

By ten the boys were in Old Li room they wanted him to read a bed time story. Jason, Aria and Jason's parents were out in the back siting when fireworks started going off the loud crackers were heard.

"Seems like people are enjoying the New Year" John said

Aria looked at the fireworks, then she saw flashes in the tree line.

"Those don't look like fireworks" Aria said

Jason and them looked at the trees.

"Get down!" Jason yelled

Bullets went towards the house as the bust Aria screamed as she covered her ears as Jason's body was protecting her, she peek out and saw John hold Lillian.

"Go go go" Jason said

They quickly got up running inside the house as they were going towards the staircase.

"Take mom there's a panic room in every room of the closet, I'll check grandpa and kids if they made it" Jason said

"Lillian go with Aria, Jason meet at the office I'll get the guys" John said

They both nod as the bullets we're coming closer to the house.

"Quickly go" Jason yelled

Aria grab Lillian hand as they ran up the door.

"My room has things we need in the panic room" Lillian said

They ran to the third floor, to John and Lillian's room, Lillian went into the closet as Aria went to lock the door, there was guy fire down stairs. Aria quickly sled the dresser in front of the door as she moved back the door jiggled, however was firing the guys made it to the third floor. When she saw the door knob stop moving she felt relief then gun shot went off she scream and docked down, she saw Lillian from the closet door but didn't move as the door broke in sliding the dresser away.

"Hide" Aria mouthed to Lillian

Aria looked around, she found an envelope opener on the bedside dresser she grab it with her shaking hand, when she looked down she saw that she was shot just below where her chest and stomach met, she grab the pillow taking the pillow case off as she put presser on the wound. She sat on the floor on the head of the bed, with the envelope knife on the side hidden the door was broken in as a man in black with gears on him, his face was covered with a masked. He pointed the gun and light at him as he reached for his ear.

"The girl is hit" he said

The man look at Aria as he bent down in front of her.

"Copy that" he said

He pointed the gun to her head, Aria saw and opening as she stab him with the envelope knife in the neck the guy started choking on his blood as he fell back Aria took the hand gun that was on him. And staggered to the closet Lillian open the panic room as she help Aria inside.

"Get a belt" Aria said

Lillian grab a belt and some pillow cases, she moved the bloody one away and place it with the new one.

"But the belt around me and tighten it" Aria said

Aria had blood coming out from her mouth, Lillian did what she asked from the pressure the bleeding slowed, she saw the CCTV and can see John and Jason killing the people in the other panic rooms she saw the twins and Old Li.

"The boys" Aria said

"You can talk to them from here" Lillian said

She grab the small mic and handed it to her, Aria coughed out blood as she took a deep breath.

"Jude, Julian" Aria said

She saw the boys look around, as old Li press the come for them.

"Mommy are you okay?" Jude asked

"Yes I'm safe, just stay with great-grandpa until daddy comes okay" Aria said

"Okay mommy, will see you soon right?" Julian said

"Yeah baby" Aria said

Lillian sang the boys to sleep Aria kept her eyes on the screen after fifteen minutes Jason's men came and help, Aria began to feel cold and was getting sleep she lean her head against Lillian she tried to stay up.

"Mom" Aria whispered

"Yes, dear." Lillian hugged Aria as she felt cold

"When the twins were born, I was so happy. So happy I didn't know what to do. Did I make the right choice bring them back? Knowing that Jason works with dangerous people" Aria said

"You did the right choice Aria, not only the family is now bright again it hasn't been like this since my miscarriage" Lillian said

"I'm sorry" Aria whispered

"It happen long ago don't worry" Lillian said

Aria saw that Jason's men where clearing the room, she smiled and slowly closed her eyes. Jason looked around at the bodies on the floor in the living room on the stairs he sent his men to sweep the floors.

"Clean up the bodies" Jason said

He went up to his grandfather's room towards his closet and place his hand on the panic room, the boys were sleeping by his grandfather.

"I turn it off I didn't want them to see" Old Li said

John, went in and took help take the boys and place them on the bed.

"Take them to our house and you guys stay there, I'll get mom and Aria" Jason said

John nodded and went, up towards the third floor but just as he reached the last step he saw his men carrying out a body the arms were just on the side the head looked just hung, he saw his mom come out the room. He ran towards Aria, as he grab her the pillow case was red, he quickly moved downstairs as he moved her face closer to him as he kept whispering to her to stay with him. John and Old Li hand the little boys in their arms as they were outside waiting for a car to be brought out when they heard footsteps approaching there eyes widen.

"Jason." John said

Jason ignored his dad and went straight to the car stopping in front of them.

"Hospital NOW!" Jason yelled

The car sped off out of the villa.