From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
He walked around the street to see flying brooms, wands, cloaks, books, potion ingredients, etc.
He stopped in the middle of the street, wondering where he should go. Unfortunately, he didn't have any money that would work here. He noticed that people were buying things with what seemed to be gold coins.
His eyes locked on a man in a lavish robe, paying for a broom for his kid. The man had a coin purse that was bulging. Ace lowered his head and walked towards the man, bumping into him.
The man frowned at him, saying "Watch it!" Ace apologized, "Sorry. Sorry…" as he walked away, disappearing.
The man snorted before feeling his pockets and saying "My wallet! Thief! Thief!"
Ace slipped into an alley and tossed the coin purse in his hand with a satisfied smile.
Just as he tossed it, someone grabbed his arm, saying "That wasn't very nice." Ace froze and turned his head to see an older lady smiling at him.
Ace frowned, "Who are you?" The lady smiled, "It's proper manners to introduce yourself first if I recall." Ace said, "Bruce Thumbus." The lady cleared her throat and said "Well, 'Bruce', If you could kindly, return the coin purse-"
Ace flipped his hands and asked with a smile "What coin purse?" the lady looked around and Ace did a turn, smiling "You seem to have gotten the wrong person?"
The lady frowned, saying "But I just-" Ace sighed, "You must've been mistaken. I have to go…" as he turned around and walked away. The lady watched him go and touched her chin, muttering "Interesting. A magical muggle. Without the use of a wand as well…"
Ace turned the corner and pursed his lips, muttering "So strange, why didn't I notice her there." he rubbed his eyes and sighed "I must be getting tired." as he was lamenting, he saw little Harry walking around with a list, looking around in confusion.
Ace narrowed his eyes and walked over, smiling "Hello!" Harry jumped, looking up quickly. Ace clapped his shoulder, saying quickly, "Magic might make many mystified, listen to my words, hear loud and clear, when I snap my fingers you'll say what you saw in Gringotts."
Before snapping his fingers.
Harry was dazed, replying "Goblins working as bank tellers, I found out that my parents left me a huge inheritance and Hagrid went to go pick up a mysterious package in vault 713. It was very cool!"
Ace snapped in front of him, saying "What is the package?" Harry replied, "I don't know, Hagrid didn't tell me." Ace tilted his head from side to side before saying "When I snap my fingers, you'll return to shopping as usual. If anyone asks, I'm your friend who got lost." before he snapped his fingers, smiling "What are you missing, Harry?"
Harry blinked before smiling, "A bunch of stuff!" as he showed Ace his list.
Ace looked at the list and nodded, saying "I'll help you." as they walked away.
Ace walked around shopping with Harry for everything he needed, Ace bought a bunch of stuff along the way. He even found an Invisibility cloak! It was super lucky that the man he robbed had enough money! He was almost out of money when they got to the wand store.
He went inside with Harry, talking to the boy kindly. The reason he was following Harry was because the boy seemed to be a famous person here, maybe he could pull some details about the Eye if he stuck around.
Not to mention, he had bought so much useful stuff already. Even a magic storage bag!
It was incredible. The bag could hold a storage container worth of stuff!
Harry was holding Bruce in his arms as an old man stumbled out from behind rows and rows of wands, saying in awe "I wondered when i'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter." he started looking for a wand as he continued, "It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were here buying their first wands. Ah."
He pulled out a box and placed it in front of Harry, adding "Here we are." Ace took Bruce from Harry and looked at the wand curiously. Harry grabbed the wand and stared at the old man, who said "Well? Go on. Give it a wave."
Harry waved the wand and several shelves blasted out, shooting papers all over the place.
Ace laughed and the old man turned back to Harry, who jumped from shock, saying "Apparently not…" as he went to go find another wand before coming back, "Perhaps… this."
Harry grabbed the wand and flicked it, blasting a vase to pieces.
Bruce covered his eyes with his paws as Ace chuckled again, looking at Harry, who was stunned speechless, saying "I'm not trying to-" The old man waved and replied "These things happen…" as he rubbed his chin, muttering "I wonder…"
He walked away and Harry turned to Ace, saying with shock "Did you see that?" Ace nodded and rubbed Bruce's paws, replying "Very curious. I guess you don't like Vases."
Harry retorted angrily, "It wasn't my fault! I didn't try to break the Vase!" Ace shrugged and replied "Tell that to the Vase." Harry snorted and turned away as the old man came back, handing Harry a wand with a curious face.
Ace looked at Harry and tilted his head only for Harry's hair to blow up and flutter as he grasped the wand. Harry was shocked and Ace said in awe "Oh wow!" The old man said with a shiver, "Curious. Very curious!"
Harry looked up at him, asking "Sorry. But what's curious?" The old man pointed at the wand, saying "I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. It so happens that the Phoenix. Whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other."
Ace asked in confusion, "So?" the old man glanced at him and continued, "It IS curious that this wand should choose him, because the other wand with that feather belonged to the man who gave you that scar!"
Ace was stunned and looked at Harry's scar as Harry asked, "And who owned that wand?" The old man shook his head, saying "We do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But! I think it IS clear, that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things! Terrible… yes. But great."
Ace looked at the old man and asked "Who is this dude?" The old man looked at him and shook his head. Ace rolled his eyes and muttered, "I'll find out…"
The old man changed the topic, asking "You should be looking for a wand as well, sir?"
Harry looked at Ace, who blinked before nodding "Uhm… Sure?" The old man looked at him silently for a few moments before asking "May I see your palm, friend?"
Ace stretched out his hand and the old man held it, looking at his palm, saying "I see. Also a curious case." Ace blinked, asking "How so, gramps?" The old man walked away, rifling through wand shelves, replying "It seems that you could also be destined for great things, although… perhaps not."
Harry looked at Ace and asked "What does that mean?" Ace looked at him, replying speechlessly, "And you think I know?" Harry chuckled and the old man came back, taking out a wand, handing it over.
Ace grabbed the wand, waving it around, but nothing happened.
Harry looked around, confused and the old man rubbed his chin, muttering "Hmmm… Perhaps another?" Ace cleared his throat in embarrassment, "I guess so." the old man took back the wand and went to get another one.
This time, Ace looked at the pitch black wand, grabbing onto it. The wand trembled and Ace coughed, his necklace fluttering off his chest.
The old man looked at the wand and said in surprise, "How strange." Ace and Harry looked at him as he said "That wand is a bit special. The Dragon Heartstring used for the Wand Core came from an extremely rare Bone Dragon. The Bone Dragon is the spawn from a Thestral and Dragon, which itself is extremely rare. I had chanced upon such a specimen on my travels long ago. The wood is from the tree covered in the Dragon's blood."
Ace and Harry were confused, asking "Bone Dragons?" Ace asked "Can a Bone Dragon bleed?"
The old man nodded and replied "Of course. The blood of a Bone Dragon is housed in its bones, naturally. It is a precious material in and of itself." Ace nodded and looked at the wand before saying "Well? How much?" The old man waved and shook his head.
Ace blinked and smiled "Thank you, Sir." The old man smiled and walked away as Harry and Ace left the store.
Ace put his wand in his sleeve and held Bruce as Hagrid walked over, "Harry! Happy Birthday!" Showing him an owl.
Harry's eyes lit up and he said "Cool!" before turning his head, only to see Ace had disappeared!
He looked around and Hagrid said with confusion, "What are you lookin' at, Harry?"