
Trick 60: Corkscrew Kick-Flip 1080 Purgatory prayer!

Arthur called to them from a ways away with George, Fred, and Ginny, "Come on, you lot! I want you to meet my friend, Amos Diggory!" Ace left the group, walking to Amos as Hermione wiped her eyes. He shook Amos' hand, smiling "Amos. Nice to meet you again."

Amos smiled, "Ace! You've come to join us, excellent! This is my son, Cedric!" as he gestured to a young man. Ace patted Cedric's shoulder, smiling, "Yes, the Hufflepuff boy!"

Cedric smiled, "Professor Brand." Ace winked at him, saying "I've seen you in the Library many times, Cedric." before turning to Amos and continuing "A very bright boy, Amos. I'm sure he'll make an excellent wizard. You should be proud." Amos smiled brightly, laughing as they continued walking, "Yes! Thank you, Ace. I have high hopes for my boy. He even has a position as an intern at the Ministry this following summer!"

Ace turned to Cedric and smiled, joking, "Maybe I should call you, Mr. Diggory in the future!" Cedric smiled in amusement as Amos added, "Our boy wants to be an Auror!" Ace raised his brows and said with approval, "Oh wow. Very courageous of you!"

Cedric scratched his cheek in embarrassment, saying "Dad…" Arthur chuckled, joking, "Surely, he doesn't want to follow in his dad's footsteps! Hahaha! A nice desk job doesn't suit such a bright lad!" Amos laughed and they continued talking until they arrived at a boot.

Ace looked at the boot and asked "We're taking a portkey?" Arthur tapped his temple, winking "Good eye, Ace. I see that Library access isn't wasted on you." Harry walked up and asked "A portkey?"

Ace explained with a smile, "Basically, a teleporting artifact. Grab the boot, Harry." as he grabbed a part of it himself. Harry grabbed on and the entire group shot into the sky, spinning as they disappeared into a portal.

Arthur said "Let go, kids!" everyone let go and fell from the sky.

Ace landed on his feet as Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, George, and Fred fell on their faces. Arthur, Amos, and Cedric floated down, laughing. Ace shook his head and turned to see a huge festival going on.

He walked over and followed Arthur to a tent that had a massive space inside. He turned around and walked out of the tent, looking around as Hermione caught up with him, asking "Where are you going?" Ace looked at her and chuckled, "I need a new broom. Should be a good place to find one." Hermione dug into a bag and said "Let me buy it for you."

Ace rolled his eyes and walked away, saying "Please, an apprentice buying her master something? Nonsense." Hermione caught up with him, shouting "Wait for me!" Ron and Harry watched her leave as Ron commented "Quite attached, isn't she?"

Harry looked at him and asked "Jealous?" Ron snorted and replied "Who? Me? Pft! Yeah, right! Bloody Hell, Harry, do I look the jealous type??" Harry looked at him for a moment before nodding as Ron waved in frustration, saying "Sure, mate! WhAt's a pOrTkEy?"

Harry followed him, retorting "Excuse you! You didn't know either!" Ron rebuked back, "Did too!"


Ace and Hermione were walking along as Ace bumped into 4 people, saying "Sorry! Sorry, friend. Oops! My bad!" Hermione followed him, asking "How will you afford a broom? Do you even have money?"

Ace tossed a coin purse in his hand, saying "Please. I have tons of money all around me!" Hermione gasped and said "You!" Ace pinched her lips and chuckled, winking, "It's just money, don't worry about it. I saved the world, a broom is necessary. If you think about it, these people are helping to save the world!"

Hermione puffed her cheeks and snorted at him as Ace walked to a stall, browsing their wares. There was a lot of memorabilia rather than actual goods. He turned to Hermione and asked "Do you want anything?"

She shook her head and Ace continued walking from stall to stall, searching for anything that looked cool. He found quite a few things! Some strange crystals, scales, rare potion ingredients, etc.

