
Trick 165: Understanding

The next day

Ace was standing with Sam and Bucky as Sam talked to Karli about threatening his family. Karli replied that she would never hurt Sam's sister, she only wanted to understand him better.

Ace watched as Karli told them "I don't wanna hurt you. You're just a tool in the regime I want to destroy. You're not hiding behind a Shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me. Or do the world a favor and let me go."

Sam got a communication from Sharon and he turned to Bucky, saying "It's Walker!" Bucky jumped off the second floor to the ground but Karli lunged at him, tackling him into the wall.

Ace floated in the air watching them fight before Sam and Bucky left quickly. Ace followed them, coming to a building and seeing John throwing his shield around.

Sam followed him as he said "They got Lemar!" as he ran off, Sam chased after him into a big room.

Ace watched from the side as John and Sam fought two Super Soldiers with knives.

Bucky ran in as more Super Soldiers came around, Ace sat on the table as the brawl happened. John got tied up as Karli ran over with a knife to stab him, but Lemar arrived and tackled her to the ground.

He got up and Karli punched him full force, Lemar's eyes widened as her fist stopped right before his chest. He looked around at everything frozen and saw Ace sitting on the table, looking at him with his hand held out.

Lemar asked "Who-" Ace curled his fingers and muttered "I understand now…" as Lemar flew to him. Ace grabbed him and said softly "Be quiet." as the world turned again.

'Lemar' flew into a pillar and slumped to the ground, dying instantly. Everyone stopped and John ran over shouting "Lemar!? Lemar! Come on, man!" the Flag Smasher slowly started running away as John fell silent.

Ace grabbed Lemar's shoulder, saying "Calm down. I want to see something." Lemar said angrily "What are you doing, man!? That's my best friend! Let me go!" Ace ignored him, staring at John, who seemed to snap, jumping out a window.

Ace carried Lemar and flew out the window, following John as he said "What will you do, John Walker… You can choose anything." as his eyes glowed purple with interest. Lemar looked at him, saying in shock "You're!? Cloak!?"

Ace ignored him and followed John quickly as he ran after a Flag Smasher, the one who held him back.

He threw his Shield at him and punched him onto the ground, shouting "Where is she!?" Ace and Lemar watched from above as Ace stared at John with interest, muttering "Will you play God or be a Hero?" before moving down next to John, watching him beat the living shit out of this guy.

John took his Shield and raised it above his head, staring at the guy, who cried out "It wasn't me! It wasn't me, man!" John looked down at him, pinning him to the ground with his foot as the guy nearly begged for his life.

John paused and started breathing quickly, adrenaline pumping all over his body. He thought of a million things at once before the Shield came crashing down!

Ace sighed and Lemar's eyes widened, but they both froze!

John tilted the shield and slapped the guy in the chin, knocking him out as he said "You're under arrest." before collapsing to the side, falling on his ass and letting out breaths, hyperventilating.

Sam and Bucky arrived just in time and ran over, picking up John saying "You alright, man?!" John's eyes were unfocused and he shook them off, walking away in a daze.

Lemar was silent and Ace finally smiled, saying "Amazing. I thought he would do it." Lemar looked at him and asked "Aren't you a hero?! You'll let people die!?" Ace put him down and looked at the guy on the ground, seeing his chest rising and falling, although he was terribly injured.

Ace replied "I've been having trouble of my own, Mr Hoskins… When you have God-like power, it's very easy to forget why you became a hero in the first place. I was confused for a bit. You, John, Bucky, and Sam… You guys have it easy. I've been watching you all for a few days now, standing next to you, studying you, observing people and life from a bystander's perspective…"

Ace frowned slightly "I… I didn't think I would interfere but I saved your life out of instinct… When you can do the things I can, it's not about whether you should but if you want to. At least, I see it that way… You're a smart guy. Power indeed makes us more of ourselves."

Lemar was startled and looked at Ace, who held out his hand, presenting Lemar with a vial of the Serum, saying "You should take it. I don't believe that you will lose yourself to power, Lemar. I became a Hero because I had the power to protect those who didn't. I died protecting life and I will die again doing that very same thing if I have to. It's our duty as Heroes."

Lemar looked at him and swallowed, "I…" Ace looked at him and smiled gently, "Difficult choice to make, right? Saying that you would privately but hesitating when the time comes." Lemar looked at the Super Soldier Serum and frowned, Ace added, "I don't know what you've gone through, and frankly it's none of my business, however… This strength will help you save more people."

Lemar looked at him and Ace smiled, "I studied magic to save people and became what I am today. There's no shame in dedicating your life to the people. Your friend did it and look what happened today? He made the right choice, the just choice."

Lemar grabbed the serum slowly and Ace patted his shoulder, saying "If I didn't think you were suitable, I wouldn't've given it to you. I like to think I'm a good judge of character." Lemar looked at him and asked "The Power Broker-"

Ace chuckled saying "The Power Broker won't make a fuss." Lemar was confused and Ace curled his lips in amusement, putting a finger over his lips, saying "She's my wife at any rate." Lemar froze and looked at him in shock, Ace snapped his fingers and chuckled "I have to make sure you never tell anyone, sorry."

As he locked that sentence in Lemar's mind, disabling him from speaking, writing, or revealing it in any way. Ace winked at Lemar, saying "By the way, John may not be Captain America material, but that doesn't mean he can't be a hero… You should tell him that when you're done."

Lemar asked in confusion, "Done?" Ace nodded, "Done with the Serum." as Lemar was forced to take it right now or not at all, however he still took it.

Ace pressed on his shoulder and made the pain go away, saying "See you around, Lemar. Glad to have you protecting this world alongside me." as he fizzled out of existence, disappearing with the wind.

A few days later