
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Wiped out

All the guard also stood up started dishing Wang Yao. They were really embarrassed scolded by there boss.

Wang Yao was dumbfounded, he was really fooled by them. This low level thugs really know how to survive.

Wang Yao looked toward the two bosses, they have spend quit a bit energy to fight late stage martial artist.

There were lot of middle stage martial artist if he fought all of them it will be quit difficult for him.

Two bosses were also sizing Wang Yao, from the guard they heard that Wang Yao was quit powerful, still they were confident in there strength. Wang Yao was only middle stage martial artist and he was young and looked harmless.

"What are you looking at, everyone attack him together, we will catch and take him too."That tall, muscular middle-aged boss said.

The ten lackey's rushed towards Wang Yao.

Wang Yao did not have a sliver of fear when facing the this lackeys, he sighed in relief that two bosses didn't came together, he directly went to meet them head on.

He had already noticed earlier that the cultivation of the strongest of the ten lackey's was only at the middle stage martial artist , therefore they were of no threat to him!

Wang Yao leg moved slightly and dodged the attack of the lackey as he brushed past him smoothly.

Spinning his body around agilely, his upper body inclined backwards as his arms drew backward and his spine trembled; his whole body became like a heavy bow drawn to its limit and waiting to be released.

Octadic smash!

Duan Ling Tian swung out his right fist like an arrow leaving the bowstring, and his fist moved like a landslide. The strength in his entire body was focused in his fist, and it blasted into the back of the lackey, blasting him back.

The lackey let out a harsh and shrill cry and was fiercely blown away; falling to the ground, he blacked out.

This scene was practically the same as the scene from earlier when he send the guard flying.

The faces of the other lackeys distorted, and they were stuck in a daze after seeing there one of there companion being beaten like that. They understood that they were no match for Wang Yao.

However, even when they noticed Wang Yao stern gaze, they still forced themselves to go up against him.

Bang! Bang!

For Wang Yao, teaching a lesson to some middle Stage martial artists was as easy as playing a game. His strength has already close to peak stage entry level martial artist. Different in strength was too much to be reduced by number alone and there tugs have no skill to corporate with there strength.

Casually moving a step, he lifted his hands and swung out both fists to smash downward from above. His fists hit lackeys one after another on the back of their head and caused them to black out. In short moment Wang Yao took care of them.

Guard who has just gained some courage started shaking again. How could world be so cruel they thought. Just when they thought that they were saved, all of their companions fell one after another . They sneaked Peek at their bosses who were still standing . They regained there wits little,"bosses are still standing we still have hope".

Upon seeing their companion laying unconscious , the bulky middle-aged man looked at Wang Yao with anger then he threw out a fist as he lunged at Wang Yao at speed inconceivably fast judging by his physique.

Wang Yao also moved at same time, he didn't use any skill and crashed with bulky man head on. It was perfect for Wang Yao to check his physical strength.

When there punch meet there was loud boom, then both of them moved back.

Both of them again moved throwing there fist at one another.

Seeing that bulk man didn't gain advantage, other late stage martial artist also moved clashing with Wang Yao.

After fighting for some time Wang Yao thought that he should end this, there was no meaning to this fight.

He performed octadic smash, his fist sounding like a mini-explosion. It landed on the fist of the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man let out an agonizing scream. His hole arm hot disordered .

The next second, Wang Yao appeared beside him and landed a kick on his body.


Wang Yao had sent the large middle-aged man flying. He fell onto the ground with a hard thud, kicking up waves of dust when he landed. He laid there immobile and unresponsive.

The ordinary-build young Late stage entry level martial artist scowled ferociously the moment he saw how Wang Yao send his companion flying with a single kick. He had realized that Wang Yao was much stronger than they thought, and was quickly overcome by fear and anger. He immediately pulled out his gun and shot several times at Wang Yao .




Three consecutive shots were aimed at Wang Yao vital spots every time he pulled the trigger. It was clear that he was not some harmless pushover.

However, his eyes instantly widened in shock. He realized that Wang Yao had dodged all bullets by moving his body slightly.

"What kind of monster is he?!"

Before the ordinary-build man could even yell out his doubts, Wang Yao ad arrived in front of him and gave him the same kick.


The ordinary-build man fell onto the ground with a harsh thud and stopped moving.

The guards who were looking from side had experience many type of emotions today and totally got mental breakdown. They sat were they were standing murmuring to themselves"finished, we are finished"

Wang Yao ignored them,it was best of them to stay on there place.

The special force people tied on the side froze in terrified shock.

They got beaten badly by those criminals, but a young boy who was not even 20 has wipeout hole group alone without much effort.