
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Spellcasting tools (above)

  Merlin had imagined many times and the old Wilson meeting scenario, speculation may happen many situations, but now the real time to meet, his internal but very calm.

  "Merlin, what brings you here?"

  Old Wilson quickly jumped down from his horse and walked quickly to Merlin's body, his gaze revealing a loving look.

  Merlin needs to raise his head slightly and look up at old Wilson, because old Wilson is extremely tall, almost close to two meters, tiger back, once close to Merlin, there is a blood gas puff.

  "Father, have you encountered a thief?"

  Merlin did not rush to answer, but asked rhetorically.

  Old Wilson will be stained with blood large sword, gently into the scabbard, full of care, said: "but met a few small thieves, but all killed by me, nothing threatening. Go, go inside and talk carefully."

  So, Merlin followed the old Wilson into the castle, the old Wilson in the servants' help, unlocked the black armor, Merlin saw two or three servants struggling to lift the armor, the heart is also very shocked, the black armor on this old Wilson, at least also has three hundred pounds.

  Nearly three hundred pounds of heavy armor on the body, ordinary people, not to mention the action, is how long it can withstand is a problem, but old Wilson was able to wear, not only move freely, but also able to fight, which shows how excellent the physical quality of old Wilson.

  Originally Merlin thought old Wilson, just a second-class flame swordsman, but now it seems that old Wilson is far from what it seems so simple, if a simple second-class flame swordsman, is absolutely impossible to wear such heavy heavy armor.

  Old Wilson, in addition to being a second-level flame swordsman, is also gifted with extremely good physical qualities, terrifyingly powerful, even purely physical strength, are stronger than second-level elemental swordsmen.

  "No wonder my father was able to survive the crusade against the Black Moon Kingdom, known as the 'Slaughterhouse' war, and also accumulated a huge amount of military merit, and eventually became a nobleman, his physical quality, is his biggest reliance!"

  Merlin can only feel now, countless fire elements, is crazy into the old Wilson's body, the old Wilson should have reached the peak of the second level flame swordsman, just waiting for an opportunity, perhaps can become a third level flame swordsman!

  As for the real strength of the old Wilson, which Merlin could not see, but Merlin believed that, coupled with the old Wilson's terrifyingly strong power, at least in the face of the third-level elemental swordsmen, should not be at a disadvantage.

  Old Wilson, led by the housekeeper, went into his room to take a bath. In a short while, old Wilson changed his clothes and came out of his room, refreshed, into the hall.

  At this time, the old Wilson, has removed the black armor, the body of the swarthy, bloody aura, has disappeared, the whole person seems very calm. He walked to Merlin's side, gently patted Merlin's shoulder, looked Merlin up and down, a trace of satisfaction appeared on his face, and said with a faint smile: "Not bad, have grown so strong, that's like my son!"

  It can be seen that the old Wilson for Merlin's health becomes better, is very happy, after all, anyone who saw the former Merlin that weak body, I'm afraid also can not believe will be the old Wilson's son.

  "By the way, Merlin, what are you doing here in the territory if you are not in Blackwater City? Did something happen at home?"

  Old Wilson's eyes flashed a stern aura, just now a very calm breath, as if all of a sudden became a rampage.

  The good thing is that Merlin's spiritual power is already very strong, able to control their own emotions, will not be affected by the impact of old Wilson's rampant aura.

  "Father, there is nothing at home, it is because the Lord of the City wants to invite all the nobles of Blackwater City to the City Lord's residence to discuss the matter of dealing with the thieves, so I came to inform father."

  Merlin will come and go all carefully, while the old Wilson frowned, into a deep thought.

  Only after a long time, old Wilson raised his head and said faintly: "The towns around Blackwater City have basically been infested by thieves, but strangely enough, there is no town that has been devastated, as if these thieves are not for looting, there should be other purposes."

  "But no matter what, this band of thieves must be driven away, otherwise, the towns around Blackwater City, the territories of many nobles, will not have a peaceful day. I went on patrol a few days ago and only came across a small group of thieves, at best only about ten thieves, and not very powerful, were all killed by my heavy armored knights, but those large groups of thieves, but they were hiding in a secret place and have not been found."

  "If we can gather the power of all the nobles in Blackwater City and act in unison, it will be much easier to deal with this band of thieves. By the way, did Ogdin say when the deliberation would be?"

  "Probably the day after tomorrow." Merlin replied faintly.

  "The day after tomorrow? Good, if we depart tomorrow, then we should still be able to make it, Merlin, we'll depart back to Blackwater City tomorrow."

  Old Wilson quickly made a decision, it seems that the threat of this bandit is indeed not small, so that old Wilson are feeling difficult to cope with, must gather the power of all the nobles of Blackwater City to expel these thieves.

  Early the next morning, Merlin woke up from sleep, at this time, the day was just dawn, but there were already servants busy.

  Merlin put on his clothes, walked out of the room, and went straight downstairs.

  Old Wilson has not woken up at this time, Merlin looked up at the old Wilson's room, he last night, vaguely saw the beautiful housekeeper, quietly into the old Wilson's room.

  Merlin shook his head, shaking off the chaotic thoughts in his head, his eyes looked to a section of the fence outside the castle, he remembered that last night, the source of that strange wind, is under that section of the mottled fence.

  "Young Master Merlin!"

  Many of the guards and servants in the castle, have known Merlin, one by one, saluted respectfully, and Merlin nodded and smiled, and walked straight out of the castle.

  "Hoo ...".

  It's still cold in the winter morning, a little snow fell last night, and the ground is still a little slippery.

  Merlin looked around and found that there was no one around, then he walked towards the fence, and in a short while, he came to the place where the strange wind appeared yesterday, where the ground was very flat, and was hardened by that strange wind last night.

  "This is the place."

  Merlin came to the corner of the fence and quietly squatted down. The strange spell fluctuation he sensed yesterday should be under this section of the fence.

  The dirt under the fence was moist and not very hard, so Merlin reached out directly and began to carefully chip away at the top layer of dirt.

  Not long after, in the wet mud, Merlin touched a hard, very cold hard object.

  "This is the spell casting tool?"

  Merlin's heart is happy, also do not care what kind of things in the hands, directly wrapped with a pre-prepared cloth, and then returned to the castle as if nothing happened.