforcements.
March 17
After several confrontations, it is confirmed that the demon summoner is looking more demonic after every confrontation. Additionally, more muggle sacrifices proportional effect the strength and number of demons he can summon. Reinforcements are needed immediately.
April 13
Three men and two women were found pregnant. Yes, you read that correctly. All who fornicate with beasts will be put down, regardless of their consent. Requesting additional reinforcements. Please, there are only three of us left.
[No further letters were ever sent or found. Dark Wizard officially labeled retrospectively: Dark Lord Lucifer]
*** John ***
"First years, this way!"
A giant of a man bellowed from the front of the train platform. He didn't really need too, the first years had been sitting in a train car second to the front. His shaggy mop of hair blended into the dark forest and night sky behind him.
"This way first years, follow me."
The giant turned around and lumbered down a beaten path. After turning a corner around the hill they were descending, the docks came into view. Calling them docks is being very generous to the ten or so assembled paddle-less boats.
The students divided themselves four to a boat, following the giants instructions. John helped each of the twins into the boat before getting in.
"May I join you?" A small pale blond-haired girl asked as she walked up to their boat.
"Of course, we got room for one more. John Silverwood, at your service." He stood up, bowed, and extended his hand to help her onto the boat. "And these two are Padma Patil and Parvati Patil, they are delightful twins."
"Hannah Abbott, nice to meet you."
John didn't see new boats appear, but the fact they could get everyone into a boat meant some did. Without any warning, the enchantments on the boats started up and moved them across the lake.
"Woah, that's were well be living for the next year, that's awesome!" Bellowed an excited child.
Most students stared in wide-eyed wonder at the magnificent Hogwarts castle they were headed towards, but John's eyes went towards the lake were numerous strange names were moving about. He focused his magic on his glasses and saw a school of merpeople moving through the water.
Almost subconsciously, he pulled a rune inscribed gem from his expanded pockets and held it over the side of the boat. He focused some magic into the gem, whispered his name, and dropped it into the water.
The toll was paid.
Crossing the waters of the merpeople without paying their toll was dangerous because they attack those who treat their territory like a public space. Paying with silver or gold grants save passage, while paying in gems can grant a boon.
"Watch your head's."
John turned away from the aquatic creatures as the boat went under the low hanging wall. The boats stopped at an indoor dock. Everyone started to exit their boats and amass on the nearby stairs. At the top of the stairs stood a stern looking witch. Back straight, and eyes sharp. Her black hair was partially hidden by a wide brimmed black hat that complimented her dark green robes.
"The first years Professor McGonagall."
"Thank you Hagrid, I'll lead the children from here." McGonagall turned from the giant and raised her voice as she addressed the children. "Follow me to the top of the stairs."
The journey up the stairs was short but gave everyone some time to take in the castle they would be calling home for the next seven years. For most children, the magical world was a new concept they were still grasping, let alone living in a literal castle.
McGonagall stopped at the top of the steps, in front of a large closed door, and waited for the children to finish amassing before speaking.
"Welcome to Hogwarts. In a moment, you'll enter the great hall, but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."
She then explained the house cup point system and that the students should treat their house's like their family. John mentally scoffed at this school's silly way of dealing with rule breaking. Everything about the house cup is a waste of time, and doesn't make for a real punishment for real rule breaking.
"Is it true what they're saying on the train? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A slick backed blond-haired boy spoke once the teacher left.
John decided to tune out the kids, more interested in the ghosts that started to spy on them. When they finally came through the walls and spooked the kids, John was well into a mental debate on how useful a ghost teacher could actually be.
The doors opened and professor McGonagall lead the children down the center aisle of the grand hall. Two excessively long wooden benches were on either side, with each table holding the children of their respective houses. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff on the right, Slytherin and Ravenclaw on the left. Candle lights floated up above, illuminating the grand hall. Placed before the professors table at the front, a dusty old hat sat on a stool. John was one of the few unsurprised children to see the hat come alive.
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
After the song, John kept his eyes active, looking at people, the ceiling, the ghosts, and even the floor. He just felt it best to not look into any teachers eyes. He couldn't remember that his glasses would protect his eyes from ocular legilimency.
"Johnathon Silverwood"
While he was off in his own little world, several children had already been sorted. Hannah to Hufflepuff, Padma to Ravenclaw, and Parvati to Gryffindor.
'Maybe I should go to Slytherin just to complete the set.'
Hearing his name snapped him out of his thoughts, and he walked up to the front of the hall. He sat on the stool and felt the weight of the hat settle on his head.
"Hmm... odd... so many disjointed memories and memory loss. It's hard to get a clear picture of who you are. Lots of traveling and wordly experience though. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw would be good picks."
"I'd like to go to Ravenclaw."
"Would you? Or does someone else want that for you?" A memory of a blurry faced woman spoke to him just before he went to the Hogwarts Express.
"I do." He felt a strong pull towards the house of knowledge and wisdom.
"Then it better be RAVENCLAW!"
