
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Guiding cultivation

"Sis lets go ,we cannot waste time here " said

Wang Yao started climbing. Hill was not stiff so it was easy to climb.

Wang Li climbed hill slowly, she felt that she is going to pass out at any moment.

When she climbed up she felt that her fatigue has lessened and surrounding atmosphere was very fresh . She picked her pace and started following Wang Yao .

"How do you feel, isn't it great." Wang said .

Wang Li only stared at with deathly glare.

"Hehe you don't have to look me like that , this is the best place to practice ." Wang Yao explained , he was afraid that his sister will flip out.

"Now show me and stop you nonsense" she said . She was mad right now . She hadn't done this much exercise in hole life .

"Okay sit down cross legged, I will now explain you breathing techniques you have to breath accordingly alright"Wang Yao said.

"Alright" Wang Li said and sat down And started breathing according to Wang Yao told her .

As she breathed in and out she felt that strange energy is circulating through her blood and nourishing every part of body in her body .

"Do you feel the strange energy it's called spirit Qi it's present around us just like air , it's just we can't fell it and it needs correct method to make use of ." Wang Yao said.

Wang Li slowly opened her eyes , she was very excited, she really felt different just now .

She was doubting Wang Yao before but now she has to believe him.

"What should I do now " she asked .

"That breathing technique could only nourish human body , now I will tach you martial art technique called 'Six Combination ' it is foundation technique, it will perfectly clean your body " Wang Yao said .

"Okay I am somewhat understanding what are saying "she nodded her .

"Take seriously, now I will help you circulate spirit Qi through your body today you have to remember alright " Wang Yao said

Wang Yao sat behind Wang Li put his hand on her back helping her cultivate Spirit Qi through her body

After one hour Wang Yao opened his eyes and told his sister to stop .

Wang Li opened her eyes . She was still in daze. She has experienced a very novel moment of her life . She felt that all the pores of her skin have opened. Warm currents was flowing through her body, and washing her from inside.

"Sis you are smelling like shit, go and wash

your self. " Wang Yao interrupted Wang Li though.

Then only Wang Li notice that weird smell . She looked down and was shock to see black stuff . She pressed her nose and looked at Wang Yao for explanation.

" Go and wash there is water stream over there , no one comes here I will keep lookout here " he said and passed her towel from bag .

Wang Li hesitated for some time, but still ran toward water . The smell was unbearable.

Wang Yao started his own practice . When he opened his eyes , his sister was sitting on bolder some distance away from him . She was staring at him . It's was obvious that she

has many questions.

He got up went to stream, washed himself and clothes. Changed into new clothes and walked back toward her sister.

" Let's go down first , mom should be waiting" Wang Yao said .

"We can talk while going back , so what was that black stuff ?" Wang Li asked .

"You may have guessed it , they are impurities in our bodies which accumulate since our

birth , the technique which we just cultivated is foundation building technique, when we remove all the impurities in our body our body became perfect to practice martial art , then I will teach you main technique , that is the real cultivation technique ." Wang Yao explained .

"Then why didn't we continue it doing , why we stopped after an hour." Wang Li asked .

"Don't you feel tired , it taxing on soul to continue cultivating, therefore at our stage we can only cultivate for limited time " Wang Yao said .

"Now that you said , my body is full of energy but I am feeling little tired . " Wang Li said.

"Yao who teach you all this?" Wang Li asked . She was introduced to new world today. But where did his brother got so much knowledge from.

Wang Yao was awestruck by how nosy her sister could get .

"An old master taught me but I cannot tell you about him " Wang Yao said and told her not to ask so much .

" I fill like , I have become stronger and more

beautiful . What do you think Yao?." She said .

"Yeah you have became delusional sis " Wang Yao said .

She ignored him , and went inside .

"Mom I am back , look at me do I look more beautiful and touch my skin is it smoother." She entered shouting and went inside kitchen .

"You are smelling, go outside " mother shouted and kicked her out .

Wang Yao laughed at her and went inside his room .

After taking shower he came out , his mother has already heated breakfast for them so he started eating first , it will take some time for his sister he thought.

After breakfast he went back into his room , he will finish all the medical books today and then go to city to buy more . When he was reading his sister enter the room , she looked at all the books and frowned.

"Yao this are all traditional medicine books why are you reading this ." she asked .

"I am going to study medicine. " Wang Yao said .

"What , have you told mom and dad?"Wang Li asked.

"No, I will tell them" Wang Yao said.

She didn't asked any more . She was more interested in martial art now and asked many questions. After some time he got irritated and pushed her out of room and started reading again.