
Trick 94: Making Baseless accusations- Disappear!

Slughorn had invited him to the Three Broomsticks to drink and so Ace was sitting at the bar with Slughorn as he told him about the old days, sharing funny stories. Ace laughed as he drank.

Slughorn was pretty funny. Albeit a bit strange. Ace quite liked chatting with him.

After chatting for a while, Ace had to leave regrettably. Slughorn asked "What? Already?" Ace checked his watch, saying "We've been here for nearly 3 hours. I have a student to teach in about an hour."

Slughorn sighed and waved "Very well. Hope to see you soon! Oh, right, Ace! Do remember to come to my Christmas Party." Ace smiled happily and nodded "Of course! I wish I could bring my girlfriend…" before sighing and rubbing his eyes.

Slughorn hummed to himself, saying "I won't tell if you don't." Ace paused and looked at him, chuckling "A muggle at a wizard party?" Slughorn drank from his mug and chuckled, winking.

Ace grinned and said "Alright, Horace. I'll bring her. She's great, very smart." Horace laughed and clasped Ace's hand, saying "See you then, my friend!" Ace nodded and walked out of the bar, waving goodbye.

He noticed the three musketeers out of the corner of his eye and waved at them as well before leaving.

He walked outside and sat on a stone wall, going over study materials for Nigel.

A few minutes went by and the three kids walked out.

Ace looked over and smiled "You three, non-alcoholic Butterbeers I hope?" Hermione giggled and nearly fell over.

Ron shrugged, "Mate, she only had nearly 10. Even if they weren't alcoholic, she'd be tizzy." Ace rolled his eyes and held Hermione's face, saying "Hello? Disparagium." Hermione woke up and looked embarrassed.

Ron and Harry were stunned, asking "A spell for drunks?" Ace let go of Hermione, smiling "Created it myself, convenient, eh?" before getting up and walking away, saying "Anyway, I gotta go. Oh, Hermione… I'll tell you later, remember to pass by."

Hermione nodded and Ron said "Brilliant he is. I have to learn that spell." Harry looked at him, teasing "Gonna need it, eh Ron?" Ron looked at him and laughed "Piss off, Harry."

As they walked away, they heard screaming in the distance and ran over.

Ace was there, frowning as he watched a girl float in the air before landing on the ground. Ace said "Leanne, go check if Katie's alright. I'll handle this." Harry asked "What happened?"

Ace turned and said "Oh, you're here. Nothing really, the poor girl was hexed. She'll be okay after seeing Madame Pomfrey." before saying "Hagrid! Do you mind?" The trio looked behind them to see Hagrid walking over, saying "No problem. Be careful with that."

Ace nodded and lifted the necklace on the ground with his wand, "Curious Hex. Very amateur. Hopefully it was just a prank." as he picked up the box and wrappings, putting the necklace back inside before returning to the castle with Hagrid.

When they arrived, they went straight to Minerva, who questioned Leanne as Ace looked at the necklace, taking out a different pair of glasses. He looked at the necklace and hummed "Interesting."

Snape walked into the room and came to the necklace as Minerva looked at Hermione, Harry, and Ron, asking "Why is it that when something happens, it is always you three?"

Ace looked at the necklace and handed the glasses to Snape, he looked at them and frowned before putting them on.

He was a bit surprised and said "I see." Minerva sighed at the three and turned to Snape and Ace, asking "What do you think?" Ace replied with a frown "It's very amateur but…" Snape finished "Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive."

Ron muttered "That doesn't make sense…"

Ace looked at him and smiled "The Dark Magic used on the Necklace was very strong, yes. However, it has left many traces and isn't woven into the item. Normally when you create a cursed item, the Necklace shouldn't appear cursed. Otherwise, who would touch it?"

He added, "Ms. Bell is in dire need of a course on artifacts and Hexes & Curses." he turned to Minerva and suggested "I would change her schedule." Minerva replied "Well thought, however, I think the more pressing matter is why Ms Bell was cursed at all."

Harry said "I know Katie. Off the pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly." Minerva nodded and replied "Yes. She was cursed."

Harry suddenly said "It was Malfoy." Ace and Snape frowned, looking at Harry as Minerva turned around replying seriously, "That is a very serious accusation, Potter." Snape added, "Indeed. Your evidence?"

Harry replied "I just know." Snape looked at him and repeated, "You just… know." before looking at Harry for a moment and continuing, "Once again you astonish with your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing."

Ace coughed and chuckled under his breath, wiping his nose as Minerva glared at him. Snape went on regardless, "How grand it must be to be the Chosen One." Ace commented "I think Mr. Potter was only making a joke. Draco wouldn't hex one of his fellow students, surely."

Harry opened his mouth but Ace glared at him, zipping over his mouth as Harry closed his. Minerva cleared her throat saying to the three, "I suggest you return to your dormitories. All of you." the three looked at her and slowly left the room.

Ace turned to Snape, saying "You don't think-" Minerva cut him off, saying "Surely you don't believe Draco is capable of such an act!" Snape turned to Ace, who replied slowly "I was only suggesting the possibility."

Snape retorted "You are quite naive to believe Potter so blindly, Ace. Perhaps favoritism is at play?" Ace shook his head and said "I'm not blindly believing him. I treat all the students equally."

Snape raised his brow, remarking "Oh! Is that so, I'm sure Ms. Granger would disagree." Ace fell silent and Minerva waved "Enough. Favoritism aside, this is a very serious problem. It is simply not a problem that can be made over a mere accusation." she looked at Snape, continuing "Severus, I hope that you can see that perhaps it could've been Malfoy." before adding at Ace, "And I expect you know the trouble baseless accusations can bring!"

Before waving as she left the room.

Ace and Snape were silent. Ace looked at the necklace and sighed "Sorry." Snape snorted and replied "It's fine. Draco has been… mysterious recently… I understand your doubts." Ace hesitated before saying "I suspect his father has had an influence on the boy. Despite his mistakes, perhaps Draco wants to follow in his footsteps. I've talked with the boy, but I doubt my words have reached him."

Snape turned to him and asked "Oh?" Ace explained "We had a chat, I feel as though he has a brighter future than becoming a Death Eater. Hopefully, he listens." before sighing as he walked away, adding "You can dispose of that, right?"

Snape nodded and watched Ace go silently, thinking to himself.

A few days later