
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


After searching few shops Wang Yao found some books like Inner cannon of the yellow emperor, compendium of Materia Medica, invaluable prescription for ready reference....

They arrived at Tong Wei's place around 7 pm .

" Yao sit here I will help mom prepare dinner , she is not well this days ". Tong Wei said had went to kitchen.

"Well... " . she should have told him Wang Yao thought.

During dinner Wang Yao noticed Tong Wei mother complexion was little pale and has dark eye circles.

"Auntie you not feeling well?."Wang Yao asked .

"It just usual insomnia , don't worry" Tong Wei mother said.

"Every time she had an episode, she suffered from restlessness, weakness, and lack of an appetite. She had visited a number of doctors and tried various medications but none of these could help her" Tong Wei said .

"Auntie if you trust me I can help u " Wang Yao said .

"You .. how?" Tong Wei mother asked .

Tong was also looking at him with expectation .

She saw also worried about her mother, if Wang Yao could really help her mother it would be great .

"I know a great traditional medicine practitioner he will be able to help you ."

" Really ,where can we find this master . We will go tomorrow " Tong Wei said excitedly.

Her mother was also looking at him ,She just can't fall asleep. Every time she lie down and close her eyes, she can hear all sorts of noises. She just feel unsettled!

"You don't have to go , I will talk to him and bring medicine in two days " Wang Yao coughed .

"It doesn't seem proper, right! ." Tong Wei mother said said .

"Don't worry auntie, leave it me ". Wang Yao said .

"Okay we will leave it you, now get food it will get cold " Tong Wei mother said smiling.

After dinner Tong Wei escorted Wang Yao till door and send him off .

Wang Yao could easily treat Tong Wei mother . But he couldn't tell that he was the one making medicine and no one believe that a 18 yr boy could be a great traditional medicine practitioner. They will only think that he was talking nonsense. He also practiced medicine for many years and only through constant practice could one become proficient in medicine. Therefore Wang Yao could only use his name of his fake master , his age his too low for anyone to believe that he learned oriental medicine and have such mastery over it .

"I have to take it slowly " Wang Yao thought. He would buy herb for concoct medicine tomorrow ,it's already late . So decided to head home .

When he reached home his parents were having dinner. So he greeted the and to his room .

" I should wash up and sleep early." Wang Yao thought as he went to bed.

The next morning, he went up on the hill to practice Six Combination. He sat cross legged and started cultivating.

The spirit Qi entered his body began to circulate according to Six Combination.

Soon, an hour later, he finished cultivating , Each skin cell emitted a faint glow. His flesh and blood were completely different from before.

He opened his eyes and looked at himself. He was covered in a thick layer of grime. The disgusting smell made him want to puke. He quickly got up and went to stream and washed himself.

After that Wang Yao went home and took shower.

After the shower, Wang Yao saw that his skin became very nice.

His mouth spasmed. If he went to out with this skin, people would forcefully watch him.

Those girls would definitely admire his skin right?

He was in despair. Should he cover himself tight before going to school?

But soon, Lu Ze shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Even his parents who see him everyday didn't notice his skin becoming whiter yesterday . He wasn't even noticed in his classmate Tong Wei , much less the other people ?

He shouldn't think too much of himself.

Knock on the door stopped his silly thoughts.

As decided they will going to temple today .

He walked in the direction of Hui'an Temple in the drizzling shower.

Hui'an Temple was the most popular temple in near the town many tourists come to see it .

Hui'an Temple was crowded with people early in the morning. It was said that many people were willing to spend thousands just to seize the chance to offer the first incense of the day.

Wang Yao purchased an entrance ticket with 25RMB and followed his mother's orders before he left the house to spend another 15RMB to buy a top scorer incense offering package. Then Wang Yao followed the crowd and headed into the temple.

He passed by the four Heavenly Kings that guarded along the way first, followed by the grinning Lord Maitreya and the ever merciful Avalokitesvara. Ye Lingchen worshipped every single one of them in succession.

The midpoint of the temple was the most solemn and dignified Mahavira Hall. The Gautama Buddha was placed in the center of the main hall looking down at the world from heaven.

Ye Lingchen worshipped thrice before he passed through the Mahavira Hall in preparation to the temple.

When he reached the exit of the temple, he was unexpectedly stopped by a monk.

The monk looked more than 60 years old. He wore a monk's robe and had a benignant look. He stared at Wang Yao as if he saw a rare treasure.

"Amitabha. Lay Buddhist has good making and practice!"

"What do you mean, Master?" Wang Yao replied with a smile.

"Is almsgiver willing to enter Buddhism?" Wang Yao was taken aback by the monk's words.

"Haha, I'm not willing to!" Wang Yao rejected directly.

"What a waste." The monk shook his head.

"Please don't waste your magical power, almsgiver."

"Magical?" Hearing these two words, Wang Yao was once again stunned. He thought to himself, Would this great monk really have any skills to see my ability?

"If almsgiver enters Buddhism, you'll become Protector Bodhisattva."

"Protector Bodhisattva? I don't have that ability," Wang Yao replied while laughing.

Wang Yao looked at monk ,he felt that monk his very strong . His cultivation must have reached 3 -star bronze level or may be even silver rank .

Shaolin temple was comparable to six great sect in the past, and protector Bodhisattva were were the Ten strongest disciples chosen to protect there faith .

This was the first time after coming into this body Wang Yao meet someone with high cultivation. It seems Shaolin temple still have there roots ,he also felt that there are many things hidden in shadows and he doesn't know much about present era.

"Sir, I'll see you next time," said Wang Yao.

And left the temple .