*** Tsunade ***
Green flames roared to life, long enough for the tall blond Tsunade to appear and step through the gothic metal worked frame of the high arced fireplace. The mansion had several fireplaces, but this one connected to their future den. For now it was just a bare room with four connecting doorways, without even a carpet.
Tsunade walked into the grand foyer, planning to go upstairs to her bedroom, but stopped when she saw stacks upon piles beside towers of stuff. The room was littered with all manner of items from a grand piano balanced on top of an unstable treasure chest to several unmarked potion vials littering the floor. She called out Kreacher's name to no avail. Seeing a catastrophe just waiting to happen, Tsunade went to find Shyarly upstairs.
The mermaid wasn't in her room or the master bedroom. There were over a half dozen bedrooms and an event hall on the second floor alone, but Tsunade didn't waste time looking through any of those other rooms. Instead, she went to the mansion's floor plan in the first floor study. It was made in the same way as the Marauder's map and she immediately found Shyarly's name in the alchemy lab, in the basement.
"What are you doing?"
Tsunade asked once she reached the lab. Shyarly was holding a glass tube with metal capped ends, inside of which, was a beating heart. Beside her, was a table with several other organ housing containers.
"Welcome back Tsunade. Lupusregina wants some of the failed homunculus experiments to present to Beauxbaton Academy's head alchemist. She's hoping the school still has a connection to their former alchemist professor, Nicolas Flamel, and will contact him when presented with this very obscure branch of alchemy."
"How do we know their professor will need or even want outside help when looking into John's past research."
"We don't. My foresight isn't all knowing and I haven't been able to give any helpful information to her. She decided to try and gamble getting a meeting with the historic figure. She's not risking much, so it seemed fine to me."
Homunculus crafting isn't illegal. It's classified as dark magic and frowned upon morally, but not illegal. Too little is known or has been researched to set clear laws about what is and isn't allowed in this branch of magic. Furthermore, the research Shyarly gathered was from John's original basic experiments, not the advanced project he recently finished.
"OK, now what's with all that cr*p upstairs? And where's Kreacher?"
Tsunade had gotten sidetracked from the whole reason she was looking for Shyarly. While it was important to touch base with what everyone is doing, she really should prioritize the hazard upstairs and where their grouchy chef is located. She spent all day at the hospital and hadn't eaten dinner yet, a fact her stomach was all to eager to remind her.
"I sent Kreacher to take care of John at school. To look over his belongings and make his food. Additionally, he'll make sure John comes back here tonight, for his memories. As for everything upstairs, those belonged to noble houses no longer around. Nearly all of it is enchanted, with some very interesting magics. Look through the cataloged inventory I put up there too see if there's anything you want."
"What I want is dinner." She grumbled.
"What does the pet slug want for dinner?" The gravelly voice of Kreacher came from behind her. He had appeared without making any noise.
Tsunade told him her dinner order and was about to start giving him some menial tasks to complete when Shyarly spoke up next to her.
"If your here, does that mean John's back?"
"Yes, the trickster is back."
"How'd the first day go? Were there any problems?"
"Many. First, they let in a bunch of Mudbloods in. Then, not all of the teachers were entirely human. I saw a class schedule with something called muggle studies? What madness-"
"Alright, shut up and forget I asked. Make Tsunade and I some dinner."
"As the fish commands." Kreacher turned and slowly left.
"Without Lupusregina here, we have to deal with that pain in the *ss. Hopefully she finishes up quickly." Tsunade didn't need that house elf headache in her life. She was already dealing with obnoxious patients regularly, most of which, she wasn't allowed to forcefully knock out.
"Don't count on it. Greyback is an experienced survivalist, and Flamel will likely only be found if he wants us to find him." Shyarly took out a brown magic book labeled "Community", and placed it on the table with all the homunculus supplies she had been gathering. She tapped the book twice and said "Lupusregina Beta".
The book came alive, hoping around the table and eating everything. Once it was done, she trapped it twice and stroked the spine. Confident that everything was safely sent to the Lycan in France.
The two went upstairs, Tsunade to eat and Shyarly to feed John his memories. They contained no nutrients, but would assimilate back into his mind faster if he just drank them all at once.
*** John ***
John awoke in a manner similar to a drunk. A relentless pain was pounding throughout his head and the room began to spin as he tried to get up. Before the dizziness got too bad, a hand supported his back and a cup of herbal tea was pressed to his lips. He spent the next five minutes nursing the calming potioned tea before he realized he was in his homunculus lab, a side room of his alchemist lab.
"Thank you." He spoke to Shyarly who was helping him stay upright. She also clearly made the tea to help him recover from the head rush he was experiencing. "Why are we in the lab?"
"The goblins agreed to let me purchase the illegal dark magic contraband from Bellatrix Lestrange's vault." She pointed to Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, sitting next to a fish tank. Home to one bloated silver jellyfish. On the other side of the work bench the cup was on, was a floor to ceiling tank with his completed homunculus floating inside. "This also means we should never store illegal items in our vault unless we wish to temp them into using my twisted logic on us."
