
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

What a coincidence!

When he reached home his mother was already preparing breakfast.

" Mom I am home " Wang Yao said .

His mother peeked from kitchen " I thought you were joking last night , you really woke up early . Wash up I am making breakfast it will ready soon."

"Ok I will go and wash up mom " Wang Yao said .

He went directly into bathroom , there was still lingering stretch of smell on him . After coming out , he observed his body in mirror he could obviously see changes in his body , his skin had become white and smoother . After finishing his cultivation of six changes his body will become stronger and he will become more handsome .

As Wang Yao was running his thought wild his mother called him dinner .

Wang Yao quickly put on clothes went out for breakfast. He was very hungry. All the exercise and cultivation used lot of his energy.

His father was already there as usual reading his newspaper. His father looked at him and didn't say anything.

His mother put food on table and every one ate happily.

In his previous life he was without family, now that he has family , the care and warmth of family felt really good .

" Yao your results will be coming tomorrow " hIs mother said , "how about going to temple tomorrow morning."

"Dad, mom, there's no need to worry about this. I'm going to score well in this examination." Wang Yao said .

"Still It's not bad to visit temple temple once in while." His mother insisted.

What could Wang Yao say he nodded his head helplessly.

" With the passing of time, it was getting closer and closer to the announcement of the college entrance examination results. The parents were growing anxious while the students that had given up on studying originally had also become worried.

Now that the college entrance examination Results was upon the students soon, the best method to plead for a high score was achieved through a last-minute worshipping ceremony.

After breakfast every one went to do there own thing .

Wang Yao decided to go city to read some books . There was still so much he doesn't know . He also has to buy some Oriental medicine book , he has know the level of oriental medicine in present world . So at noon he rode bike and went to Lang Jiang city . It was the closest city to his town . Wang Yao school is also located in this city . First Wang Yao went to library in city .

There were many books in library. Wang Yao was very interest in science so he first went in science Section and started reading some advance science books . For Wang Yao it was easier to memorise and understand the concept of books . Wang Yao decided that he will read all that basic and advance science books . After reading for long time sun already started to go down . Wang Yao left his seat walked out of library.

"Wang Yao?" he suddenly heard someone calling him. Following the voice, he saw a pretty girl standing near him. She had a green, silky shawl over her slim figure and her face was as beautiful as a flower.

"Tong Wei! What a coincidence!" said Wang Yao.

The pretty girl was his classmate Her name was Tong Wei. She was the smartest and most beautiful girl in school.

"Yes, what a coincidence," Tong Wei said with a smile.

"Want are you doing in Lang Jiang? " she asked .

"I was getting bored at home so decided to come to library to read some books " Wang Yao said .

" ohh , coming all the way here to read books during holidays " she said with teasing voice .

" Really you have to believe me " Wang Yao said laughing.

Tong Wei covered her mouth to conceal her chuckle. "Are going back then "

" I have to buy some books then I will go , are going home I will drop you " Wang Yao said .

" Is it okay , you still has things to do and it's not that far " she said .

" Wait here I will bring my bike " Wang Yao said and went to get his bike . Shortly he come with his bike .

" Wang Yao Ming mother just called , after knowing that you're sending me home she asked me to bring you home for dinner ." Tong Wei said .

" it's not ok right, I am just sending you home there no need to trouble aunty." Wang Yao said hesitantly.

"There is no trouble it's just a meal ; it won't take too long, ok let's go first we will buy books " Tong Wei said forcefully.

What could Wang Yao say , they were good friends, there wasn't much courtesy between friend , he started bike took off .

" Which book are you going to buy " Tang Wei asked.

" Books about oriental medicine " he didn't lie .

"What ! are you joking with me, from when are you in traditional medicine ?" Tang Wei was truly shocked , she would never put Wang Yao and doctor together much less traditional medicine practitioners.

"Oriental medicine is much more than you think , The traditional medicine has history of over 5 thousand years, and our medicine dates back to then as well. How can the knowledge of other countries that only spans a few hundred years compare?" Wang Yao said, before sighing, "it's just a shame that Traditional Medicine has fallen by the wayside, and is even being looked down upon." Wang Yao with a sigh.

Tong Wei looked at him worriedly, tried to open her mouth few time but couldn't speak, she also sighed and stopped taking .