
Trick 167: Playing around with the Flag Smashers

The next night

Sharon met up with Bucky, a little black cat, resting on her shoulders as she said "It's me." Bucky said in shock "Sharon?" Sharon walked with Bucky, saying "It's alright. Nobody's looking for me here."

Sam said over the comms, "Do I hear Sharon?" Bucky turned to her, saying "Unfortunately." Sharon rolled her eyes, saying "Hey, Sam. Thought I'd get the band back together." as Ace snickered on her shoulder.

Bucky said "You brought a cat?" Sharon scratched Ace's chin, smiling "He's also a Wizard." Ace licked her face as Bucky corrected instinctively "Sorcerer." before adding "That's just weird." Ace scoffed, saying "Yeah and the murder machine with a metal arm is normal? I'll have you know, I'm a human who can turn into a cat, okay? Not the other way around."

Sharon nodded at Bucky, saying "Yeah. Otherwise, It'd be weird." Sam echoed, "Don't make it weird, Buck." Bucky rolled his eyes, saying "I'm not! Damn…" as they walked to the building.

Sharon said "Nobody's moving towards the building." as they walked inside. Sam said "You guys are gonna have to do something, don't let 'em outta the buildin'!" as Bucky and Sharon passed a metal detector, it went off as Sharon went through and Bucky looked at her.

She turned to him, saying "Oops~" Ace rolled his eyes and Bucky said "Can't you make some magic happen or something?" Ace yawned and said "It's more fun this way, no?" Bucky rolled his eyes and continued walking as Sharon scratched Ace's chin, saying "Go." Ace jumped off and ran away, saying "Alright… I'll go find the little girl." as he jumped through a window, passing right through it and flying off as a cat.

Bucky sighed "I wish I could fly…" as he ran off, Sharon chuckled and went in another direction.

Ace flew off and landed on a metal fence, looking down at Karli and what was left of her gang. One of them said "Boss, Lennox ain't responding." another one said "Okay, but we can still get outta here before-"

Karli interrupted them, saying "No. Diego's in the air. The trucks are almost here. Worst case scenario, we kill the hostages." her gang looked at each other as one of them said "We're supposed to use them to negotiate."

Karli looked at her, saying "To stop that vote. Either way, our message gets out to the world. It doesn't even matter if we die. The movement is strong enough to continue without us."

Ace perched on the fence above Karli, making a 'tsk tsk' as the group looked up at him. Ace tilted his head and said "Hello, Flag Smashers. Cloak, perhaps you've heard of me? At any rate, I see you've forgotten to take your psychiatric meds for a while now. We should get you back to the mental hospital, yeah?"

Karli jumped at him and Ace held out a paw, stopping her instantly, saying "Aw… Shocked? Confused? Don't worry, I don't kill people. Which is hardly what you deserve. Let's talk for a bit, shall we?"

The gang swallowed and fences closed in around them, boxing them in as Ace smiled down at them, "You know, it's quite funny, watching your spectacle go on." Karli frowned "What do you know?"

Ace laid on top of the fence, replying "Me? Nothing really. You, however, know even less. Imagine believing so hard that you can make a difference and yet achieving literally nothing at all… Though I suppose villains always believe themselves to be the heroes."

Karli laughed and waved "Look around you! This is nothing?" Ace chuckled and flicked his tail, asking "Are you really delusional? Your group has been associated with Hydra. You've done nothing but drag down everyone who believed in your cause. When you're inevitably captured and your plans fail, these so-called Flag Smasher supporters will be nothing but rats crossing the street."

He waved his paw and laughed "It's quite funny actually. What's it like knowing nothing about how the world works? I'm curious, come on, tell me. I need a laugh." Karli grit her teeth and said "You're wrong!"

Ace nodded and said "Yeah, right! Even your little friends think you're going off the deep end, little girl. Oh, that's right, how will you deal with the Power Broker? I'll let you in on a secret, she's here…" he giggled and tilted his head, adding "And she won't stop until you're all dead."

Karli sneered and took out a remote, saying "I have contingencies." Ace nodded and said "Good plan! Placing poison packets in her children to threaten her." Karli froze and asked "How-" Ace cut her off, asking "Are you talking about… These… by chance?" as he hung the two poison packets in front of Karli's face, making her pale in fear.

Ace chuckled and said "Ah… You miscalculated just a bit, little one. If there are children, there should be a father, right? Unfortunately for you, their father is the most powerful wizard on the planet… Ouuu~ That's gotta sting!"

