
Trick 20: Making Quirrell- Disappear!

His eyes turned and he started speaking "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Voldemort… Should I call you Mr? Ms? Vermin?" as he trained his wand on Quirrell, who was getting up slowly.

Quirrell seethed, "A lowly wizard…" Ace interrupted him, saying "Shush, the adults are speaking!" Quirrell felt humiliated and Voldemort frowned "The new Wizard? Why do you protect the boy?"

Ace pulled Harry behind him as he backed up the stairs slowly, replying "A hero complex, I guess. Life and death scenarios give me a thrill." Voldemort retorted "I think you mean sure-death scenarios! Kill him!"

Quirrell reached out his hand and a ball of flames fired from his palm!

Ace's eyes widened and he waved his wand up, saying "Aguamenti!" as a jet of water spewed from his wand, colliding with the fireball and creating a bunch of steam. Ace turned around and flicked his wand towards the fire blocking Harry from escaping.

Ace said "Harry, run!" as the fire went out briefly. Harry started running when Quirrell flew out from the steam, tackling Ace to the ground. Ace groaned and dropped his wand, Voldemort shouted "Forget him! Get the boy!" Quirrell paused for a moment before replying "This pariah will only take a moment, Master!"

Ace coughed and punched Quirrell in the face, saying "Poor Quirrell, just a slave! Do as your master tells you to!" Quirrell grabbed Ace's neck and squeezed as Voldemort shouted "Fool! He's goading you!"

Ace started choking as he reached at his side taking out a pack of cards, spreading them with one hand and flicking them in the air around Quirrell. They spun behind him, slamming into Voldemort's face, ultimately doing nothing.

Ace was getting desperate, his normal magic wasn't meant to be used this close!

Just as he was about to run out of oxygen, Harry came back and shouted "Get off him!" as he grabbed Quirrell's face, pulling him off.

Quirrell suddenly started screaming as he backed off.

He shouted in agony "What is this magic!?" as he started turning into dust!

Ace held his own throat, sucking in air quickly. He turned to see Quirrell turn into a dust pile as Harry came to him, asking "Are you alright?!" Ace let out a breath and gave Harry a thumbs up, replying breathlessly "You… saved me there… Thank you, Harry."

Harry smiled and retorted "You saved me first! Thanks!"

Ace smiled and went to grab his wand, only to hear a scream! He turned around to see a ghost pass through Harry and fly off, escaping the room.

Harry fell to the ground and passed out, dropping the Philosopher's Stone. Ace ran over and crouched next to Harry, touching his neck to feel his pulse. He let out a breath of relief and sat down for a minute.

He held his wand in his hand while holding his face with the other. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Can't ignore close quarters combat, Ace… Seriously… everyone's a wizard, who's using their fists…"

After he was done complaining, he picked up Harry and the Stone and walked out of the room.

Just as he left the key room, he ran into Dumbledore and Hermione.

Ace let out a breath of relief and smiled at Dumbledore, "Do you know how to get to the infirmary?"

A while later

Ace was sitting in the infirmary with Dumbledore, looking at Harry. Dumbledore turned to him and asked "Ace, why did you follow Harry and his friends?" Ace blinked and looked at him, pulling the Philosopher's Stone out of his pocket as he replied "Well… Originally, it was more so for this."

He put the Stone down and frowned to himself, rubbing his chin as he continued "I had no idea that it would be SO dangerous. Who would've thought that Voldemort would still be alive. I thought he was dead and I'm not even too sure who he is to be honest."

Dumbledore hummed to himself, replying "Yes, this is quite the adventure. Voldemort himself coming back is concerning. However, why do you want the Stone?" Ace turned to him and asked "You don't?" Dumbledore looked at him silently and Ace continued "The Stone is very valuable! Just think about it, you could transform any metal into Pure Gold. How rich would you be? Then I could buy anything I need for my studies!"

He sighed and added "These authors are really ruthless, you know! There's always another volume to understand the previous volume! It's like paywalling me from learning! So frustrating!"

Dumbledore stroked his beard and chuckled, "Yes, I've seen those books. If I recall, Runes for Rookies requires volume 4 before volume 2 which requires volume 3 and 1 as well…" Ace smacked his arm with the back of his hand in excitement, "I know! I saw that too! How frustrating is that?! Oh my god! If I had a nickel every time that happened, I'd have… a shit ton of nickles!"

Dumbledore coughed and looked at Ace, who said "Oh um, sorry… I'd have plenty o' nickels, mate." Dumbledore rolled his eyes and changed the topic, "You have no interest in eternal life?"

Ace was confused, asking "No, why? Who wants to live forever? You'd have to watch everyone you love die, at a certain point, you'd just get tired right?" he paused before rubbing his chin and muttering "But maybe living for a little longer could be fun!"

He thought about it before adding "I guess if you want to do something that simply would take more than one lifetime." his eyes sparkled as he continued "Like record all Magic and its history!"

Dumbledore asked curiously, "You wish to be a magic historian?" Ace smiled happily "I love magic, I think it would be fun to record and detail all magic in the world! Magic should have a rich history spanning thousands of years! Perhaps the magic we know of isn't the only magic in the world at all! Who knows what's out there!"

Dumbledore smiled gently, "I hope you get your wish, Ace." before getting up and walking away. Ace looked at him in confusion before saying "You forgot the Stone!" as he pointed to the stone on the table.

Dumbledore looked into the air and replied "If I remember correctly you must buy History of Magic volume 7 before volume 1…" before walking away and disappearing.

Ace was stunned and pulled on his hair in frustration, "Every time! Why!?"

A few days passed after this incident

Ace was reading in the library when Dumbledore and McGonagall walked over. McGonagall cleared her throat and Ace said without looking up, "What's up?" McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, who smiled with amusement, looking at the stacks of books around Ace.

He was writing in a notebook labeled '5' with several books open at once.

McGonagall said "Ace, it's time to leave. The school year is over." Ace froze and looked up at her with a frown, saying "Huh? What? I can't stay here?" She snorted at him, saying "Absolutely not. The school shall be closed during Summer Break."

Ace started slowly "But I'm i-" McGonagall cut him off, saying "You need to relax, Ace. Nonstop studying isn't healthy. Have you even looked for what you originally came here for?" Ace fell silent, no, he really didn't…

He didn't even care about the Eye now. Studying magic was much more fulfilling than what he was originally doing with his life…

He opened his mouth, but McGonagall said firmly "You are to leave the premises immediately and return at the beginning of the following school year!" before walking off, seemingly pleased with herself.

Ace looked at Dumbledore, who shrugged and smiled to himself as he walked away, humming to himself. Ace rubbed his face and groaned, muttering "Where should I go now?" He paused and turned to see a little piece of paper on the ground where Dumbledore was standing.

177a Bleecker Street

A week later

Ace was standing in front of an apartment building. He looked at his phone and then at the apartments, a little confused. He held a duffle bag with all his things as he walked to the door.

He pulled up his hood and knocked on the door, saying "Hello?" however nothing happened. Nobody even came to the door. It was as though the apartment building was completely empty.

Ace blinked at the door and turned the door handle, but it was locked. He was confused and knocked again to get no response. He scratched his head and turned around to leave, planning on coming back later.


The door opened wide and sucked Ace in, slamming shut right after.