
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Captain Ling Huang

Wang Yao walked toward children,

"They are still sleeping with all those noises, they sure are carefree." Wang said and squatted down checking there condition.

Seeing that they are safe and will wake up after few hours he sighed in relief.

Then Wang Yao walked toward special force people, they all were badly injured.

After seeing Wang Yao walking toward them they stared toward him wary gazes. They all were badly injured and couldn't even lift there finger, if Wang Yao decided to kill them, they wouldn't able to do anything.

Wang Yao walked over and gave the rope an easy tug, which quickly snapped.

Then Wang Yao He walked to the their leader and snapped his cable with a pull as well. He then made the leader sit straight and put his palm on his back.

There group panicked seeing Wang Yao doing something to there leader.

"What are you trying to do?!"

"Your leader is badly injured, there is still a long way to go before we reach the closest town. He will be in serious condition if we have to wait until then to get the medicine!"Wang Yao stopped whatever he was doing and stated matter of fact.

Wang Yao ignored them seeing their doubting gaze and sat behind the special force leader, he put his Pam on his back and started absorbing spirits Qi from surrounding and transferring it into the leaders body increased metabolism of body and speeding the recovery.

The special force group was stumped. They turned to Wang Yao again, only to see white transparent gas surrounding his palm entering into there leader body.

After a while, in surprise, they observed that their leaders breathing had stabilised.

Leader also felt that his body condition was improving. While ago he was having hard time breathing but now he has energy to move and speak. His bones are still broken but his injuries to internal organ was stabilising.

Half an hour later Wang Yao stopped treating. His breathing was heavy. His cultivation was still low for treating serious condition by inducing spirit Energy. It take lot of precise control of spirit energy if he made mistake both party will get badly injured. He only dare to do because other party was also martial artist.

Leader also opened his eyes, he got up and bowed toward Wang Yao.

"Little friend let me introduce myself my name is Ling Huang, we are from Special Case Management Bureau and I am captain of this team. I am very grateful for saving me and my group."

Wang Yao nodded his head. He couldn't tell them that he didn't want save them. If criminals not have kept them alive they would have already died. He head that they were special force from military,that why he helped them now. But it would be heartless of him if he break their heart.

"Capital Ling Huang you are too modest, My name is Wang Yao. Who are this people, why are they kidnapping children?" Wang Yao asked.

Captain Ling Huang hesitated for some moment then said

"We don't know who they are, we got news that Baitugang Village was attacked by some people and some children got kidnapped last night, many such incidents are happening in different places. From local authorities we found out that kidnappers are martial artist therefore it caught the attention of Special Case Management Bureau.

"In the last night attack incident at Baitugang Village last night, our on-the-scene observation and deduction led us to believe that there are probably three middle stage entry level martial artist , with the most powerful one being a late stage entry level martial artist."

"Our team had made sufficient preparations and were stalking one of the nearby villages. When they attacked village we immediately intercepted them and followed them till warehouse but who would thought that they were prepared and ambushed us."

"We didn't even got chance to call for help and engaged in fight and nearly lost our life"

"Matter related to martial artist are still confidential but many of such incidents are happening around Radiance Federation. Many of our high level officials are busy in different regions still we are lacking in personals"

Wang Yao listened to captain Ling Huang patiently.

"You mean I have to keep everything to myself that happened today." Wang Yao looked at captain with teasing eyes.

Captain Ling Huang scratched his head. But soon he became serious and said " Yes little friend Wang Yao, We don't want to spread panic in general public." He didn't elaborate further.

"Little friend you are still young but your strength is already this great, who is your teacher?" Captain Ling Huang asked.

He was very curious of Wang Yao background, at such young age Wang Yao has power compare to late stage entry level martial.

"Captain Ling I don't know my master that well, and he has prevented me mentioning him." Wang lied. He couldn't say that he was ten of thousand year soul which has born again in this body.

Captain Ling doubted his words but didn't asked further.

"Let's wake up two bosses we will get our answer" Captain Ling said.