
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The beginning of the confrontation of forces

*Investigation Committee car park*

A stomping sound could be heard in the secret car park of the committee, where all the members had gathered after yesterday's battle at the chemical plant. Hiroki walked in front, briefing them on the current situation:

- 'Special Patrol was able to arrest the head and two other members of the Poison Queens,' he reported as he began talking to the rest of the committee.

In front of Hiroki stood the rest of the committee, some of them had been wounded in the battle and had bandaged wounds. Yukio expressed his concern with the following question:

- What about the industrial sector for benzene? I mean, they were going to blow it up.

Hiroki put on his glasses, corrected them thoughtfully, and gave his answer:

- You don't have to worry about the sector. Our canines found a couple of explosive devices and defused them. They won't be able to stage any terrorist attack now.

Kazuto, gathering his courage, fixed his military cap and asked the next question, but with obvious concern on his face:

- Which members of the Poison Queens were able to be arrested?

Hiroki exhaled slightly, realising the importance of what he had said:

- We apprehended Yuka, Miyuku, Rin, and a few other terrorists without magic," he said, energising his words.

Haruki suddenly stood out from the crowd, his neck bandaged with bandages. He sighed heavily and spoke as if full of pain and anxiety:

- When will their trial take place?

Hiroki fixed his glasses and looked at Haruki carefully, then countered with a question:

- The trial is not scheduled anytime soon. But what's wrong with you, Haruki?

Haruki looked down at himself, seeing his bandaged neck and hands, but still didn't understand what he was talking about:

- What are you talking about?

Hiroki repeated the question with a slight relaxation of his gaze and said reproachfully:

- What's wrong with you, Haruki? What's wrong with your neck and arms?

Haruki looked at his bandaged wounds in surprise, but still couldn't understand what was happening:

- What are you even talking about? What's going on?

Hiroki pierced him with a look and said firmly:

- Forget it.

Yukio, who was standing in the committee group, kept his hand on his chin, deep in thought. He analysed the current situation and expressed his dismay:

- Hiroki, you said you managed to arrest Yuka and Miyuku, but what about Sakura?

Hiroki immediately switched to that question without leaving it unanswered:

- We don't know her whereabouts. We've put her on a federal wanted list, and I'm sure we'll catch her soon.

However, Kazuto was a bit annoyed by this state of affairs and asked a sharp question:

- How is it that one of the most dangerous terrorists is still at large? How did you allow this to happen?

Although Hiroki couldn't fully understand Kazuto's irritation, he backed down a bit in front of him:

- When we asked Rin questions about Sakura, she just laughed and said we're all going to die. A lot of people treat Sakura like some kind of deity for some reason. But we'll figure it out, Kazuto

Haruki, after thinking about what was said, decided to share Hiroki's advice:

- The patrol is wasting time. We won't find her that way. Right now, we should focus on guarding the industrial sector facilities. We'll block their path to planting explosives and stop their activities.

Hiroki nodded, taking Haruka's advice into consideration, and turned around, ready to head for his car. Taking a seat before closing the door, he wished the Committee good luck:

- Good luck to you. Good work.

The rest of the committee watched as Hiroki's car left the car park. Ryoma asked a question that showed Haruka's interest:

- How was the special patrol able to help us? How did they find out?

Haruki smiled and looked at each committee member and pointed his finger at Masao, the head of the committee:

- As I crawled to my car, Masao came out of the lift and started questioning me. He called the special patrol and reported the information to Hiroki. Thanks to that, we were able to successfully apprehend the members of the Poison Queens.

Kazuto put his hand on Haruki's shoulder and expressed his gratitude:

- ''Haruki, you're not a failure after all. Well done. But what's going to happen to them next?

Haruki turned towards the lift, threw Kazuto's hand off his shoulder and withdrew with confidence:

- A cubical prison awaits them, and the harshness of the terms will be decided by the court. Either way, we can be sure they won't cause us any more trouble.

After long and difficult months of recovery, Yukisaka finally began to return to normal life. The destroyed buildings of the chemical plant were rebuilt, and the townspeople began to return to their homes. However, the most joyous moment for all residents was the restoration of communications and internet access. People who had lived so long without communication with the outside world began to feel the comfort and satisfaction of being able to communicate with relatives and friends all over the world. Websites and social media became a place where they could share their experiences and rejoice in the city's revitalisation.

*Investigation Committee Headquarters.

In the headquarters of the Investigation Committee, Yukio sat at a desk surrounded by various documents recovered from the secret hideouts of the Poison Queens. The open book in front of him was a source of valuable information about the criminal organisation. Reading every word carefully, Yukio read out passages from the documents in detail to his colleagues on the committee. Gathering, concentration and interest shone on the faces of those present, who were carefully absorbing all the accumulated information. However, among the committee members was Haruki, who couldn't hide his intolerance and expressed his displeasure with a bored and disinterested expression. He twisted around in his chair, let out a tedious sigh and repeated the same thing:

- Boring! Very boring!

Haruki just couldn't concentrate or be patient. Finally, Yukio couldn't stand it and grumbled:

- Stop it already!

Haruki resolutely got up from his chair and said:

- Oh, come on! I'm not interested in listening to all this.

With a slight sneer on his face, Haruki walked past Yukio and headed towards his car parked in the car park. However, he was suddenly stopped by the sudden appearance of Kohei from Blood Carnival.

- How many years! How many winters! I knew you were waiting for me! - Haruki greeted Kohei cheerfully.

Kohei, clenched his teeth, snorted negatively and replied:

- You know, the Blood Carnival will soon declare war on the committee. We don't just want to control 70% of Yukisaka, we want to control the whole city.

