
A lesson in Perception

Satay and Andy faced off with Roach on opposite sides. Roach pulled out 3 cards from each pocket and threw them like darts into the air.

One poof after another, an oversized roach came into being slightly smaller than the two guards at Roach's side. He tossed out more cards filling the ring with bugs to form his swarm.

"How do ya like this!? I've got the brains, the units, and the supply to use them in ways no one else can. Go Get Em!!!" Roach commanded, pointing to Andy and Satay.

The bugs converged on the boy duo, overlapping each other, showing no signs of stopping.

Roach threw his head upward in triumphant laughter, the creatures covering his view of his enemies.

"HAHAHA-AAAAGH!" Roach's laughter was cut short, as a roach whizzed around his side, colliding with the gym wall.




Batches of roaches were being flung past his rear sides, as he could only look in confusion and terror.

Satay kicked one roach into another sending them both out of the ring. Then he punched another to the side and jumped to roundhouse kick more to make them poof away the moment they were in the air floating.

Andy weaved a string from pinkies to thumbs and flung them down like a wire trap. A trail of electricity formed on the strings, electrocuting every roach caught in its path. The conjures fell on their backs with a twitch and poofed out of existence.

Satay looked back at Andy and nodded in approval.

"Way to go Andy!" he said, proceeding to move toward another roach.

Andy sheepishly rubbed his head. "(I was actually trying to aim at him.)" Andy thought avidly, getting a view of Roach.

Students walked in just in time to see Satay land 2 more roaches on the ground. Initially disturbed by the giant insects, they got their wits to see Satay and Andy fighting them ahead.

Take a look at this.

It's Satay, let's go see it!

Ew, what's with all these bugs!?

Roach looked in the corner of his eye, annoyed at the sudden audience. Satay and Andy were approaching close to his boss roaches. Contrary to their size, they weren't that much stronger than the horde, their purpose was a scare tactic for the most part.

He threw out more cards summoning more roaches, to increase the gap. "Can't let them get near me!" Roach said, tossing 3 more cards while intensely holding another batch at the ready.

He could barely keep up with the constant mowing of his swarm.

As Satay punched a roach in its face, Andy threw a fireball to intercept another. It screeched as it was set on fire and fell on its side trying to roll, only to poof away.

Another drifted above the horde and landed heavily next to Roach.

With a squelch, he landed on his rear and nearly dropped his cards. Nearing to his end of the ring Andy and Satay would pummel or blast a roach to the side.

"Careful now Mr.Roach, you'll be overwhelmed before you know it!" Mr.Lee said watching the flow of the battle from below. Neither side disappointed him, and should things hit an extreme he'll end the fight.

Roach grunted in response and looked in shock as currents of electricity made the majority of roaches vault. He looked ahead to see Andy smirking and Satay standing next to him evilly grinning.

In Satay's hand were bundles of string held over his conjures like a net and his whole body was simmering from head to toe.

"How many volts was that!?" Roach thought, he could swear he was imagining things. He looked to the left and right and found his front line non-existent. Only his bigger Roaches remained.

He shook himself and quickly stood up. "GET EM BOYS!" Roach commanded the two giant roaches at his side to go into battle.

The pair scurried to their targets and made to tackle them out the ring.

"Andy I"ll take one you take the other." Satay said before jumping to meet one Roach head-on. He suddenly leaped over it and grabbed its abdomen and lifted.

The conjure struggled to break free of Satay's grip, squirming as it faced the ceiling.

With a grunt, Satay shifted his weight and swung the creature down to the ring floor kicking up dust and debris in the process.

Andy raised a hand whilst gripping his wrist with the other. String immediately wrapped the other roach and tied it down.

As it struggled against the string, Andy formed a sphere of fire in his hands and kept building it. As the roach looked down it struggled more to escape the threads but to no avail.

Andy hastened his spell and focused on building the fireball to grow while keeping his aim straight. It was from being the size of a baseball to a basketball.

With a deep breath, Andy propelled the fireball to the Roach with a mighty roar like a cannon.


The roach could do no more, as its head became nothing but amassed flames and its body was lit like gas. It hardly fell to the floor with a twitch before finally poofing away.

Satay's target too twitched one last time before ceasing.

The pair raised fists in victory before looking to the other side of the ring.

Mitchell Roach was nowhere to be found. At least to observers.

Where'd he go?

Good riddance no more bugs.

He was just here.

Mr.Lee looked all over the ring, but could not find one trace of Roach.

But of course, Mit Roach was still in the ring at this very moment. Growling, and scowling at the duo for their feats.

"They think they can get away with making me use my invisibility in front of a teacher!? I say not! When I get over there this is over!" Roach thought as he slowly walked to Satay who was approached by Andy.

"Did he run?" he asked.

Satay looked to the end of the ring and knew the answer right away. He nudged Andy and pointed at the ensuing shadow that had no business being there.

Andy nodded and extended a string from his finger to the shadow. This startled Roach and before he could react the string wrapped around him.

He was electrocuted, which undid his spell, and made him collapse.


Roach angrily sat back up, fuming.

"How do you keep finding me!?" he shouted.

Andy snickered, while Satay shook his head in disappointment. They walked over to the portly boy, as the spectators looked with confusion at what just happened.

He could only glare at the ground as they stood, towering over him. Andy couldn't contain his grain as he kept the strings over his arms.

"Genius does not mean, perceptive." Satay stated staring right at Roach's head, who was still refusing to look at them.

"You kept wondering how did we find you, here's the secret. Your "invisibility" is flawed." Satay said, making Roach perk up curiously.

"You're not actually making yourself invisible. You're using conjuring magic to pan an invisible layer of skin over your whole body. It makes you invisible from the ground up, however. In conjuring this spell it means the layer has its own substance and it leaves a shadow." Satay explained, making Roach drop his jaw.

All the spectators heard these words and looked at Satay with laudation. Then they looked to Roach with suspicion. Lee furled his mustache.

"Do you get it now? You won't be able to use that to its full potential unless you work on it. Once someone knows that weakness, that spell is useless, Roach." Satay finished, making Roach shrink as he broke out in a sweat.

"I can't believe this! And it's Mit!" he retorted.

Andy laughed and put on a toothy grin. "(Yep I'm totally following all of this.)" he thought.

"Looks like it's over! Satay and Andy win it! Good hustle Mr.Roach, but you may want to recover more mana first next time. Wait till the staff hears about your skills!" Lee said, boldly.

Roach nearly choked, as he desperately looked at Lee, hoping to dissuade him. But nothing he said he reached him as the gym filled with applause and cheers for Satay.

Satay sheepishly smiled at the crowd, while Andy put an arm over him, and gave him a thumbs up.

Andy had let go of Roach at this point, of course. He could only stare at the floor in defeat.

Decent fight?

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