
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Crucial moment

Yukio was giving first aid to Ryoma, who had been injured by an explosive crystal. Suddenly, Takumi entered the building they were in. Yukio quickly reacted to the situation when suddenly Takumi entered the building they were in. The latter instantly cast his gaze towards Takumi who was heading towards the stairs leading to the roof. From his words, it was clear that the information about Haruka possibly being poisoned had been sounded earlier.

- What are you doing here? - Yukio asked with some concern. - We were told that you were poisoned. Where is Haruki?

Takumi, expecting such a question, answered calmly without losing his composure:

- Yes, we were indeed poisoned. Haruki was left unconscious in the car park. Long story... But what did you have going on?

Yukio couldn't take his eyes off his duties - he was giving aid to Ryouma, who was injured by an explosive crystal, he was holding him in his arms. He lowered his gaze to him, trying to get Takumi's attention.

- 'I see,' Takumi said, visibly thoughtful. - 'So what are our next steps?

Yukio, still administering first aid to Ryouma, promptly relayed the information:

- 'Kazuto is asleep, and Miyuka is controlling him. We don't have time to save him. They are planning to destroy the industrial sector where benzene is produced. However, we can't trust them. We need to carefully analyse their plans to understand exactly what they are up to.

Takumi, having listened carefully to the information and realising the gravity of the situation, spent a short time thinking about possible courses of action. As a result, he proposed his idea to Yukio:

- Let's go to the Special Patrol headquarters and request help. This situation concerns them too, as they too should be interested in stopping terrorist activity.

Yukio, though he thought over all the points of Takumi's suggestion, still agreed with some hesitation:

- Okay. Let me just inform you that we need to act as soon as possible. We don't know the exact time when the terrorist attack is planned.

Yukio and Takumi moved towards the car, but they were suddenly stopped by Sakura's voice coming from nearby. Her words were threatening and filled with determination.

- Where are you little guys going? You think I'm going to let you go so easily? You will answer for your actions!

Sakura stood on the wreckage of the chemical plant, surrounded by an aura of danger that shone clearly around her. Her eyes glittered with anger, and she slowly raised her hands, holding the explosive crystals she was ready to throw at any second.

- Die, you puppies! - Sakura hissed, directing her attack at Ryoma, Takumi, and Yukio, who frantically tried to dodge her dangerous weapons.

Yukio managed to take a bold step to the side, avoiding the flying crystals. Ryoma took a sharp leap to dodge the danger. But Takumi, who had no time to deflect, was hit directly in the stomach by an explosive crystal. In the next instant, the monstrous explosion threw him back into the rubble, with a cry of pain he lost consciousness. Sakura laughed cruelly at her opponents:

- Haha, you pathetic cockroaches! You still haven't realised that you don't stand a chance!

Yukio cried out in alarm, looking at the dust that rose up after the force of the blow that threw back his friend Takumi:

- Takumiiiii!!! - he shrieked, greatly alarmed.

Sakura attacked again, this time hitting Ryouma.

- "Bang!" - Ryoma flew straight into the huge rubble with great force, which shattered into small pieces.

Yukio, frightened and puzzled, looked first at Ryoma, gradually looked back at Sakura, and mentally began to ask himself questions:

"What should I do? How can I help?" - He realised that with his magic he would have a hard time standing up to Sakura.

Suddenly a sound was heard near Sakura, as if someone had thrown a small object and then....

- "Bydagh!" - There was a deafening explosion.

Out of the smoke and fire suddenly came a heroic scream:

- "Well, bitch! Now I'll have fun with you! - Kazuto's familiar voice sounded.

Sakura was violently thrown aside by the blast wave from the grenade Kazuto threw a few metres ahead. She experienced real rage and screamed in anger:

- Damn you! I'll finish you off too, you bastard!

Kazuto looked at her, grinned contemptuously and said in a sarcastic tone:

- We'll see. You miserable ugly bastard.

Sakura clenched her fists, and once again flying explosive crystals began to appear next to her hands. All of them were directed towards Kazuto. He called out his magic with pride:

- Magic: Grenades hovering over the ocean! - A barrier of grenades that glowed blue began to appear in front of Kazuto's eyes.

Kazuto directed the grenades towards the exploding crystals and towards Sakura herself, showing his determination and readiness to repel her attack. When Kazuto's grenades were almost at Sakura, she leapt back with agility, dodging the dangerous attack. None of the grenades were able to hit her and she remained unharmed. Looking at Kazuto, whose look was tense and serious, Sakura said with a chuckle:

- Well you want to play big! Then let's play! Magic: Rage Crystals! - Bright red crystals began to appear in a cloud around Sakura.

They radiated danger and readiness to strike any opponent. Sakura laughed scornfully and loudly:

- Hahaha! You're finished! Ugly creatures from the committee! All of you! Hahahaha! - Sakura flicked her hand downwards, letting her know that she was attacking.

The red crystals headed straight for Kazuto, but suddenly they changed their direction and rained down on all the committee members, Ryoma, Takumi, and Yukio. A deafening:

- "bang" and "bang" - violent explosions erupted.

As the huge explosions spread smoke and fire all around, Kazuto's eyes filled with a wild desire to avenge Sakura for all her atrocities. Sakura raised her satisfied face in disdain and spoke with a smile:

- Do you know what the point of these crystals is? They are imbued with poison. When they explode or touch the victim, they burst, creating an explosion and dousing the victim with the strongest poison.