Haruki laughed a little and warned Kohei:

- War, then? Well, since you're so brave, good for you! I'm only happy for you! But there's no way the committee will give up their 30% control of the city to pathetic criminals.

Kohei approached Haruka and demanded he repeat himself:

- Repeat what you said! To the pathetic criminals?

Haruki kindly opened his mouth and prepared to say it, but suddenly someone put a hand on his shoulder, Haruki felt discomfort and the presence of someone behind him, he didn't understand what was happening and turned his head and said:

- Who are you?

Kohei came forward and stopped Haruki:

- Don't turn around or your soft neck will turn to crumbs. Got it?

Haruki, aware of the strained situation and danger, agreed:

- All right, all right! I won't turn my head! So the war has already started, right?

With a smile on his face, Kohei turned around and headed towards the van that was parked in the car park near the committee headquarters. Kohei said, alluding to the van:

- And you're a grabber on the fly!

Haruki had a bag tied over his head and Kohei, along with an assistant, put him into the van.

*Unfamiliar room.

The small room had an unusual atmosphere. It was illuminated by the bright neon lighting on the floor, creating fabulous plays of light and shadow on the walls. The floor was covered with fluffy carpeting, adding elegance and comfort to the room. There were two chairs in the room - one was occupied by Haruki, who was rigidly tied to it, and the other chair was occupied by the head of the Blood Carnival organisation - Rikuto Yamada. Rikuto's face radiated gloominess and indifference, which created tension in the air like a knife on a point. Rikuto savoured the moment and turned to Haruki:

- Well hello there, great special patrol agent Haruki.

Rikuto's words penetrated Haruki's ears and he raised his head and turned his gaze to him:

- Don't call me a patrol agent, I've been out of the Special Patrol for a while now.

Rikuto grinned and without further ado got down to business, emphasising his authority and power:

- Well, whatever you say, prisoner. I didn't think I'd have a former member of the Special Patrol as a prisoner.

Haruki concentrated on Rikuto's every move, wanting to figure out his intentions.

- And what do you want from me? - Haruki asked, trying to figure out what role he played in Blood Carnival's plans.

Rikuto continued to play with the glass in his hand, casually twirling the champagne glass. He closed his eyes and answered:

— Oh! Nothing like that! We just captured you as bait. Your friends will come to rescue you and they will be taken. Bam! The committee will cease to exist, and we will seize full control of the city

Haruki couldn't hide his surprise, but he remembered his role and answered dryly:

"You have no idea what you're doing, Rikuto.

Rikuto suddenly laughed, his laughter sounding sinister and shrill:

—Ha, ha, ha! Of course, Haruki! Do you think a Special Patrol will help you this time?

Haruki noticed the mockery in Rikuto's voice and stopped him:

— So after all, you're afraid of the patrol like fire.

Rikuto approached Haruki and bent down to look into his eyes. There was a sinister flame burning in his eyes:

— You have no idea how glad I am that the committee will disappear.

Haruki reminded Rikuto of the enormous losses caused by the Poison Queens organization:

— The Poison Queens have caused you billions in damage! You continue to suffer losses further. What a jerk you are.

*Airfield a couple of kilometers from Yukisaku*

While waiting for the private plane to arrive, Kohei stood next to Taito Fujioka, a special fighter of the Bloody Carnival, and Kanta Kobayashi, the financial director of the organization. Kohei was expressing his annoyance:

— What's taking so long?

Taito answered calmly, as if calming the impatient Kohei:

— Well, we'll wait.

Suddenly, a small trampling was heard at the airfield, which was usually accompanied by the movement of people. The members of the Bloody Carnival, who were nearby, did not pay attention to this, having got used to the constant movement at the airfield. Suddenly, someone turned to the standing Kohei:

— Are you waiting for the plane? Where's Haruki? "it was Hiroki, the head of the special patrol.

Kohei glanced at Hiroki and, noticing the badge of the Special Patrol, informed the rest of the members of the Bloody Carnival:

- hm. I think he's on patrol.

Taito, still sitting on the bench and peering at the sky, expressed his opinion:

— Will I have to work? Nightmare.

Meanwhile, Kohei responded to Hiroki's statement.

— Do you think that you will break all our plans? Patrol.

Using his magic, Kohei attempted to attack Hiroki:

— Magic: Supersonic waves.

Strong sound waves burst out of Kohei's hand, capable of deafening and even damaging internal organs with close contact. Hiroki deftly dodged the attack and the special forces surrounding the members of the Bloody Carnival immediately opened fire with their machine guns. But suddenly Taito waved his hand and said:

— Magic: Aeration: Wind control.

The effect of Taito's magic was to control the wind, and all the bullets fired in their direction were deflected and sent into the deep forest. Hiroki, watching this, only confirmed the strength and skill of the opponents:

— Good magic skills. But resisting us is another crime.

Kohei sneered at Hiroki and said:

— Yes, stop already building yourself a good head of the Patrol. Fuck off, asshole. Magic: Supersonic waves.

Again, a powerful wave of sound burst out of Kohei's hand, but Hiroki quickly dodged it and decided to respond to the attack:

— Magic: Photokinesis: Light strikes.

Hiroki's fists abruptly lightened with a bright light that was so intense that it hurt even his eyes to look at it. Hiroki did not hesitate to run towards Kohei, who, seeing this, aimed his hand at him and fired a powerful wave of sound, stunning and knocking out Hiroki, leaving him unconscious. Taito, watching what is happening:

— There's our plane!

Taito pointed to the plane approaching in the air, which was landing. Kohei, a little tired of the fight, calmly concluded:

— It's time to take out the trash.

The members of the Bloody Carnival boarded the plane and went to Yukisaka, leaving the fighters and the head of the Special Patrol in the care of the airfield workers.