

Anyway, as I said before, Blaze and Sun is very similar to one another and the doctors also said that Blaze and Sun seem to be on the same age. Though we don't know how old Blaze is, but he was found on the 18th of July, so we just consider it as his birthday. 

Now, let's stop talking about Blaze. Let's talk about my other brother, Sun. He is the total opposite of Blaze. He is tough but he uses it only if necessary. He is the smartest and the most responsible one out the four of us. He is cool, calm and very caring. There is this one time when Blaze was little, he got bullied by his classmates. At this time, Me, Letisia, Sun and my mom were at home, preparing dinner, while my dad was still at work and Blaze was just playing in the playground, then they came and tied him to a pole, with his clothes off and the word Broken was written on his chest. He was made fun off by the whole group and they say bad things about him and compared him with Sun, while also hitting him with sticks, which made him bleed. Blaze tried to use his power, but he remembered that he can't use it in public. So, all he can do is just cry and wait for this torcher to end. Do you know who you are? You are just a replica of Sun! A broken one! A kid said to Blaze making him cry louder, while screaming Suns name. You think he will come to your rescue? Hes not even your real brother! Another kid said as he took a stone and throw it towards Blaze.

But suddenly, You touch my brother again, youll lose you a finger. Said someone with brown hair and black eyes as he catches the stone and throw it back at the kid, breaking one of the kids fingers bone. The kids then run away, scared by the scary figure, who help Blaze out. With Blazes blurry vision, he saw his brother opening his shirt and put it on Blaze, covering the word Broken. After Sun cut the rope, Blaze fall into his arms, while still sobbing, he hugged his brother tightly and Sun let out a Dont worry, making Blaze a little bit better. They break the hug and Blaze look at his brother with a smile on his face.


In the kitchen, "Finally, your siblings stay quiet." Said Ms. Kaylin to Sun, while she wash the dishes her son just gave her. "Oh, my baby boy is all grown up!" She said again, while slowly moving her hand towards her son's face, as he smile with joy and went out of the room to meet his siblings, who are eating peacefully. Suddenly, there is a knock on the kitchen door. "Honey, I forgot the keys!" Apparently, it was Mr. Adrian, who forgot where his keys are. "It's attached to your wallet!" The wife replied. "Oh, thanks honey! I'll be going now!" He thank his wife, peak her cheek and leave the room to the dinning room, "Kids, I'll be going now!" He said again, while kissing their cheeks.

"Ok dad, have a great day and be careful!" The children said to thier father. Then he left the house, get in his car and drive to work.

"You four should really get going too." Ms. Kaylin said, while taking the plates of her children. The children, then stands and take their bags. "Bye, mom!" They all said together, while walking out of the house. "Be careful, children!" The mother said. Then they walk off to school.

To Be Continued