

Have you ever wondered ? In an Apocalypse World, where your survival is a Miracle ! and you are struggling with death for one morsel of food daily with Cunning Humans, Zombies ,Monsters and Wretched Powerful Super Humans. You are tired and on the verge of death and Once again you encounter another Miracle i.e., "Magic Pencil." Young Hero John Carter Desperate for Survival, on the verge of death left alone to be eaten by Zombies and Monsters by Desert Bandits, after looting his Caravan. On the precipice of death he finds a glimmering pencil in scattered leftover trash pile of Caravan, looted by Bandits. As though bound to die, he is a mercenary to the core and greedy for treasure. He picks up that pencil with his limp body and amusingly draws a fountain on his last breaths with a Hearty laugh......and a fountain burst from that place and thus his life of new adventures begin from there....... Mysteries of Magic Pencil are not simple; if you are hungry, just draw the food and if you are thirsty draw water. With Magic Pencil anything which can be imagined, can be brought to reality!! But, there are enemies all around ? To become strongest in this Apocalypse World and other Worlds! What is the price of such amazing powers? and what amazing things are stored in Destiny for 'Young Hero John Carter' with these infinite Perils and Dangers

Abhilash_Sarjan_7006 · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

             PROLOGUE  0 1

" .... ..... ...… Life has many turns, ups and downs….but those survive those trials are favored by the 'Destiny'." 

------------ AHARAN (Verse from Ultimate Scripture)


 There are infinite Worlds and Realms, but there is only one 'Ultimate Existence'. Both 'Genesis' and 'Abyss' are two sides of same 'Ultimate Existence', which are it's beginning and end. It's consciousness which watches the infinite spreading existence; their Origin, Beginning, Path, Fate, Destiny, Darkness, Known, Unknown, End and the New Origin and their Divergence forms. There are infinite ways in which can one express themselves, good, bad, evil, saint, loner, social, etc., but what 'Genesis and Abyss' seeks are Development and Evolution and the 'Ultimate Expressions' of your forms and existence with 'Ultimate Freedom'.

 As such in the path of Genesis and Abyss, there are Myriad Life forms, Insects, Preys, Predators, higher life forms such as Mortals, Martial Artists, Knights, Magicians, Immortals, Gods, Buddhas, Demons, Transcendentals, Celestials, Heavenly Bodies, Spirits, etc. Among them are few 'Blessed Ones', 'Chosen Ones', the 'Fated Ones', 'Asymmetrical Ones' 'Era Protagonists', 'Era Villains' and the 'Ultimate Ones' loved by Genesis and Abyss.

 The Love of 'Genesis and Lurking depth of Abyss' aren't granted to anyone. It is their Boon and also a Cursed Fate. Because Genesis and Abyss are entwined, as such the boon of Genesis are always attracted by curse of Abyss and adversities. They are destined to rise above others, shine like nothing other, brilliant as unseen and develop without limit. They have been given their Ultimate Expression and Freedom, as such they are awakened by Genesis….to show mercy to the world and kindness of no bound which is unseen and unprejudiced Love for the existence.... because as such 'Genesis itself stands with them'. 

 But, this 'Ultimate Expression' and 'Ultimate Freedom' of 'Genesis' also attracts cursed fate and darkness of the Abyss towards the 'Ultimate Ones'.... because they have to go through countless trials of Betrayal, Hate, Defeat, Struggles, Fights, Sorrow, Darkness, Unkindness, Unfairness, Utilized, No Love, without Appreciation, Tainted Family and relative's atrocities, etc., and various other adversities by Abyss and its darkness for Tempering. There is a saying in regards to Abyss that, 'When you look into Abyss, Abyss also looks into you'. These Tempering's are necessary to see the 'Ultimate Nature of Existence' to see the other side of Genesis i.e., Abyss and move freely and expressing themselves without any binds. To develop and evolve with strong mind, strength and unshakable belief. Genesis and Abyss, express themselves as Dual entity like light and Dark or Yin and Yang, etc., but they are both two phases of one existence. As such This is a long journey to exist with existence. As a Whole and Single Entity of Existence without any duality. One for all and all for One. Therefore, without harmony and balance there is a tendency for both to fight each other or engulf each other. As such 'ULTIMATE SCRIPTTURE' is divided into 'Genesis and Abyss Scripture', therefore both scriptures are required to be practiced by Ultimate Ones for the harmony and peace with existence and to be with existence.


 In every Era, Wars for the Ultimate Scripture was a Destined Fate for the Magicians, Immortals, Gods, Buddhas, Demons, Transcendentals, Celestials, Heavenly Bodies, Spirits, etc., which were led by 'Blessed Ones', 'Chosen Ones', the 'Fated Ones', 'Asymmetrical Ones' 'Era Protagonists', 'Era Villains'...…. due to Heavenly Emergence of the 'Ultimate Scripture' in the world. Ultimate Scripture is the greatest secret of existence. Once every era, Ultimate Ones need to dissolve their old body for higher ascension and gain new strength, after their successful Ascension.

 During Ascension, enlightenment of 'Ultimate One' which spreads itself, when they finally dissolve their body and achieve higher state in Existence'. This ascension exposes their position and during the critical moment of ascension, let them very vulnerable to outside dangers and threats.

 Every Ultimate One is unique to their Universe with their own unique qualities, power and strength. Universe grants them their own blessings to peek into the vast existence through the layered nature of existence and helps them to grow faster, rise faster and above others. Universe also grants blessings to the others also, but the blessing of 'Ultimate One' is unique. They are hidden…..because they are champion created by the Universe for the development and sustenance of Universe. It is this blessing which differentiate Ultimate One with others.