Hermione was following him until they arrived at a Broom stall, the man behind the stall shouted "Newest Brooms on the market! Latest brooms from the legendary Mordred and Merlin's! Mordred and Merlin's latest brooms!"

Ace walked up and looked at the brooms, asking "Which one's the fastest?" the man winked at Ace, saying "You've got a good eye, mate! Mordred and Merlin's has the fastest brooms know to Wizards!" Ace nodded and replied "I know. I had a Firebolt."

The man rubbed his chin and looked Ace up and down, saying "I bet you're a chap that wants quality and speed, ye?" Ace was shocked and replied "How did you know!?" Hermione crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, muttering "Honestly…"

The man chuckled and snapped his fingers, saying "Mate, tell you what! I've got just the broom for you! This is straight from the workshop. The boys cooked this one up specially for this Quidditch World Cup!" Ace was stunned and pointed at himself, "For me?!"

The man nodded and replied "Just for you!" as he picked up a crate, placing it on a table in front of him, opening it as he said "This is the latest, new and improved, Thunderbolt. The direct successor to our previous Firebolt's highest speed. This baby can fly twice as fast, twice as stable, for only half the mana consumption!"

Ace was stunned and touched the broom, saying "Oh wow…" it was a relatively simple broom, but there was a little bird at the tip with tail feathers wrapping around the broom handle in a spiral.

It was a very nice broom.

The man continued "Don't let the simple look fool ya, mate. This broom ain't for cleaning dust!" Ace held the broom and asked "Can I test it?" the man hesitated for a moment before saying "Alright."

Ace's eyes lit up and he looked at the broom, saying "Hermione, stay here for a sec." Hermione opened her mouth and said "You aren't going to-" but Ace jumped on the broom, like a skateboard before shooting into the sky instantly!

The man was stunned and shouted "Merlin's Balls! A professional broom racer!?" Hermione sighed and finished "Fly away…"

Ace laughed as he flew in the air, he leaned forward and dove down before swinging up and stopping just over the heads of the crowd. He chuckled and shot over their heads, swerving through the crowd, but a few other people flew around on brooms!

Ace raised his brows and grinned, he pulled on the bird at the front of the broom and pulled up, jumping off the broom as he backflipped over a dude, spinning the broom in his hands, before landing on it again and spinning under another dude before curling away as the people were stunned, staring at him in shock.

Ace laughed and sped off, returning to the stall. He stopped in the air before jumping off, catching the broom in his hands as he said "I'll take it." The man at the stall swallowed his saliva and asked "Are you a broom racer, sir?"

Ace was startled and looked at Hermione, asking "What's a broom racer?" Hermione replied, a little shocked, "A professional Broom rider that races… kind of like Formula One."

Ace scratched his cheek and turned to the man, replying "Uhm. No. Sorry to disappoint you." The man was stunned and came to his senses quickly, asking "Lad, would you like to be!?" Ace pointed at himself and replied "Me? You want me to be a racer?"

The man said instantly, "I would have to call my boss and go in depth on the details, but I think you can be one of Mordred and Merlin's Broom Racers, what do you think?" Ace was overwhelmed and looked at Hermione, who gave him a shrug.

He frowned to himself and asked carefully, "Can I think about it?" The man smiled happily and shook his hand, saying "Of course! I will contact my boss. Here's my card. Let me take down your information…"

Ace gave the man his info and he gifted the broom to Ace before packing up his stall and leaving quickly.

Ace was dumbfounded and Hermione asked "How did you get so good with a broom?" Ace scratched his chin in confusion, replying "It's… not that hard. It's like a skateboard, I used to skateboard a lot… It's faster than running."

Hermione's face froze and she said "From the police?" Ace grinned and replied "Look at the time!" as he picked up Hermione, jumping on the broom, adding "We gotta go!" Hermione said quickly "Wait, Master! I hate flyi-ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" as Ace shot back into the sky, flying around the festival.

A while later