
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Knowledge is wonderful

Wang Yao now was really had a headache, he was great medical sage and powerful expert . He could travel whole world without anyone stopping him . But now he couldn't use the knowledge he has , this world has change a lot he couldn't show his medical skills or practice medicine or if someone complained about him put in jail for unethical medical treatment . Now he has headache, He has to get proper medical licenses and to do that he has go to university and his time for cultivation would be wasted , how much stronger he could get during that time .

With his knowledge of acupuncture, massage and countless type of elixir formulas , that could change person life he really doesn't want to waste his time .

The more he thought more he feel like his head is aching.

As laid on bed his eyes felt heavy and soon feel asleep.

Tut tut " voice could be heard from door .

"Yao wake up breakfast is ready " his mother voice could me heard outside the door. Wang Yao woke up got wash and went to kitchen. His father was already there reading newspaper .

" Good morning dad "

" Good morning "his dad said .

"What are your reading, is something new happened " Wang Yao as he looked at his father serious face .

His father look at him weirdly "from when this punk started to take Interest for what on news " he thought.

'There is nothing new except government urging people to do martial art and join military ' His father said .

" Weird " Wang Yao said .

" Yea it's weird who word do martial arts in this era and why would they need so many people in military " Father said .

"What are you taking about " His mother asked as she brought breakfast.

"Nothing we are talking what's on news " Wang Yao said.

"Oh" His mother looked at him suspiciously.

After breakfast Wang Yao sat on sofa and started watching Tv and his father has gone for work .

Wang Yao was very fascinated by this new world. Technology has improved so much . Lot of information could just be found just by sitting at home .

As he has strong soul , his memory and understanding power is very strong he digested previous owner knowledge and made it its own and now he has new understanding of this new word . Many martial art theory which people couldn't understand in ancient era has been solved by science . Wang Yao was like sponge now he soaked every knowledge he reads.

Wang Yao was like this when he was in ancient time he would read every record of martial cultivation techniques , When he traveled around world to find demon load word meaning he explored various regions and learned there knowledge . Wang Yao body previous owner was smart so Wang Yao didn't take much time to digest all of his knowledge .

Wang Yao thought that "knowledge is wonderful".

Now he has more understanding of new world. As he was watching tv he saw that many shows on tv were on military and martial art . Af if they are attracting people attention toward martial art . Some thing must have be happening in this world. But it doesn't Seems something major , otherwise his new life will be in turmoil , the young soul of boy is merged with him which has many dreams and now they are his dream too . He had already lived life of Sage Ru and now he will leave life of Wang Yao .

After watching Tv for some time he got bored and went to his room . As he sat on the bed he again thought about his father question from last night"what about future " . Now that he has decided to live life of Wang Yao he should join an university and live life as every young boy should. He started searching for information on various universities on his computer he found out that the all the famous and good universities are in capital city . There were also some good college in small city but Wang Yao decided to chose the best one , because he thought that it be good to make connections with people of same field and it would be easier to find where they gather .

As look into information he found out that admission in universities would began month after college entrance examination results are announced. After finding all the information need to join the college Wang Yao closed the computer and sat on bed , now his only problems college is entrance exam scores . His former owner of body was quite smart so every thing should be okay . He was Not top student but his score was always at top 10 so every thing should be okay Wang Yao could only console himself.

There are still some days before the results so he could only wait . He has nothing to do now so he started scroll his phone , he found that Wang Yao many friends are out of town . There was nothing to in this small town except mountain and river ,there was quit a natural beauty to see around but people in town has already seen it since they were young so it was not that appalling to them therefore most people spend holiday outside the town .

But for Wang Yao it's was perfect place to cultivate. About 2 kilometre from town there is a small hill where not many people come , it would be perfect place for him to cultivate .

To practice "Six Changes" he needs place where people will not disturb him as it take lot concentration to circulate spirit in very part of body . At home there was many time his mom would call him so he couldn't practice at home.

Wang Yao decided that every morning he would go to hill behind town to cultivate.

As he checked his message in social account there many messages of girls from school . He has to say that he was very popular with girls because of his handsome face . He spend hole day just like that . At night he had dinner with his family and we went to sleep .