
Magic Knight Revival

Is it really how it comes to an end… Will i really die without even able to achieve a single thing that I wanted Sigh*** if only I wasn't born with this crippled body unable to store mana. In order to become strong, in order to rise I did everything I could learn all the martial arts I could master every weapon available but is it really how my story came to an end. Killed by my own squad member just cuz I refused to kill innocent. I am Lucas Greysworth, I am 23 and I am currently dying after half of my organs were crushed. I was born in the 7th district of delta zone of New Britain in an aristocratic family which has been producing great warriors and mages for ages. Anyone would think that my life was set for greatness but that was not the case for me as I was born with a body unable to store mana. As I was born with a body worse for both martial arts and magic, I was treated like trash in my family. My siblings and cousins were all talented in different fields and started to show tremendous growth at a very young age. While I was a complete and utter failure. Disowned at the age of 18. I tried to live a normal life but the tag of failure didn't leave me. I was left with no other choice but to become a soldier. In the end, in order to survive this harsh world where the weak are the prey to the strong , I was born without any talent and can only join the military in the end. Even in the military i was nothing but a just a pawn that was used and then thrown away after being used. My life has been nothing but a roller coaster of misfortune. If there is a next life I would like to live life a little better than this, achieve something great. My only regret is that all my hard work,all the sufferings that I went through weren't acknowledged. These were my thoughts before everything went dark....

KushagraDwivedi · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Iris Jean Greysworth

Lucas's heart pounded in his chest as he heard Iris's name. His breath caught in his throat, and his face turned as pale as a sheet. He felt like he was going to be sick. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Iris Jean Greysworth was the founder and first matriarch of the Greysworth family, but she had been dead for over a thousand years. How could she be standing in front of him now?

He was confused because Greysworth was founded more than 1,200 years ago, but now the very person who founded the family was standing in front of him, alive. He kept asking himself, "What is going on? How is she alive and here?"

Lucas's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. He knew that Iris was a powerful woman, but he couldn't understand how she could have possibly lived for so long. He also wondered why she hadn't returned to the Greysworth family after all these years.

Lucas decided to confront Iris directly. He walked up to her and said, "I don't understand. How are you still alive?"

Iris smiled enigmatically. "You don't have the qualifications to know the answer yet," she said. "Climb further and prove to other guardians your worth."

"What?" Lucas asked. "What qualifications?"

Iris's smile faded. "That's all I can say for now ," she said. "Now go, it's already time for your next trial."

Lucas hesitated. He didn't trust Iris completely, but he knew that she was a powerful force to be reckoned with. "So I can get my answers if I reach the end ?" he asked.

"Yes," she said.

Iris leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "***." Be prepared, child said Israel.

Lucas's eyes widened. "What?" he asked. But before he could ask anything else, Iris disappeared.

Lucas was left standing alone, confused and uncertain. He knew that he had to reach the end of the trials in order to get his answers, but he didn't know what to expect from the final trial. At first he only wanted to get stronger but there was another reason for clearing the ruins. He took a deep breath and steeled himself for the challenge ahead.

After Iris vanished Lucas was transported to a next chamber. In the center of the chamber was a large stone pedestal, and on top of the pedestal was a glowing crystal. Lucas walked over to the pedestal and examined the crystal. He could feel a powerful energy emanating from it.

Lucas reached out and touched the crystal. As soon as his fingers made contact, he was overwhelmed by a wave of energy. He heard a voice in his head.

"We shall see how strong your spirit is!"