 Existence favors every Ultimate One without any discrimination, whatever their chosen path may be. Every Ultimate One has their strength and weaknesses. The path of 'Ultimate One' is the never-ending Journey of 'Strength' with their own share of Victories and Defeats. Their path of strength is similar to jungle law, where strong preys on weak and Kindness is a gift which can only be afforded by the strongest. In this existence of infinite world and myriad dimensions there are Lower-Level World, Middle Level World, Higher Level World with Infinite Rankings. So, the Ultimate One is strongest at one point is never strongest on the other point.... Strength is something, which is never enough. You need to develop and evolve with infinite hunger and thirst for strength on the path of Ultimate. You can't stop in this never-ending journey, because either you grow or get devoured. Existence is brutal.... Freedom of your Form and Expression is earned through infinite perils and dangers. 

 'Ultimate Scripture' of Ultimate One is also an unique existence of every 'Ultimate One'.... because it is the essence of their whole existence of learning and enlightenment, that they developed into technique by studying the various aspects of Genesis and Abyss. As the existence is infinite, it can never be learned completely, therefore only a part can be derived from the vast existence. It is cultivated step by step by various trial and error method of vigorous refining to be the Ultimate Technique by which they are rightly named as 'Ultimate One'.

 Ultimate Scripture of the 'Ultimate One' AHRAN are called Goryu Mystique Technique which contains the secret to 'Creation and Destruction'. The Ultimate One 'AHRAN' is a unique existence among the Ultimate One. The mysteries of 'Creation and Destruction' are very elusive and mysterious to grasp and he perfected his technique; earning him rightfully the name of 'The Unique and Liberal One'. Races of Universe have tendency to grant their 'Ultimate One' an Unique Title to call them respectfully. This increased his fame far and wide of Universe and Multiverses, allowing the greed and envy of other Ultimate One's of other Universes. Making him target of assassination to uncover the mysteries by peering into his body with various unknown methods. Ultimate One's not only of Lower-Level World but also of Higher-Level World. These events led him to be cautious for one millennium, but his ascension period finally came. Due to his special circumstances, he had his fair share of betrayals from his friends. What can he do, he had no choice to be loner! 

 In the Vast Universe of 'Sonar Universe', The Remus Galaxy with large expanse and innumerable stars, rotating in the Universe, as the Largest Galaxy. A Great War erupted in Mesolinar Era; year: 6-9-670000...…. during the ascension of the 'GOD OF CREATION AND DESTRUCTION'---------'THE ULTIMATE ONE AHRAN'. 'AHRAN'---'The Ultimate One', once a mortal human of an unknown planet changed his destiny and became the 'Ultimate One'. The Champion of this Universe. His journey to be here was not normal one, he had sacrificed lots of things in his life and struggled his whole life as lonesome one.

 As he reminisced his past life in front of his eyes and knew, there where many enemies lurking in the surrounding with the grace of Abyss. But he didn't care about them, this was the fate of Ultimate Ones, to be envied and hated. As they exist with existence. What do they want by surrounding him? off course they want to know mysteries of Ultimate One by cracking his body.

 Finally, the Ultimate One closed his eyes and called the Thunder Tribulations…..leading to emergence of dark clouds, loud cracking voice thunder, veiled web of lightning and their red lightning strikes for the Ultimate One. Due to resurgence of his aura, many races were lurking in space on different planets and far wide galaxy. For one chance of critical strike. As those horrific Tribulations appeared one by one, people gasped for air and their momentum failed. But the Evil and darkest Evil race of Tartaros …..they made their appearance with White pointed mask donned in dark evil, whole body covered in darkness. With giant's height and heavy muscular structure with only looming darkness from eyes and two big round horns with great strength. Whole body covered in red magic of shrouding themselves in the mystery of Abyss.

 As the ascension reached final phase, they attacked with the army of innumerable Tartaros. Magic explosions, spells, formations were applied to this sudden ambush, but the might of Ultimate One was so huge, that almost complete Tartaros army was annihilated. During the siege to hold Ultimate One, seeing the chance to tilt the balance of fight, other races also started to participate. Gods, Immortals, Demons, Buddhas, Celestials, Heavenly Ones, Transcendentals Ones and many other races with their Chosen Ones, Fated One, Blessed Ones, Era Protagonists and Era Villains. This war impacted the whole Remus Galaxy with multitude effects which destroyed innumerable planets and innumerable lives.

 In such Circumstances 'AHRAN' finally laughed whole heartedly. Never Laughed as such tears shed from his eyes by observing such stupidity and absurdity. He Understood his final moment has come and he won't be able to complete his ascension. He oversaw the whole space, moving his eyes to everyone present there with lots of regrets and understood this journey has really tired him and said," I know existence is brutal and I am more brutal than existence. I won't let you all success and abuse my mysteries. You, lots won't get mysteries and it is the Fated one who will receive those and it's my earnest desire that he won't have regrets, like myself. It's tiresome. If Destiny makes it…I would like to meet you. I seeing far into the future my successor. MAY MY BLESSINGS REACH TO YOU" These words marked the end of the Ultimate One 'AHRAN'... 'The Unique and Liberal One'. As he finally charged his ascension energy of his body into dissolving his body and his soul disappearing completely into darkness of Space with nothing left .

 This led gnashing of teeth of various races and roars of Ultimate One of Tartaros race of Taross Universe and lots of regrets for whole life.



