
Potential and Opportunities


Satay spun, heaving 3 kicks into Lee's gloves, making him slide slightly.

"Good job, 25 laps, after that I think we'll be done for today." Lee said, undoing his mana.

Satay landed with a nod and made for the running path. The dust kicked up as he made his rounds, seen as nothing but a blur by his classmates.

In awe of his ability, they almost didn't notice Lee clearing his throat.

"Before we end class, I'll have each of you long jump to my clone, as far as you can." Lee said a clone came into existence yards away.

The students lined up mana ablaze, waiting for the signal. Lee motioned for the first in line to go, and they took off with all their might to Lee's clone. With a thud, Lee signaled his clone to call the distance.

"16ft!" it said.

"Good go wait by the track, next!" Lee called, as another student nervously walked up, psyching themselves up. Lee marked where the last student jumped, with a conjured nail.

Satay finished lap 10 as he looked at the hopping students seeing their motivation with each participant.



18 1/2ft!



19 1/2ft!

Lee marked every student's jump individually, eager to see who would break the threshold.

Satay couldn't help but feed off their momentum. He accelerated to effectively break the 20 lap mark, so he could see the student's efforts.

Only 4 students remained. The next was a girl rather petite and small. She had ginger locks and caramel eyes.

The girl took a deep breath and took a running start to Lee. On her approach, she flailed out her arms after her jump. Most expected her to get between 16 and 18 feet, but she broke those marks.

Hitting the mark over 20 she kept going, and going, and going...

She finally descended down, only to lose her footing.

Unable to stop herself she rolled, her mana taking the blows.

Coming to a sudden stop, she thought she hit a wall. It was merely Lee's clone.


The class cheered and bellowed enough for the room to echo.

The Lee clone helped set the girl back. "Good job Ms.Elise, take a rest at the track." he said.

Elise shakily balanced herself before she ceased her mana's flow. She was met with claps and nods of approval. A smile crept on her face and Elise marched full of confidence.

"Alright next!" Lee called. Only two students remained.

Would they too exceed expectations?




The last two students hung their heads in disappointment as they joined the line-up.

Having since finished his laps Satay started a conversation with Elise, as soon as she completed her jump.

"I mean it must be nothing compared to what you and Lee can do." she said Sheepishly.

"Don't undercut yourself, you've got the most potent mana among the freshman." Satay said.

Elise cast her eyes downward, unable to contain her smile.

Seeing her full of confidence Satay almost didn't notice Mr.Lee calling the class to attention.

"Now as you've seen yourselves the extent of what your mana can do for you in your current states. I want no one dumping down on themselves over today. I just wanted you to get a feel for where you're at mana-wise.

I myself have a sturdy body and mana to match. Both took time and training. I'm sure Pandesal has told you as much in his classes, mana must be trained like the body to become a powerful shield. " Lee explained flexing both his arms.

Despite not having mana Satay understood this premise thanks to his previous studies.

Elise did the best in the class, but she's the smallest among the group even compared to shorter girls and boys. Even though she was physically lacking her mana more than made up for it to boost her physical abilities to an athlete's heights.

"Of course you'll find inconsistencies. Some of you probably could've made those marks without mana, give or a take a few feet. If your mana is lacking then it'll do the minimum to your physical abilities and make poor protection.

One strength can improve on another, but I think it's important to have both." Lee said letting out a brush of mana that hued his veins. Half the class looked back at Elise, as they fixated on her frame and yet knew she had harrowing potential.

"Set some goals for yourselves, by the end of the semester you could be as fit as your seniors. Who average 30ft mind you, the minimum for passing their class. " Lee said startling the class.

"I should warn you though I've been considering raising the standards, and I see great potential among you. Class dismissed, have a great lunch." Lee said as he furrowed his mustache with a salute goodbye.

"Sir!" they all called out and filed out of the room.

"Elise that was amazing do you practice everyday?" a girl said approaching Elise and begun to walk with her and Satay.

"I mean I don't know about everyday." Elise shyly said, as her cheeks reddened.

"Looked like it to me, you could probably keep up with me running soon." Satay cheered.

"No way, we've seen you run. It would take years for me to catch up." Elise said, with a frown.

All three of them laughed as they approached the lunch hall.

Couldn't post any chapters for a while due to college work. Hopefully, I can get my flow back from here on.

Hase0creators' thoughts