
My Little Trickster

After Blaze and Sun get back home, they told me, mom and lil sis all about what happened. Then, mom go super mama bear and had a talk with the children, who bully Blaze. Well more like threatening them, if their children ever bully Blaze or any of her children again, she will be a real mama bear.

Now, we have my little joker sister, Letisia. She is the funny, cunning, sneaky, intelligent, yet loving person. The youngest member of the Fulki family is actually very beautiful and loyal, but it's just that she is very persuasive and naughty, which has ends her up in various troubles. But thank god she doesn't do those pranks and tricks at home, that's because a few years ago, when she was little, she tried to prank my mother by spilling milk at her and she did and she ends up getting grounded for a month. And that's the last time she did a prank at home. But when she comes outside the house, she is a full on trickster. There is this one time at school, she put a frog inside her teacher's desk and some fire ants inside the principal's pencil case. I have no idea how she did those things and doesn't get busted. Although, there are CCTVs at school, there is no footage showing that she did it. There are times when she got caught though, there is this one time she tried to steal some food from the cafeteria and her friends show her and at the end she gets determination.

But the worst day for us them is April fools. That is the day when Ms. Trickster and Mr. Troublemaker collaborate their plans to trick, prank and cause troble for the whole school. One time at April fools, Blaze and Leti tried to destroy the school, well not literally. Blaze poured milk and glue on the floor of every class in school and also painted all the walls with various colors. Leti on the other hand, move and change the position of very thing around. She move the tables to the school yard, turn some chairs upside down and spread papers all around. At the end, no one knows who did all that, except for Me, Sun and the two person, who did it all. Of course, me and Sun scolds the two knuckleheads, but they beg us not to tell anyone and as good sister and brother, we didn't, instead we cover every track of them ever doing the mess. Such good siblings we are...


After a long walk to school, the four children made it to school. "SUUNNNN!!!!! SUUUUNNNN!!!! You are my Sun shine!!!" Some fangirls of Sun, shouted from a distance, welcoming his arrival. But Sun grab his sibling's hands and drag them away.

"Sun! Where are we going?" Lucy asked, while still being pulled by her big brother. "Far away from those fangirls!" The brown haired boy exclaim. Blaze and Leti, then gets excited, when they get the same idea. "Hey, can we prank them after school?" They both asked. Sun stop his running and look at his two younger siblings with a scary smile. "Go ahead, with great pleasure." He said, then the three have an evil laugh, while the other sister tear drops. "Why do I feel that Sun is getting contaminated by the Troublemakers?" Lucy asked her self.

After awhile, they made it to the other side of the school and jump into the window of the janitor's office. "See ya after school" Leti said as she left the room, followed by her siblings.

To Be Continued