
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Climb that stupid hill

Xiao Liling laid in bed. She was dressed in a pink gown that made her appear extremely kawaii. She looked at the screen of her phone anxiously as if she was waiting for something.

To make a debut, she was constantly practicing hard on her dance moves and singing. It was common for her to adopt strange working habits such as working late at night and sleeping in the morning. Even though she did manage to become a huge celebrity as her wish, she suffered from the lingering effect of a chronic disease. She was easily lethargic these days. Moreover, her neck was sore and painful and she would frequently suffer from nausea. In fact, her voice was affected by a dry cough and was hoarse. This was considered an exceedingly crushing blow for a huge celebrity like her.

Now that her condition had worsened, she visited a few famous hospitals yet the effect of her treatment was a trifle next to nothing. Many doctors had even concluded that her condition was utterly incurable and could only be relieved by changing her lifestyle and having more rest.

She was invited to the gathering in Xia region . She was supposed to spend some time here as a distraction. However, she noticed how Wang Yao treated serious condition of old man . She felt that this boy was not an ordinary person. Perhaps, it was due to her desperate situation that she was willing to turn to any doctor she could find. She suddenly felt that Wang Yao would be able to help her possibly. Despite Xiao Liling anxiety Wang Yao replied after some tome .

"I can treat you , but you have to keep it secret , I don't want any trouble "Wang Yao said.

Even though it was only a simple reply, but it managed to stir up a huge storm in Xiao Liling's heart. Her face flushed red in excitement. Those who had never experienced the torment of spondylosis would never understand how terrifying it was.

She typed with shaking hands. "Really? You

can treat my spondylosis"

"Really! But you have to keep it secret, I don't want any trouble !" Wang Yao replied.

"Sure , you don't have worry"

"Sister Lin, Sister Lin!" Xiao Liling called out at once, "He is truly capable of treating it."

Sister Lin walked over in quick strides and took a glance at Xiao Liling helplessly. "Liling, spondylosis is not that easily treatable. Nine out of ten people that say that it is easily cured.

Even though she did not wish to crush Xiao Feifei's hope, Sister Lin still decided to advise her just so she would not be deceived.

"No, I think that he is truly capable of curing

it." Xiao Liling spoke with determination, "You've seen what he did that day. I can feel that he has something in him that other ordinary people don't."

Sister Lin shook her head with a bitter smile on her face. "I don't think that you should get your hopes too high either. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Ye Lingchen waited for a long time but there was no reply on his phone.

He shook his head in a carefree manner. Traditional medicine prioritized the recuperation of one's health. He could easily treat spondylosis , she already saw him

treating patient so it doesn't matter if he treat her .

In the next moment, his phone vibrated. Ye Lingchen could not help drawing a cold breath upon taking a look at the screen.

The person had transferred him money on Wechat directly to his surprise. Moreover, it was a total of 5000RMB!

'F*ck me. This woman is rich!"

"Miracle doctor, thank you for taking the trouble. This is the deposit, can you please come and see me tomorrow?"Xiao Feifei sent over a pity-looking emoticon.

"Yes I am free tomorrow afternoon "replied Ye Lingchen.

"Alright, it's settled then! Please accept the deposit first to put me at ease."

Wang Yao was surprised first seeing money but after some thought he felt it was right thing to charge his patients in future, he was to attend college soon he cannot live off with his father money .

Since the person had already said so, Ye Lingchen accepted the money because refusing it would be unmannerly. He had already planned to use this 5000RMB buy some herbs to make some medicine for his parents.

"Sister Lin he his such a talented young man he should be in high school right!. " said

Sister Lin nodded speechlessly but she heaved a sigh softly in her heart.

'Miss, you're too naive. How can a young man of this age be skilled in medical practice? That's 5000RMB and you've just transferred it to him so casually?'

'Also, how is he considered a promising young man, you're not old as compared to him right!'

'Forget it, it's fine as long as you're happy…'

Next morning Wang Yao woke up , cleaned himself and came out of his room . Then he knocked at his sisters door and waited outside .

He was going to teach her sister martial art .

After taking to He Hai yesterday Wang Yao felt that world may not be safe as it's looks .

From He Hai words from yesterday he could deduce that there are enemies who isn't afraid of weapons and martial artist are need to fight them . He will figure out that later , but he has to make his family secure and best way to do that is to make them stronger.

He cannot explain this to his parents but he

could revel little to his sister.

After some time Wang Li come out of house. She came out still sleepy , she rubbed her eyes and asked him

"Now tell me what so important that I have to sacrifice my beauty sleep? If you can't give me reasonable explanation divine punishment will befall you."

"Let's go I will explain while jogging " he

laughed and started jogging.

On the Wang Yao explain her about martial art and cultivation techniques .

Wang Li listen to him as if listening fairy tail

"So are saying we can become immortal" she said with eyes wide open .

"When did I say that , you can not become immortal , shackle of human life cannot be broken that easily. But we can become strong and as we very become strong our lifespan will increase." Wang Yao explained .

" Yao you have gone mad , have you read so many novels and watched to many dramas." She really feel like that .

" I know it hard to believe , I will show you let's go ." Wang started jogging toward Nanshan hill .

"Slow down you idiot, I am dying " she said.

Wang Yao laughed and slowed down .

"How much do we have to run!?" She asked.

"You will know , you can do it ."he said .

She stared at him like she was going shoot arrows at him.

They came at the foot of Nanshan hill . Wang Li was breathing heavily . She was sweating all over . She felt that she was being tricked by Wang Yao .

She saw that Wang Yao was looking at her and smiling and looked up .

She had a bad premonition. She firmly denied. "No way I am going to climb that stupid hill."