
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Nanshan Hill

As he woke Wang Yao washed himself and left his house . Last night he already told his parents , so no one will worry about him.

Wang Yao jogged down the road and felt atmosphere Is very pleasing. The atmosphere in town felt great . The best part of town is its space. Every house in town had its own courtyard. There even two hundred of acres of farmland on one side of town . A river ran through mountain and land , away from crowdedness and noise of city.

The scene was exquisite as a painting .

Wang Yao got excited and started jogging toward hill behind the town .

As he reached the hill he was death tired it took him nearly 20 min . Wang Yao body was never trained as he was good at studies , he was less interested in sports . Thankfully he was still young or he couldn't have reached in single piece.

Wang Yao still has to climb hill to find quite site to cultivate , he cursed inwardly and sat down to take some rest . This hill Is called Nanshan hill . It small hill have great view. Stream of water flow through hill .

Resting for a while Wang Yao started climbing hill . As he climbed higher he notice that spirit Qi was growing as he climbed higher . It was just a normal hill but spirit Qi was much higher than other places , normally a person couldn't even detect spirit Qi because as it's very thin. In current era it's even less than ancient era during , It's only 10% during his era so it would be very difficult to cultivate. During ancient area the highest cultivation was of four heroes who have reached gold stage . For the present era it would quite difficult to reach silver stage .

Therefore Wang Yao was confused why was spirit concentrating higher than other region. He doesn't Sense any treasure . This Nanshan hill should be special. He really lucked out this time , with at 30% higher concentration he could practice " Six Combination" with more efficiency .

He thought that it would take at least 1 month , but now he could save lot of time .

As Wang Yao reach certain height the concentration of spirit Qi stop increasing . So he stopped wasting time and found a suitable place to sit cross legged in meditation state . He started absorbing surrounding spirit Qi into his body and circulate inside his body , as spirit Qi moved though his muscles , bones , organs , vessels all the impurities were coming out and making his body stronger. As Wang Yao observe changes in his body he saw that magic bead in soul sea was also absorbing spirit energy and glowing.

This is first time he saw some reaction in bead. But when he try to probed into it there was no reaction , it's was silently floating in soul sea .

Wang Yao was very excited , as he saw bead in his soul sea and greedily absorbing spirit energy , he felt that bead was in slumber and repairing itself , when it woke up he would be able to connect with him .

"The bead is very magical " Wang Yao thought , he was sure that his soul has come into this body has something to do with bead . He doesn't know if it's beneficial to him or not . The bead was very powerful , he couldn't do anything about it , he could only hope that it's something good . As he doesn't know when bead wake up He could only wait and think when time would come .

After cultivating for an hour Wang Yao open his eyes , he felt that strange odour his coming from his body . He looked down and black dirt seemed to seeping of his skin and emitting a putrid smell.

It smells really bad , this must be impurities of his body. There was stream of water flowing down the hill , Wang Yao quickly got up and charged out toward stream and washed his body and clothes.

After washing , Wang Yao started looking himself after removing the impurities , his skin had become white and smoother. Although all the impurities hasn't removed , he feel that his body has become stronger . He could sense spirit Qi more clearly.

If Wang Yao continues this for ten days all the impurities would be cleaned and his foundation be much greater and then could start practising "Heavenly Tactics " .

After drying his cloth little Wang Yao got down the hill and started jogging back home . It was already around seven in morning . When he got near town , town was already buzzing with people every where. Many shops were already open . Because many tourists come to there town for logging , town was alway bustling with crowd .

As he passed though hospital , he saw that many people were gathering .

" Doctor, where's the doctor? Save this man!" voice of a young women reached his ears.

Wang Yao move forward to take a look . It seemed like a serious patient was there .

There town was small and the standard of hospital's was way behind the other hospitals so generally, patients with severe conditions would prefer to go in city area . Moreover, it's early morning and doctors are yet to come .

He glance from the side .

There was a young maiden accompanying an old man in the reception area of the hospital. They were followed by two burly-looking bodyguards and appeared to be rather extravagant.

"Where are doctors in your hospital?

Summon everyone . I'll never let this hospital off easily if anything is to happen to my grandfather while we're here." It was apparent that the young maiden panicked to such an extent that she complained impatiently.

It was apparent that the few young nurses on duty were shocked upon being confronted by this group of people. They stood gazing at one another like ants on a hot pan. They were completely at a loss.

The number of doctors in this hospital was not originally that high and it's still early so there was no doctor hospital. Wang Yao observe the situation after thinking for long time he decided to step in . Since he has no doctor license he decided to hide his identity.

He picked up a long white coat hanging on the rack conveniently and draped it over his body before he left in a hurry.

Dressed in a long coat and a mask on his face,came to the reception area. He deepened his voice and said in a feigned experienced manner, "What happened? Is there patient?"