
Where's Mommy?

Jason was sitting outside the operations room, both his hand were in his face all he can see whenever he closes his eyes he would see Aria's body lifeless in the bodyguards arms, she was so pale, she felt cold, the blood! When he look at his shaky hands there was dry blood. When he saw someone slim hands hold his he looked up and saw his mother.

"She's going to be okay" She said

Jason nods but his mind was blank, he finally looked around and saw all of Aria's brother's and father, as well as his father.

"Where are the kids?" Jason said

"They are with your grandpa, they are still sleeping" his mother said

It has been more than five hours nobody said a word they just sat there waiting for someone to come out of the operation room, after the sun came up Jason advised his parents to go home the boys would be waking up soon, so they agreed. Aria's father also went he wanted so joy after a night of worry for his only daughter and his son's told him to go get rest and they would call him if they are done and what the doctor says. The guys waited outside for another four hours until a nurse came out and told them they need some blood so Donnie was the first to stand up quick and went with the nurse after an hour the nurse went back into the operation room, and Donnie came back he was a little pale. Jason's assistant came to the hospital with clothes for Jason, and his mother sent them some lunch, and told them the kids are being busy looking at the home of his and Aria's mansion. At the Mansion the boys were playing in their room most of the day after lunch they took a nap, by dinner time they notice the atmosphere in the house, so when they were looking around they didn't find their mother or father or their uncles, usually they would go out for dinner after their birthday for a second birthday.

"Where's mommy?" Jude asked

"And daddy?" Julian asked

The adults looked at each other, and they became silent, they have not heard anything for the guys at the hospital so they knew she was still in surgery.

"Let me call" the twins looked at their grandma.

At the hospital it was now six in the evening the light was still on, they waited all of a sudden a phone ringed and Jason took it out his pocket and saw it was his home number that he installed, he answered.

"Hello" his voice was a little horsed

"DADDY!" he hear the twins yelled

"Hey kiddos" Jason said clearing his throat

"Daddy when are you and mommy coming home" Jude said

"Mommy is a little sick right now" Jason said

"Did mommy have a lot of cake? I get sick when I eat cake" Julian said

"Yeah, mommy like your cake she ate a lot" Jason said

Jason choked up a bit as he talked to the boys his eyes were getting red and teary.

"Can we talk to mommy?" Jude asked

"Mommy is sleeping now" Jason said

"Okay give mommy a kiss daddy" Julian said

"Yeah tell mommy I will take care of Julian" Jude said

"Okay boys wash up and get ready for bed okay" Jason said

"Okay night daddy" they both said

After Jason hung up the phone he took a deep breath.

"Good night boys sweet dreams" Jason said

He hung up the phone as he looked up he saw the brothers looked at him with sadness their attention was all Aria that they forgot their two nephews at home that were asking for their mother they felt sad for them as well. After 24 hours later the operation room light turned off the all stood up as two nurses came out wheeling Aria, they saw how pale she was with wires on her body and tube coming out her mouth they followed them to an ICU room but were told to stay outside and only look from the window.

"Why did the surgery last so long?" Jason asked

"The doctor will be answering all your questions in a minute" The nurse told him

Jason nodded as they look into her room a few minutes later a doctor came towards them.

"Family of the patient?" he asked

"Yes I am her husband and these are her brothers" Jason said

"Then I will cut to the point quick" he said

"Please" they all said

"The patient was shot in the thorax, when they were able to put pressure on it, it slowed the bleeding down and was able to buy her some time however, she still lost a lot of blood more than half and she lost some more when we took the pressure off, with that fast reaction the bullet went further up to her chest near her heart. We had to stop the bleeding of the first wound first they stop the second bleeding when we took the pressure off, by the time we reached the bullet it left a third bleeding that why we taken so look, she was very lucky that she didn't go into cardiac arrest or in shock when we were patching up. Her heart rate through the whole operation never once did her heart stop, she's a fighter. Right now we are just waiting for her to breath on her own, the Neurologist will be coming by in the morning to check her brain wave and he will explain everything for you before he does the test. As for her to wake up the other doctor will tell you, I will also be there and give the information to the other doctor as well for now she is stable we will move her to a private ward after the test in the morning" he said

"Thank you doctor" Jason and the brothers said

The boys called their father and gave the update, Jason also called his parents. They all agreed to go over in the morning and have their grandfather stay with the twins, once they were finish talk the brothers and Jason began to talk about who made the hit so Jason had to call his assistant to bring all the information that they found at the house.