Ace made the packets disappear as he rested his chin on his arm, saying "You came so close! Isn't it fun? First, your revolution is going to be crushed into nothing, dooming innocent people for suspicion of terrorist agendas, sending them into hiding for their lives. Chased around the world by every government on the planet just like HYDRA."

Ace made a pfft sound and covered his mouth, holding out both his paws, containing a laugh, "Secondly, your plan to deal with the Power Broker failed so spectacularly! BAHAHAHAHA!" he rolled back and forth in the air, laughing right in Karli's face.

Karli trembled and said "No! We're making a change!" Ace burst out laughing, tears even escaped from his cat eyes as he pointed a paw at her, sitting up in the air with his other paw on his forehead, "You believe it too! Hahahahhaha! Oh god! HAHHAHAHAH!"

He rolled over in the air and landed on her head, sprawling out on his back as he laughed, "I can't. I'm gonna die laughing! Hahahaha! Oh shit… You're funny kid!" as he wiped his eyes and sighed, "You should've been a comedian… phew!"

Karli was so angry at being despised, she swatted at Ace, who let out a breath, not moving at all, saying "Oh, well… That ship sailed. It was a nice talk, you're free to go."

As the fence opened up, the gang ran out quickly but the fence didn't close.

Trucks pulled up and Ace waved at them, "Hey, hey… I'm a cat of my word!" They were confused now, Karli ran over saying "Continue! Quickly!" Ace floated in the air and landed on the ground, reverting to normal, standing at the back of the two trucks with his skull mask, leather jacket hoodie, jeans, and boots.

He yawned and said "Oh my, such chaos, such destruction, whatever shall I do?"

Bucky flew in and tackled one of the Flag Smashers, looking at Ace as he shouted "Do something! Why are you so lazy now?" Ace pouted, replying "I can't have fun? I don't always fight weak people!"

Bucky glared at him and punched a guy in the face, Ace rolled his eyes and said "Alright, before the old man gets angry, come on." while curling his fingers mockingly, they stepped back and Ace sighed, saying "I won't use magic, I promise!"

Karli ran at him and superman punched Ace in the face.

Ace raised his hand and caught her fist, saying "Uh-oh~ Someone's a lot stronger than they loook~" as he pulled Karli towards him, punching her in the face, sending her flying into a concrete barrier.

He laughed, "Come on, little girls. I'm an advocate for equal rights!" as he kicked a girl flying before punching another one in the stomach, making her suck in air, falling to her knees before kneeing her in the mouth, knocking her to the ground.

Ace cracked his neck and said "I'll close my eyes, come on, don't be scared." as he really did close his eyes, catching two fists from both sides, pulling across his chest, knocking them into each other, face first.

Ace jumped and kicked out, sending them both flying into a truck together, saying "That's it? And you wanted to change the world… Come on, I'm the big bad guy trying to stop you. I'm the final boss."

He stepped back and held out a finger, blocking a fist, twirling his finger and flipping the girl upside down before kicking her in the mouth, saying "Ouuu! The steel toe to the teeth, that's gotta hurt! How you feelin' about that one, Buck!"

Bucky ripped a truck door off, saying "If you keep talking, I'm gonna beat you myself!" Ace spread his arms and said "Oh! A surprising turn of events! Bucky Barnes joins the enemy! Raaah~" as he twisted his body, dodging another Super Soldier before elbowing her in the teeth.

He grabbed her collar and flipped her over, slamming her on the ground as he shouted "Look at the moves! Faker! Faker!" before falling back on his hands, pushing off and stomping another one in the face, smashing them into the side of the truck, adding "Inhuman reaction!"

Bucky looked around at the Super Soldiers on the ground and said "Hey, man. They're done." Ace opened his eyes in a handstand, saying "Awe man, already?" before getting back to his feet, smiling at Bucky, "Not too bad, Winter Soldier."

Bucky snorted "They don't call me that anymore." Ace rolled his eyes and looked around, asking "What now? Where did little red riding hood go?" Bucky shrugged, saying "Probably ran when you were playing around… Come on. Sam's got her cornered, but she shot Sharon."

Ace froze and shouted "She what!?" as John and Lemar ran over.

Bucky said "John! Take these guys, we got Morgenthau!" Ace looked at John, who nodded, "Yeah. You got it." he looked at Ace and said "Man… Thanks." Ace nodded and said "No problem, John. You made the choice in the end, helped me out more than you know." before he ran off with Bucky.

John whistled and motioned behind him as police ran over, surrounding the 3 Super Soldiers on the ground with guns, arresting them. Lemar said "That guy…" John took off his helmet and threw it to the side, saying "Helped me more than he could even imagine."

Lemar smirked and patted his shoulder.