With another Horcrux filtered, he could summon another soul and bind it to another familiar. His elation motivated him to get up and get a closer look at the jellyfish, it was the size of a soccer ball. Much bigger than the previous ones after they ate the Dark Lord's soul. "Is the cup clean now?"
Sometimes the jellyfish took a few sessions to eat everything up. With Shyarly's nod, John took out his Grimoire and wand with a grin. He opened the black book and started flipping through the pages:
Table of contents:
Ch 1 - Familiars
- Tsunade Senju (Necklace)
- Lupusregina Beta (Scepter)
- Shyarly (Pearl)
- Ma Xiaotao ()
- Irisviel Von Einzbern ()
- Yoruichi Shihouin (Ring)
- ???(Glasses)
Ch 2 - Summons
Ch 3 - Foci
Ch 4 - Potions
Ch 5 - Runes
Ch 6 - Alchemy
Ch 7 - Rituals
Ch 8 - Ritual Spells
He went to the Chapter labeled Foci and willed a new page into existence. He placed the wand on the page and sliced his hand open, careful to drip the blood on the wand until it was covered end to end.
"Assimilate: Wand"
The blood covered wand was absorbed into the book. A picture of his wand, and each of its parts, appeared on the page. While detailed information about the wand appeared on the next several pages. John's true magical foci is this Grimoire, and by blood binding his wand to it, he can use both without issue. Though his wand will never be as vital to him nor as useful as his Grimoire, his primary foci. The main benefit for all of this, is being able to share it with his bound familiar, strengthening their connection.
He dipped a quill in his blood and wrote 'Wand' beside Irisviel's name in the table of contents. This would be their shared foci, and allow him to better control their future bond. Like how his bond with the Lupusregina improves his senses and Shyarly improves his foresight.
He closed the book, dropped it into the tank, and watched it rip out the filtered soul of the Soul Devouring Silver Jelly. The dead creature slowly descended to the tank floor. John stood before the tank and focused his will. He called forth the purest form of his magic and soul.
His Obscurus.
Shadows poured out from the core of his magic and soul, manifesting along the surface of his skin. With little direction needed, he pushed the shadows into his Grimoire and felt them growing exponentially in power as they consumed the stored soul energy. Far more powerful than he could control, but he didn't need to. Instead, he directed his super empowered obscurus to the page labeled Irisviel Von Einzbern, and let the summoning magic he inscribed into her page activate.
Using a variation to the Demon Summoning ritual he created, his Obscurus tore the very fabric of reality. Or at least that's what it felt like. He cut himself off before more of his Obscurus was consumed by the ritual than what he had started with. His Grimoire sealed itself shut, and would stay sealed for several hours.
He was getting used to this ritual, having done it four times already. The soul in Slytherin's Locket was used to summon Tsunade's soul. Rowena's Diadem for Shyarly's soul and Marvolo's Ring for Ma Xiaotao's soul. Lupusregina was the only one summoned from outside the Dark Lord's horcruxs, using werewolves. It took a lot of werewolves because of how much trouble they had getting a soul out of them.
While much of the forbidden summoning ritual was unknown, like it's origin, where exactly the summons come from, or even if it is a summoning and not an advanced transfiguration, three things were clear: One, summoned creatures can take the forms of beings not of this world. Two, the creatures anchor their existence in this world through a soul already anchored in this world. A derived use of horcrux like magic. Three, unlike other known summoning spells, these summoned beings can grow, learn, create, and even breed.
The dangers this spell presents immediately label's anyone who uses it for any reason, a dark wizard.
"Did everything go smoothly?" Shyarly asked with a bit of trepidation. This was a ritual no one could help John with, so if something went wrong...
"It went well. Though I'm quite exhausted." After the welcoming feast, the students went to their houses. Once John walked inside his room and closed the door, Kreacher jumped him. To say today had been a long day would be an understatement.
"Will you begin bonding this summoned soul with her immediately?" Shyarly asked, pointed to the completed homunculus floating in the corner. John hadn't yet started her heart and jolted her brain, the final step to turning the floating body into a living person. A soul-less living person. She needs to be alive to be properly bonded as a familiar, only then can he start to fuse the soul with her.
"No. Once she's alive, I can't modify her anymore. At least, I don't think I can safely do that." In her current state, she was like an almost finished painting, still able to make some changes. But if he 'awakens' her, that'll be like laminating that painting, can't really make changes at that point. "This year, Hogwarts is protecting the philosopher's stone. I don't know if I can incorporate that into her being, but if I can, she really will become the salvation of us all."
The two stared at the long silver-haired woman with closed red eyes. Her pristine white skin on full display as she floated in the glass container. She was a genetically modified picture perfect beauty.
"Disgusting, she's hideous. Dinner's been ready fish bait. Cold and soggy now though." And like that, Kreacher ruined the mood.
'We really need Lupusregina back.'