Kazuto couldn't help himself and immediately started creating grenades in his hands, then throwing them towards Sakura. Sakura dodged each grenade with agility and grace, while Kazuto, being in a rage, couldn't properly judge the gaps for his attack. Sakura relentlessly attacked Kazuto with her explosive crystals, he had no time to react and, under the force of the blows, began to fall from the rubble. Each collision with the debris hurt him and caused more and more damage. But that only made him angrier and angrier. Sakura began to giggle and mock her opponents:

- The committee is not capable of a fraction of what I am capable of. You'll all die, just like the people I killed.

However, Kazuto stood up, rising from the rubble and looking straight into Sakura's eyes. Their gazes met and the atmosphere was filled with more and more tension. Suddenly, there was some kind of drawing or pattern on Kazuto's right cheek that resembled an automaton. Sakura couldn't hide her surprise:

"What kind of drawing is that? When did he have time to draw it and why?!"

Suddenly, Kazuto looked up into the sky and started screaming as hard as he could. His scream was filled with terror and despair. A violent tornado started around him, and his eyes turned into red terrifying eyes that showed his heat and rage. Through his teeth, interrupting, Kazuto hissed:

- Not capable of what! You'll see what I and everyone else is capable of one day! But it's time for you to shut up, you pathetic dog! Magic: Tank Transformation!

Kazuto's body began to change right before Sakura's eyes. It was slowly but surely transforming into a real tank. Sakura felt her heart start to beat faster, her nerves had pushed her almost to the limit. She didn't know what to do in front of such powerful magic.

"I never expected someone to be able to turn into a tank. It's impossible! What kind of magic is this?" mentally questioned Sakura, unable to take her eyes off the transformation taking place.

Kazuto's body turned into a fully armoured and powerful tank. He pointed his muzzle directly at Sakura, who, dazed and gripped by fear, couldn't move due to worry and reflection. She was in complete shock and the tank fired a shell directly at Sakura, hitting her in her direction.

- "Bang!" - the sound of an explosion rang out, and Sakura was thrown off the shot right into a mountain of debris. She had lost consciousness. Kazuto too, after transforming into a tank and being shot, was unconscious and his body took human form again.


Haruki lay on the floor of the car park, surrounded by pools of his own blood. He had the arduous task ahead of him of getting to his car and travelling to the other committee members. However, each breath was accompanied by a long and exhausting cough.

- Kha-Kh-ah!" came the sound of his violent and continuous coughing, which travelled from the greedy depths of his chest to the nervous vibrations of his vocal cords. More waves of coughing took him in agony, but he persevered and continued to crawl across the dirty car park floor, achieving his goal.

Every movement of the illness-shadowed Haruka was amplified by the voice of his inner stubbornness. He listened to the quiet sound of the doors opening and caught the tinkling sound of a zing as the lift doors opened.

*The office of the head of the Special Patrol.

In the office of the head of the Special Patrol, Hiroki was wrapping up a phone call while taking information. Riku Yamasaki, the head of the Special Patrol forces, was watching tensely and was anxious to know Hiroki's decision.

- So, Hiroki, what decision have you made? - Riku asked, looking closely at his superior.

Hiroki looked at Riku with determination in his eyes and stated:

- It's time to arrest the terrorists. We cannot tolerate the activities of the Poison Queens any longer. It is time to take action and protect our society from their dangerous influence. - He ordered that all members of the Poison Queens be arrested and brought to trial. The decision was made, and Hiroki was determined to fulfil his mission.

*Interrogation. A prison for people with magic.

The door of the prison cell slowly opened and Hiroki walked in, driven by a thirst for the truth. He asked a question filled with hope and a desire for co-operation:

- Are you willing to cooperate with the patrol? - Hiroki said, taking a seat on the chair in front of the prisoner.

Riko Homma, the detained member of the Poison Queens, nodded hurriedly and responded readily:

- Yes, I am ready to tell you absolutely everything I know!

Hiroki heard the words of agreement and succeeded in his efforts. He firmly outlined the terms of co-operation:

- The terms I will offer you should interest you. You provide us with full information, and in return, we will detain all members of the Poison Kings. After that, you will be released, we will give you a one-room flat in the prestigious Yukisaku district, help you with employment, and guarantee you a free and safe life.

Riko Homma nodded vigorously, full of faith in her new future:

- I agree! I agree to everything!

Hiroki's smile widened. A breakthrough had been achieved. Now he asked a question that had the temperature of questioning burning:

- The ultimate question I will ask you is: Where is Sakura Nakamura currently located?

*The car of the head of the Poison Kings.

The car moved slowly down the road, the driver calmly addressed Rin:

- Rin Hanada, can I get you some water? - He asked, letting out streams of casual conversation.

Rin, the head of the Poison Queens, stared out the window, filled with the unquenchable fire of her determination:

- No thanks. I'm not that helpless yet.

The dialogue, shrouded in ordinariness, was cut short by the abrupt interruption of the car's movement. The sudden stop broke the calm and raised questions. The driver turned around and looked at Rin with a cold stare:

- Should I help you put on the handcuffs? Or are you not that helpless?

- What's going on? Where are we? - Rin asked, moving from the car and stepping outside.

The car door slowly opened, it was opened by Riku, the head of the special patrol force escorting the delivery of the dangerous prisoner.

- Can I help you, lady? - Riku asked with a smile and an offer of support, holding out his hand to Rin.

Rin looked at Riku, amazement filling her eyes. She stepped out of the car and felt the circle of armed Special Patrol fighters tighten around her.

- What the hell is going on here? - Rin blurted out, her voice sounding wary and annoyed.